Hello DoomGAF! Doom has always been one of my favorite games and I think I play through the original as often as once every couple of months, however I've only recently gotten into non-official WADs. So far I've played Doom the Way ID Did (I prefer the original Doom to Doom 2 so this seemed like a natural choice) and right now I'm playing Scythe and Speed of Doom.
Now, everything is great with Scythe (I'm on Map 26 and I've liked pretty much every map so far) but with Speed of Doom, I'm finding that a lot of the levels rely on traps that are just downright silly ("here's five archvilles in a tiny room with no cover!"). It reminds me a lot of some of the Plutonia maps, where it's essentially just an exercise in killing revenants that may or may not be respawned later.
It really got me wondering how people play through these maps, particularly in how they utilize saves. I've always played on UV (or, in the case of Doom's first three episodes, Nightmare) without mid-level saves and generally, if I die, I'll take the pistol start. Playing SoD has really made me wonder how many people are actually doing this though, especially considering how many levels are just one increasingly unreasonable encounter after another. I remember the first time I tried to do E4M2 without knowing where any of the secrets were and thinking that it might actually be impossible to do this consistently on UV.
So my question to you guys is, assuming you're playing on UV, do you save midlevel, or are you more likely to pack it up and play something else when you find things have gotten unfair?