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| DOOM Eternal OT | : Dragged Ripping & Tearing Into The New Decade!


i just took a walk around the Fortress of Doom. holy shit that place is gorgeous. there are a few areas that a very 80s Fantasy. look at this shot, this could be in a demonic Never Ending Story.


the aesthetics of this game are super pleasing to me. in many ways this is all i have ever wanted from a follow up to DOOM II. DOOM 3 was too gritty realistic for me. the early reboot versions had similar problems, they took themselves too seriously. it was going to be a lot more brown and grey for a while. that's not why i like DOOM.


original DOOM was colorful and had wild designs that really popped. the second game was even more colorful and fantastical than the first. 2016 went a long ways towards honoring the enemy designs of the original 2.5D games, but this one is full on balls to the wall 80s/90s Pulp Dark Fantasy/Metal. more than any game since DOOM II this really embraces the colorful, gorey, Evil Dead/Dead Alive cartoonish nature of the subject matter. despite being incredibly brutal and gorey and looking realistically rendered, it is not off-putting to me. and i'm a squeamish person that doesn't like horror movies. IMO that's because it is so beautifully stylized, because the game is designed to have this vivid cartoon like unreality to it. anyways this is my favorite after the first two. not only does it play well it looks the best out of all of them.


ps. i love "The Living End" magazine! that is one of my favorite levels of all time!
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Wow I'm trying really hard not to get pissed off right now. I just went to go finish my second playthrough and for some reason a glitch has caused my controls to be locked to the Default setting. I've been playing the whole game with the custom controller option and now it won't let me use any other control scheme besides default.

I've tried quitting/restarting the game, hard resetting my Xbox, choosing every control option in the menus and nothing works.

Right now I'm reinstalling the game hoping that will fix the glitch but if it doesn't I don't know if I'll keep playing. The default controls are shit in this game and I won't be able to play higher diffulty levels with them as they're just not conducive to the fast pace of the game.
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I decided to finally play Doom 2016... having fun. I'll buy Eternal after I finish the campaign.

One thing that is annoying is the way the trophies are broken up into expansions etc.


Finished the game on ultra violnce finally. For me the best shooter i have played in a long while.
Full of action and it runs smooth at 144 fps for me on ultra.
Of course it isnt flawless.
I could name a number of bad design decisions. But overall it is a great game without doubt. i just wished that they would release level editors like in the old doom games. Community maps would make this game truely eternal.
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earlier i was out in the streets next to some convention center blasting demons all over. damn i love this level design. going inside office buildings and stuff. it almost reminds me of Duke Nukem 3D at times.

goddamn when a fight starts it is such an adrenaline rush. this game is like freebasing all the Dio album covers at once.


I don't see myself finishing this one. Compared to 2016, Eternal kinda sucks. On the hardest difficulty in 2016, it felt challenging, but I knew when I died it was my own error. That also made it rewarding. Eternal just feels cheap and I wind up dying from the fucking awful terrain so damn much. Going to stop playing before I wind up with a fist sized hole in my monitor.
Beat it last night. I've avoided all media beforehand and this thread because I love Doom and didn't want to spoil anything for myself.

It's not that great of a game, as much as it sucks to say that. It's a huge step back from 2016. Oddly enough I think it has almost the same strengths/weaknesses that Doom going to Doom 2 had. It's got way more enemies and a better shotgun, but the level design is a step back and it often feels like they're just throwing excessive amounts of enemies/waves at you just because.

The art style was a bit hit or miss for me, some monsters looked great others looked kind of cartoonish (Cacodemon is a big offender). Also a minor gripe but it makes a big difference for me, the audio for glory killing a Cacodemon is stupid. Doom is awesome because it's so over the top violent and it gives such a great sense of brutality, so when you glory kill a Cacodemon and they use a cork sound effect for removing it's eye, it really kills the mood. It was kind of funny the first time, but it wore out it's welcome quick. Same with headshotting demons with the rifle.

The levels seemed needlessly long at points. I'm a busybody, I have a hard time sitting and playing a game for more than an hour. Doom 2016 was great, each mission was a perfect length. Doom Eternal had me having to take breaks during missions. I know that's more of a me problem than anything, but maybe scale back the encounters? As I said, it felt like they were just throwing shit at you repeatedly for whatever reason.

