I have been playing with bots ever since I got my dota 2 invite. first at easy. then scaled up as I try to learn the game. Zeus was my first hero to give me a win against bots (easy).
I lost a lot afterwards (increasing difficulty) but learned from each defeat. then just the past 3-4 days been finally playing on unfair difficulty. I do not recall a win with Zeus, instead I got all my wins with Sniper or Shadow Fiend. Fond of Sniper atm.
Today I finally decided to take a gander at online. here are my results:

My first game online, 1st blood! Seems Sniper will be my mainstay for the time being. He is ridiculously easy to play with. Gonna try other heroes soon as I get comfortable with them vs bots.
Only got some questions.... is it all downhill from here and how do I upload my matches on youtube?
Ok this is what I have to say about this match
Early game:
-Harrasing enemies.
-2 last hits/3 deny by 2 mins
-Sometimes you give priority to deny creeps over last hits.
-Often overstimated your damage, missing some last hits.
-Sometimes autoattacked.
-Carefull with your position, Windrunner could have had easy stuns on you many times, one of those and she and Phantom Assasin would get half of your health in no time.
-Nice use of the Ultimate to get some kills.
-Why get Yasha instead of boots?
-Why the buyback?
-Some nice Kill Secures right there! :lol
-What where you trying to farm?
-Dat Bristle with 200> wins
-Not your fault but: What the hell with that trade. Your team traded a 3rd tier and rax for a enemy 3rd tier?
-In a couple of teamfights, the enemy Witch Doctor used his channeling ultimate, you didn't focus him, your ministun will stop his ultimate, next time focus him.
Good. Still need to learn a few things about positioning in fights, but good overall considering the enemy skill. Also, that bristleback carried your team