The latest version of sunder should be at idgames.
Now after yesterday's experience I have learned quite a lot about Slaughterish encounters and all sorts of DOOMed fights.
Fellow Doomers, I present to you.
One Doomer's quest to become good at Slaughtermap goodness.
Now I wanted to do this for a while and after seeing Dime go through a good bit of Sunder it really just clicked with me how much I wanted to gain those type of skills to manuever and win my way through the most seemingly hopeless encounters with 1000+ doom monsters.
- I am not using any tutorials or guides to slaughter maps (if such a thing exists anyway)
- Everything I have learned have been on my own or from watching KingDime's stream
- I am on my own pretty much
My end goals will be Sunder, and the slaughterfest wads.
I Started with a suggestion by J4rio who is a TNT World record holder and supposedly did UV-max of Sunder.
I started with Cybersky. A single map wad by Eternal.
Yesterday I found this has a near push of 2000 monsters within it's hellish walls.
From the first fight, it's a slaughtermap alright.
This is more or less the beginning area.
So to start you load up on a SSG then plenty of ammo and rockets, drop down to this room with 4 giant pillars, a multi switch pillar with 4 switches and a archvile on one side, after a while I realized I needed to open all of them at once rather than deal with one cyberdemon , plus rather than try to kill the Archvile I get the cybers to kill him for me. It's quite easy after a while.
hitting a switch off the side of the room opens those two walls letting both mobs out, which I try to use cyberdemons to take care of them at the same time try to wear them down, it kinda works, well all 4 cybers clear the room anyway. Before going down the giant hallway there's a huge mob that telports out of nowhere and swarms me, it's easy to again distract them too cause the cybers are constantly shooting rockets at me so that's about 6+ rockets I have to dodge, that easily go right into the mob in the hallway.
Sad part is that since at most I get a rocket launcher in this starting room, I have to take a good amount of time and take out each cyberdemon, there's no real shortcut to take them out, no BFG yet. One at a time.
that hallway leads to more or less the heart of the map, giant hellish hallway, and it's insanely covered in enemies. On either pit on each side there must be at least 100+ pinkies, takes about 4-5 BFG shots or a LOT of rockets to clear them. And I had to take out both towers of Revenants that were going to cause me trouble.
Right towards the center is a split way, with imps on both sides, behind them a mastermind and a cyberdemon, this was the sweet part cause then after clearing the imps, it was more or less easy to re-create Gotcha! and got the mastermind and cyberdemon fighting.
After that every encounter has been either containable or a living hell. More or less I made a good amount of progress.
I really think me and this slaughter map stuff really clicked.
I even got to work on certain things that I've seen Dime do such as the 2 BFG shot that kills cyberdemons.
Basically you wait til it shoots it's 3 rockets and run right to it with 2 BFG shots, I managed to get it once yesterday.
So yesterday I accomplished what seems to be fighting off multiple cyberdemons with BFG, puppet master tier of infighting which is a MUST for slaughter maps, and more or less closer to my goal.
That's about 1300 monsters with still 800 or so to go.
So after this single map, I might do another one or move on to either Hell Revealed, Scythe 1 and 2 or maybe Vanguard and Lunatic again.
I never thought it'd be in the slaughter community
here's the video of yesterdays game.
part 1
part 2
Also yes I did a lot of save scumming and reloading