I found there were a lot of technical problems too. I definitely got stuck on the corners of objects multiple times and ended up dying as a result. Meanwhile some of the hit boxes on enemies (Archville prime example) were terrible. In conjunction with the rocket launcher occasionally not locking onto enemies, there were a few cheap deaths as a result. It would have been nice if they made the rocket launcher refocus it's lock-on if you hold steady on a target. Plenty of times I'm trying to lock on to an Archville or a Tyrant or some other large enemy but there's a small fodder enemy around them and it locks on to that instead. The hit box on the Archville as previously mentioned was pretty bad, I found you had to be perfectly centered for it to lock on, and even then it was hit or miss. When you've got a teleporting enemy like that which is also a bit of a bullet sponge it's really frustrating when the mechanics of the game are preventing you from taking it down.

I don't know if other people had this problem (I'm playing on PS4) but did anyone else find the weapon wheel wouldn't open occasionally? Maybe it's because I was trying to change too quickly but I'd fire off a few rounds of something then try to quickly change to my super shotty only to find the wheel wasn't brought up and now I'm staring at the sky. Another annoyance.

Let me also say the Marauder is a terrible enemy. He's not hard to beat when you learn his pattern, but it's so stupid. I have to counter this guy 5-6 times to bring him down. Why so many? Jesus 3 would have been enough. It just becomes tedious. Most of the time I'm close to running out of shotgun ammo during our encounters and have to run away to go find something to chainsaw. He's a bulletsponge that only one weapon works on that you have to dance around and wait for attacks. It's time consuming and not a lot of fun whenever he shows up.

The platforming was a step back from 2016 too. I thought it was pretty spot on in the original and I think they tried to do too much. It's like they read internet comments and saw all the "Titanfall 2 had a better campaign!!!" comments and tried to one up them. First, TF2 was good but does anyone remember that campaign at all? It was like 5 hours, anyone who really believes TF2 was better than Doom should be ignored. Second, if you are going to attempt to add stuff like that into the game, can we at least make sure it's functions and is fun? The jumping was fine for the most part, although a few sections were dumb and the controls are too clunky for precision (unless you want to break out the jumping rune just to tackle a section, which is just interrupting gameflow with needless menuing). But swimming was god awful. Add in you have to swim around in toxic water that is damaging you every second and it becomes even more frustrating.

The bosses were good, but again, I think a bit too bulletspongey. 6 hits to kill the Khan Makyr and 2 rounds of Icon of Sin seemed a bit excessive. Considering while doing these boss encounters you have to run around and kill other things to get your ammo back. It would have been nice if they did what they did in 2016 where you are one on one with the boss and when you damage it you get ammo drops. I found the last few sections of the game annoying too when they throw so many super heavies your way but you don't have enough ammo to take them down, so you constantly have to run around trying to find some elusive fodder demons to get back in the fight.

Wasn't a big fan of the Fortress of Doom either. All it did was slow the campaign down. There are so many cutscenes in this game too and I have never been a cinematics guy. Which is why this was so confusing. Doom 2016 starts with Doomguy destroying a radio with Samuel trying to give you exposition and you just break the damn thing. It was a knowing wink to the older FPS players that who cares about the story, let's just go shoot some shit. They were so confident in this message/theory and it worked, we all got what we wanted. Why did they do a complete 180 with this game? It's like they had no idea what the fanbase wanted.

Maybe my mistake was playing on Nightmare, but it's Doom goddamn it and lower difficulties don't feel right. But the game was just annoying most of the time with almost every aspect. I tapped out on the Icon of Sin and used Sentinel Armor, I just wanted to game to be over with.

I will say the actual combat itself is top shelf. The meat hook is phenomenal and flying around the map to get some ammo with it but hooking then chainsawing is awesome. The movement is great, and I liked all the extra tools in combat. It's a lot to keep track of at first considering how fast the game is, but when you can successfully juggle your flame belch, grenades and super punches you have so much versatility in battles. I loved chucking grenades at a super heavy, then hooking across the map to a few fodder demons, flame belching them, then chainsawing/glory killing to get health/ammo/armor/blood punch back up, before diving back in. The tools they gave you to kick ass were amazing, it's just a shame there's technical problems holding them back from time to time.

And of course, huge shout out to Mick Gordon who really did a great job and packed it with heavy riffs to kill shit to. I think the music from Eternal was way better than 2016.

