Doom: Dark Ages new info from Quakecon


Has Man Musk
  • World is much more open than previous games
  • Three melee weapons: Flail (collects ammunition), Mace, and Fists (creates chains of electricity)
  • The saw shield can be used to traverse the map
  • Saw Shield can be thrown at enemies
  • Less verticality than Doom Eternal; jumping is weightier and heavier now (comparable to Power Armor in FO4)
  • Glory Kill system has been reinvented
  • New weapons revealed; Double-barrel Plasma Ehotgun, Single-barrel shotgun
  • You can nail enemies to the wall with the Nail Gun
  • The giant mech can be used several times throughout the Campaign
  • The mech fights with its fists and a double cannon
  • Mech can perform Glory Kills and has a specialized HUD



Is it still Arena fight gameplay? Or more open like Doom 1 and 2?
Now i don't mind it since Doom Eternal is in my Top5 of shooters.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I cannot fucking wait for this game. It's good that they're expanding more horizontally instead of vertically.

A lot of people liked it, but the 'platforming' aspect was probably my least favorite part of Eternal. Doom 2016 was better for it's more streamlined approach.
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