You could try this language option.
You know what I'm talking about
play on australian servers
95% guarantee no russians here
are they really that bad?
Infiltration's stream is so fucking funny right now
Infil's stream and Floe's stream before it are completely making up for Capcom's awfulness
Yes but we're still in the SEA players' zone and they're arguably on australian servers
95% guarantee no russians here
eh if you are playing at reasonable hours in america, you should miss most of the SEA internet cafe traffic
just buttloads of ping to worry about![]()
Just curious if russians are that bad, like whats the demographic? Is the only problem the language barrier?
like the problem with a lot SEA players, other than the language barrier, is they majority consist of bored & frustrated and sometimes very rude teenagers
He's actually got a surprisingly nice singing voice
He's getting so many follows lol
eh if you are playing at reasonable hours in america, you should miss most of the SEA internet cafe traffic
just buttloads of ping to worry about![]()
Just curious if russians are that bad, like whats the demographic? Is the only problem the language barrier?
like the problem with SEA players, other than the language barrier, is the majority consist of bored & frustrated and sometimes very rude teenagers
I can definitely see that becoming a thing, sadlyBasically here's the way I imagine it, from their perspective.
They get in a game with a cyrillic name, and happen to give up FB. Someone yells at them, everyone's at each other's throats, nobody is happy. I've seen this happen all the damn time. Back in early Dota 2 Beta when there were fewer servers, seeing Russians/people talking in some cyrillic language was common all the time, even on US servers. As more servers were added, that became less common at least for US servers, I don't think I have seen someone speaking in actual cyrillic text since 2012.
I can definitely see that becoming a thing, sadly
I find south americans more frustrating on USE. Especially since most of them understand and speak some english, but absolutely refuse to.
First of all, Dotabuff Reborn:
Secondly, from this match:
Youtube of the full play:
Haven't played P2, but from what I have seen of it, I agree with you.
Not speaking a certain language is fine honestly, you don't even have to understand English, but trying to communicate in your foreign language when it's obvious your teammates don't speak it is something else. Like are you intentionally trying to make everything harder for everyone? Use the chat wheel or use simple words like "wards, smoke, Roshan, push, back", and that's ignoring the fact that most of the time when they're typing in their language it's mostly flame, which doesn't exactly improve the way people feel about them.
just pick earthshaker
hello sir mid please gankeh if you are playing at reasonable hours in america, you should miss most of the SEA internet cafe traffic
just buttloads of ping to worry about![]()
Just curious if russians are that bad, like whats the demographic? Is the only problem the language barrier?
like the problem with SEA players, other than the language barrier, is the majority consist of bored & frustrated and sometimes very rude teenagers
There's also always bloodseeker if you really hate slark.
There's a lot of heroes who are good vs him. You enjoy playing AM, don't you? Slark does virtually nothing against him.Okay, I'm fucking convinced Slark is a broken piece of shit. He's in almost every fucking game, and if you don't have a team picked specifically to beat him, good luck. His ulti is on a 60 second CD, but it might as well be 10, because that's what it feels like.
There's a lot of heroes who are good vs him. You enjoy playing AM, don't you? Slark does virtually nothing against him.
-2 to all stats makes you squishier ?![]()
You ever seen Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby?
Remember that scene where he sticks the knife in his leg and they're like "Use this other knife to get it out?"
It frustrates me to deal with heroes that are basically all about picks and nothing else.
Well he makes AM squisher, while he can't easily kill him, he makes him have to play safer (meaning less farm), and he can't do as much. So he does kind of beat AM.
-1 * 2 times because you just blink after he pounces you and then he does jackshit because he's shit at chasing
or just manta and man mode him if he doesn't have his ult up
Relax. I managed to lose this one on a smurf yesterday (Leshrac):
That shit was depressing.
Most important against slark is either instant hard lockdown (either a good silence or a stun) so you can fuck him up before he can ult or purge
Or good AoE nukes and/or stuns (see ES, lina, enigma, magnus, tide, etc) so you can fuck him up after he ult'd, main issue is he may be able to purge these and I don't think you can see the precast on the purge, so you need to play it smart (except in the case of ES where you have 3 AoE stuns anyway)
edit : if he has his ult up then bait him by using manta then have allies ready to jump him from the woods for when he comes out of it. or just force his ult with manta then blink away and go back to farming
spectre is pretty shite against slark. no reliable escape (fuck using haunt to escape that's not reliable one bit) and really squishy until heart and/or manta.
you had it coming with that aghs pick up![]()
He can ult through zip, making the "always get Silencer with Orchid" strat fall flat. also if you force a Storm to get a BKB, you already made a huge dent in beating him. I still believe that BKB isn't a great item on Storm, and there are better options that do the same thing in conjunction with zips, AND provide further mana regen or functionality.well yeah picks/counterpicks is a very big part of dota dynamics/meta, deal with it
storm can deal with silencer, he may be more annoying in lane and shit, you just need to get your bkb earlier
yeah it's annoying but don't pretend storm isn't annoying either
orchid is probably a pretty good pick against him too, he can't do shit to you if he's silenced
Right, but when it is you can't touch him or his team. If he is smart he will hold it to keep you from doing anything.Ult won't always be up.