In the end, I think I have the same experience with Doom -> Doom Eternal as I did with Doom -> Doom 2. As a kid, Doom 2 wowed me with the shiny new coat of paint, but as I got older I found the actual campaign itself to have to many problems I just went back to Doom. I still play Doom to this day every few years and I only touched Doom 2 recently to get ready for Eternal. All the problems I had with it came flooding back and I remembered why I preferred OG instead. I don't think I'll ever elect to play Eternal over 2016 because there's just so many problems with it that ultimately drag the game down. 2016 was a 9/10, Eternal is a 6/10 (and that's a generous score in my opinion, it's only on the strength of the gunplay that I rate it so high, every other category it fails in). It went from something I thought I'd play repeatedly, get the platinum and probably buy on the Switch as well to take it with me, to something I'll probably sell when stores open up again. Maybe I'll platinum it because I am a giant idiot, I am undecided at this point. I suppose if there's nothing else to do.

Sorry for the long post, but yeah, there's literally nothing else to do right now. If you made it through this wall of text, thanks for reading and I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts (good or bad) as well.


I don't know if other people had this problem (I'm playing on PS4) but did anyone else find the weapon wheel wouldn't open occasionally? Maybe it's because I was trying to change too quickly but I'd fire off a few rounds of something then try to quickly change to my super shotty only to find the wheel wasn't brought up and now I'm staring at the sky. Another annoyance.

Not once I don't think, I'm nearing the end of my Nightmare playthrough, I went through HMP and UV before that. My biggest gripe with the weapon wheel is that it feels like it requires a longer stick throw to activate directional inputs, which was annoying for me to get used to at first because I was used to doing these quick little flicks in 2016, but I got used to it here.
Not once I don't think, I'm nearing the end of my Nightmare playthrough, I went through HMP and UV before that. My biggest gripe with the weapon wheel is that it feels like it requires a longer stick throw to activate directional inputs, which was annoying for me to get used to at first because I was used to doing these quick little flicks in 2016, but I got used to it here.

I had a bit of that as well. I had the wheel not opening a lot more though. I really think it has something to do with how quickly you are trying to switch weapons. If I fired off some rockets/BFG I'd try to switch to something else right away and that's usually when it wouldn't work. Game requires you to be fast in combat but that problem can screw you over really quickly


Gold Member
I don't know if other people had this problem (I'm playing on PS4) but did anyone else find the weapon wheel wouldn't open occasionally? Maybe it's because I was trying to change too quickly but I'd fire off a few rounds of something then try to quickly change to my super shotty only to find the wheel wasn't brought up and now I'm staring at the sky. Another annoyance.
I recently got the game on PC, and this is something I've had an issue with so far. I could switch weapons much faster and more consistently on DOOM[2016]. I played DOOM[2016] on a X1S gamepad(and KB/M of course), and I'm playing this on a Razer Wolverine Ultimate, so I wasn't sure if it was my finger positioning or the shoulder pad sensitivity, or like Nymphae mentioned it has more to do with the require length of "throw" with the analog stick.

I'm waiting to make more thorough commentary until I finish the game a couple times. Right off the bat I'll say I was a little worried about the colorful pinata of drops when you chainsaw, but they look beautiful in the actual game when you're playing. So far, I find the combat to be much better than the previous game. The environmental storytelling, or "atmosphere" of the game isn't as strong as DOOM[2016]. Gameplay and combat is the essence of DOOM, though. This is where I feel they've really hit it out of the ballpark on Eternal.

I went in knowing I would force myself to re-learn gamepad controls using the Razer Wolverine Ultimate. I was so hyped for the game that even before I could afford it I made a custom control scheme. This is the first time I've felt this pad has really justified it's price. I never touch the face buttons, only the 'Up' d-pad for weapon mod switch. It's been a steep learning curve, but I'll never go back for this game. My current scheme:
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Let me also say the Marauder is a terrible enemy. He's not hard to beat when you learn his pattern, but it's so stupid. I have to counter this guy 5-6 times to bring him down. Why so many? Jesus 3 would have been enough. It just becomes tedious. Most of the time I'm close to running out of shotgun ammo during our encounters and have to run away to go find something to chainsaw. He's a bulletsponge that only one weapon works on that you have to dance around and wait for attacks. It's time consuming
Sorry for the long post, but yeah, there's literally nothing else to do right now. If you made it through this wall of text, thanks for reading and I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts (good or bad) as well.

