and this is why the mute system is ass

. come on, the occasional call out IS dota
Indeed. And the Lifestealer on the other team agreed. He was like, "you're going to report him for calling you 'bitch' in a Dota match? Axe commended."
The default recommended items for Elder Titan suck terribly.
Dude has horrible mana problems, yet they recommend Power Treads instead of Arcanes.
I don't understand why they want me to build half the items on him that they recommend.
What are some good item builds for ET?
in other news:
How do you lose a decisive early game advantage? item choices.
I was Husk. They had at least a 4 tower advantage and were up maybe 24-10 kills? Enigma and Mag got pretty fast blinks and were controlling team fights. They had really good coordination with the torrent and boat too. Shit was bleak for about 30 minutes and I was maybe 1/4/2 at that point. Only now looking at the scoreboard did I realize (a) they had no sheep sticks in the works in an hour match against a Huskar and Lycan, (2) Enigma bought a Radiance instead of...anything else that would have actually helped, (3) the Sniper somehow got stuck on 25-minute farm, despite us never being in a position to stop them from farming in any way, (4) Kunkka tried to be cute with double crit instead of actually finishing a daed and getting a heart or something. (5) I'm okay with Mag having a BFury, but for ALL YOU HAVE after an hour is a blink and battlefury...something went terribly fucking wrong.
Bad item decisions turn comfortable wins into ugly losses.
For the last 30 minutes I terrorized their team fight positioning. When I saw them go mass Shadow Blade, I knew it would be safe for me to do the same, so several times I simply caught enigma and Mag napping waiting to jump in on the team and...well you know how Huskar with a BKB and crit does things. They lost every team fight
hard for the last 30 minutes of the game including a rather nice Huskar 4v1 in their base at the end. Those wombo combos they got early got killed in the womb later. NP seemed to be the only competent one, but even he started throwing himself at rax and T4's and dying repeatedly. It's like they concluded they had won the match at 30 minutes and simply stopped playing Dota. Oh well. I'll take it.
edit: also, Satanic is by far my favorite dps carry item in the game.