I agree with most of your post but this is the part that I feel the need to talk about . I love the concept of the Marauder , I relish enemies like him in games. They usually test your reflexes, knowledge of mechanics and decision making . You square up 1-on-1 and say " LET'S F*CKING GO!" . In this game tho , they completely ruin it by throwing in a bunch of other enemies in there with you . The first time you meet him , with that bad a$$ cutscene and everything , should've been an epic duel , BUT they decided to throw in imps and soldiers that you have to pay attention to and in ends up with Slayer running around like a little b*tch , looking for an opening like every other fight .

I disagree with him being a terrible enemy . He's amazing in my opinion . Before you fight him , they should give a check point and fatten you up , like most games, and say " Go ...open a can of certified buss a$$" .


Right now I'm reinstalling the game hoping that will fix the glitch but if it doesn't I don't know if I'll keep playing. The default controls are shit in this game and I won't be able to play higher diffulty levels with them as they're just not conducive to the fast pace of the game.

Bad news is the reinstallation did not work, so that was a waste of time. Good news is for aome reason starting another new game save file somehow fixed the glitch and now the custom control scheme is available again.

This is probably one of the weirdest glitches I've experienced in a while, bit I hope if anyone else ends up having the same problem now they'll know what seemingly solves it.


I really love how the slow motion on death Rune feels, makes me feel like Max Payne in this game ffs, I wish it was some sort of ability that could be activated instead of an on death perk. That would create all sorts of design issues I'm sure and make the game fairly easy, but goddamn it just feels really cool to have bullet-time here.


Gold Member
Nymphae Nymphae

I was messing around for a vid I'm making with a buddy of mine, and noticed if you use the Slow-mo Descent Rune and catch it a split-second before you land it has that type of effect...

I fucking love the aesthetics of this game. It's like a good LSD trip during Hell's invasion of Earth...



Lil’ Gobbie
just finished the game on nightmare. the only criticism I have is that the game gets too easy in later half so I had to avoid using BFG and red sword, aside from last boss fight. refilling your blood punch with glory kills is just too good when you have 2 of them.

hated the story but it can be skipped so no problem

movement and gameplay is incredible.

the people that didn't like this game just didn't take the time to learn it, or played it on console. this is the best game in the last +10 years
I agree with most of your post but this is the part that I feel the need to talk about . I love the concept of the Marauder , I relish enemies like him in games. They usually test your reflexes, knowledge of mechanics and decision making . You square up 1-on-1 and say " LET'S F*CKING GO!" . In this game tho , they completely ruin it by throwing in a bunch of other enemies in there with you . The first time you meet him , with that bad a$$ cutscene and everything , should've been an epic duel , BUT they decided to throw in imps and soldiers that you have to pay attention to and in ends up with Slayer running around like a little b*tch , looking for an opening like every other fight .

I disagree with him being a terrible enemy . He's amazing in my opinion . Before you fight him , they should give a check point and fatten you up , like most games, and say " Go ...open a can of certified buss a$$" .

That's fair and I think you are probably right, I am being over negative. I think my main issue was he is extremely tanky and it takes way too much damage to bring him down. I stun him with the shotty, then nade at his feet while he's stunned so he can't block it and shoot him again when he's unstunned. It would still take me 5-6 counters for me to take him down. I feel like 6-8 shots would have been enough, 10-12 is just overkill.

Also I read somewhere if you do all the slayer gates there's more marauders that appear? I guess I brought it upon myself.

He's fun the first few times because figuring out his attack pattern and how to counter was interesting, but once I got it down it just became tedious anytime he appeared.
just finished the game on nightmare. the only criticism I have is that the game gets too easy in later half so I had to avoid using BFG and red sword, aside from last boss fight. refilling your blood punch with glory kills is just too good when you have 2 of them.

hated the story but it can be skipped so no problem

movement and gameplay is incredible.

the people that didn't like this game just didn't take the time to learn it, or played it on console. this is the best game in the last +10 years

Console wouldn't have addressed the game design flaws. Most of what held the game down for me was choices they made which detracted from the overall experience


Just a PSA DOOM 1-3 are half off on Xbox and basically half off on PS4. Just got all 3 for a tenner because why not. Gonna have more shit to play when I eventually need a break from replaying Eternal.

Edit: DOOM 4 is also $10/$8 on X1/PS4 respectively.

Gonna be a lot of DOOM while stuck at home on the weekends.

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Neighbours from Hell
I decided to push through and finish it, and the platforming elements end up getting better as you go along. It was a good game. Doom games still are not my ideal type of FPS titles, but for the style that it is, if you like that, I don't think any do it better. I was impressed by how I had absolutely zero slowdown or lag on my Pro and especially in later chapters so many enemies are thrown on the screen at once with so much crap going on at once.

I found myself Using the shotguns, Plasma Rifle, or Rocket launcher like 90% of the time. I used the machine gun to snipe parts off certain demons, but I really only used the other weapons for boss battles. Maybe I should have diversified more, but I stuck with what worked for me.

The Marauders were annoying. The only enemies I didn't find fun to fight at all. They were just poorly designed and it took away from the pacing of the game to fight them. It turned high octane action into a cat and mouse game.
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They were so confident in this message/theory and it worked, we all got what we wanted. Why did they do a complete 180 with this game? It's like they had no idea what the fanbase wanted.
Story being there wasn't the problem.
The problem is that it made no sense and it was a incoherent jumbled mess.
It would introduce all sorts random of characters out of nowhere.
Khan Maykr, Maykrs, priests, sentinels and sentinel knights, some random King Novik character sitting on the trone - which for some reason the doom guy bows the knee for, talking some bullshit about sentinels and the covenant and "they are not your people to save".

And then you meet some other old doomguy who rambles on about some bullshit about "it's time for your people to give penance" or some other load of horseshit. Who in their right mind thought this is a good idea?


Why are there 4 people working (or at least credited) for story in a fucking Doom game?
Whoever is responsible for writing in this game should be fired.


Story being there wasn't the problem.
The problem is that it made no sense and it was a incoherent jumbled mess.
It would introduce all sorts random of characters out of nowhere.
Khan Maykr, Maykrs, priests, sentinels and sentinel knights, some random King Novik character sitting on the trone - which for some reason the doom guy bows the knee for, talking some bullshit about sentinels and the covenant and "they are not your people to save".

And then you meet some other old doomguy who rambles on about some bullshit about "it's time for your people to give penance" or some other load of horseshit. Who in their right mind thought this is a good idea?


Why are there 4 people working (or at least credited) for story in a fucking Doom game?
Whoever is responsible for writing in this game should be fired.
It makes perfect sense, what are you talking about? It also explains some of the plot elements introduced in 2016 (Vega, Hayden, Crucible, Argent Energy) while also leaving room for a sequel. Maykrs, Sentinels, King Novik are all explained in the game.
The only thing that isn't described is the time-skip between 2016 to Eternal which I guess is left for the DLC.
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I'm a neanderthal who loved the 2016 Doom multiplayer. Battle mode is clever and can be exciting, but last night a friend and I - and my friend has never even played the campaign, - just steamrolled everyone we met on PS4 as revenant and Marauder.

Battle mode being fun is heavily contingent on the Slayer being able to put up a good fight. Without any kind of skill based matchmaking, I don't see how battle mode can provide that challenge consistently to two coordinated demons.

I would have much preferred another take on the Doom 2016 multiplayer. It's a shame everyone hated it.


It makes perfect sense, what are you talking about? It also explains some of the plot elements introduced in 2016 (Vega, Hayden, Crucible, Argent Energy) while also leaving room for a sequel. Maykrs, Sentinels, King Novik are all explained in the game.
The only thing that isn't described is the time-skip between 2016 to Eternal which I guess is left for the DLC.
Are all explained in the game, or explained in the codex segments that you have to go out of your way to read to make any sense of the random cutscenes with random characters who talk random shit when they appear out of nowhere?

Game refers to Khan Maykr and throws all sort of other bullshit lore at you right from the start - as if you know or care than any of this shit is, it's like jumping into a third episode of seventh season of some generic long running Sci-fi show filled with stupid trivia.

Video games are not usually known for their top notch writting, but this honestly takes the cake in terms of how incoherent and jumbled it is.
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Are all explained in the game, or explained in the codex segments that you have to go out of your way to read to make any sense of the random cutscenes with random characters who talk random shit when they appear out of nowhere?

Game refers to Khan Maykr and all sort of other bullshit lore right from the start - as if you know or care than any of this shit is, it's like jumping into a third episode of seventh season of some generic long running Sci-fi show filled with stupid trivia.

Video games are not usually known for their top notch writting, but this honestly takes cake in terms of how incoherent and jumbled it is.
Because if everything was explained inside the main game than people would complain why there's a story in their DOOM game. Even with how sparse it is there are still people complaining. If you don't read anything in the codex than the story than is vague, but you can still get it. Weird angel-like aliens need demons to make energy. DoomSlayer part of an organization called night sentinels. They got betrayed. Big red sword used for slashy big demons. go kill.
If you read the codexes than you understand why the Makyrs need Argent, how it is made, why the doomslayer is part of the Sentinels and why he's so revered. Why there's a dormant Khan in a pool that no one ever talks about. And why Hayden has been playing 4D chess with you all along.
There's very few plot points that the game doesn't go into probably as a sequel bait.


Because if everything was explained inside the main game than people would complain why there's a story in their DOOM game. Even with how sparse it is there are still people complaining. If you don't read anything in the codex than the story than is vague, but you can still get it. Weird angel-like aliens need demons to make energy. DoomSlayer part of an organization called night sentinels. They got betrayed. Big red sword used for slashy big demons. go kill.
If you read the codexes than you understand why the Makyrs need Argent, how it is made, why the doomslayer is part of the Sentinels and why he's so revered. Why there's a dormant Khan in a pool that no one ever talks about. And why Hayden has been playing 4D chess with you all along.
There's very few plot points that the game doesn't go into probably as a sequel bait.
Wait, wait, wait, are you telling me that people want random nonsensical cutscenes with random characters that appear out of nowhere that only make sense vaguely if you pause the game and read a shitty Starwars fanfic filled up with made up obscure nouns and random bullshit and takes itself way too seriously?

I'm not gonna pause a Doom game, to read a shitty fanfic written by a smelly Starwars nerd. What is this bullshit.
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The story even after the codex crap is still utter fucking garbage.

You know what one of the best cut scenes in Doom 2016? When Doom guy smashes the screen during the Hayden speech setting up it's story. And what story there was especially about Doom guy was delivered by vague exposition in a cool demon voice.

ID were self aware enough back then to realise that people didn't need a story in a Doom game, or at least nothing that went beyond the original shareware two paragraph story in the readme.txt file.


Wait, wait, wait, are you telling me that people want random nonsensical cutscenes with random characters that appear out of nowhere that only make sense vaguely if you pause the game and read a shitty Starwars fanfic filled up with made up obscure nouns and random bullshit and takes itself way too seriously?

I'm not gonna pause a Doom game, to read a shitty fanfic written by a smelly Starwars nerd. What is this bullshit.
I've already told you that the main plot points can be understood by just playing the game without opening the codex. Which I'm sure you know if you've actually finished it. If you want to hate on the fact that the game finally has a story which makes for a more diverse setting, that's fine. Do so. But do it without being disingenuous.


The story really didn't bother me much here because it's all skippable and even when you do watch it it's not really all that dragged out. Most of it is in the codex entries which you don't have to read. Personally I read through all of it on my second playthrough and found it mildly interesting, but i agree it's completely non-essential in this franchise, and I would have welcomed an even harder push towards the 2016 "story? What fucking story" vibe.


The story even after the codex crap is still utter fucking garbage.

You know what one of the best cut scenes in Doom 2016? When Doom guy smashes the screen during the Hayden speech setting up it's story. And what story there was especially about Doom guy was delivered by vague exposition in a cool demon voice.

ID were self aware enough back then to realise that people didn't need a story in a Doom game, or at least nothing that went beyond the original shareware two paragraph story in the readme.txt file.
That isn't the reason Doomguy broke the screen in DOOM 4, just because it was trying to tell the story, he did it because Hayden was justifying his hellish experiments and how they benefit the mankind even though he released a major alien invasion and killed everybody. It clearly showed what Doomguy thought about working with any kind of "hell" technology, that is why he also broke the filters instead of removing them as Hayden told him, not because he is a clumsy idiot like most thing, but because he wouldn't allow anyone to use that tech.

to help you jog your memory:
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I've already told you that the main plot points can be understood by just playing the game without opening the codex. Which I'm sure you know if you've actually finished it. If you want to hate on the fact that the game finally has a story which makes for a more diverse setting, that's fine. Do so. But do it without being disingenuous.
You accuse me of being disingenuous, yet you completely dodged the question!

The problem isn't that Doom has a story, the problem is that now it's been degraded to a shitty self-congratulatory incoherent Starwars fanfic - with bunch of cutscenes that make absolutely no sense.

Who is the King Norvik character the doomslayer bows the knee to? What's this knights and castles Harry Potter bullshit? The moment he is introduced in the game, you have no fucking clue who he is and what the fuck is he rambling about. Same with some random older doom guy you run into who spouts nonsence. He just appears out of nowhere and talks bullshit. The game keeps refering to Khan Makyr multiple times before you have slightest clue what it is - and neither do you even care, because you can literally smell the influence of an unshowered Starwars/Comic book nerd (probably Hugo Martin) who has gotten his dirty greasy hands on this game, and that is so fucking disgusting.

It just degrades the experience significantly, just like the rainbow colored ammo dropouts, and the rainbow colored UI.
Doom 2016 had a story, it was free of bullshit.
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That isn't the reason Doomguy broke the screen in DOOM 4, just because it was trying to tell the story, he did it because Hayden was justifying his hellish experiments and how they benefit the mankind even though he released a major alien invasion and killed everybody. It clearly showed what Doomguy thought about working with any kind of "hell" technology, that is why he also broke the filters instead of removing them as Hayden told him, not because he is a clumsy idiot like most thing, but because he wouldn't allow anyone to use that tech.

While this is true, I think they went for something different with this game, and the reactions people are having to it are telling.

Of their ideas, very few had much to do with heavy story à la BioShock or careful crouch cover mechanics as in Gears of War.

"The narrative only exists to make the player feel like a badass," Martin said at the panel.

I feel this with 2016, and the Doomslayers actions. It had a "lets get on with it" vibe to me

It was time to move back to basics. Just because you can put hours of voice acting into your real-looking demon shooter, they discovered, doesn't mean you necessarily should. Dozens of ideas they had toyed with—letting the Doomguy talk, inserting more chatty characters—went out as production went on. Stratton insists he was uncompromising in this regard.

I like the instincts they had with 2016. Like I said, I'm not bothered by Eternal's narrative elements, but it seems like they leaned on it way heavier here for some reason, after having a lot of success with a more bare bones approach in 2016.


Yeah, you just said what me and RealGassy are saying, the story in Doom 4 was simple and straightforward, only two named characters in the whole game with a simple premise that demons = bad; Hayden = corporate bureaucrat; Olivia = bad lady. It is the best kind of story imo, you can fill in the gaps yourself about the rest of the world (there were those stories on those rune tables but I didn't care about them). The best stories are simple, for example Star Wars, it is just: white knight = good; black knight = bad; princess = must save; big bad dragon (Death Star) = must destroy.


Same with some random older doom guy you run into who spouts nonsence. He just appears out of nowhere and talks bullshit.
Because story threads don't have to immediately explain themselves. One of the lines is specifically made for you to become obvious later in the game when you have to kill the Icon of Sin. You can put 2 and 2 together if you want to. Or you can read the codex if you want a more detailed explanation which obviously you do but you actually don't.
The story isn't the most amazing thing ever put into media, but it's not "star wars fanfic tier" as you lke to exaggerate.
And if you want a simple story, that's fine. But you have to realize that at some point DOOM has to move past "We on mars, we kill demons." if you want them to keep churning out sequels that aren't just rehashes.
It just degrades the experience significantly, just like the rainbow colored ammo dropouts, and the rainbow colored UI.
[Hold R to Skip] may be your solution then. And the options that changes the "rainbow" UI/dropouts. Just saying.


It just degrades the experience significantly, just like the rainbow colored ammo dropouts, and the rainbow colored UI.

FWIW you can use different UI templates that use different colour schemes. I ended up going back to the default but the fact that they put some options in is nice I think.


Gold Member
Loving it. Amazing game.

Truth be told though, its a little too much for me. I'm a bit of an old fart now and it's so damn hectic.

I basically just run around squealing in high pitched voice, trying to remember what button I need to hit next. To that extent, the weapon wheel slow down is genuinely a game mechanic.


God f*cking damnit ..this is one of those games that make it difficult to Alt+Tab ...what is it with games and doing sh*t like this??
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