everybody is snake
Ask your friend to repeatedly play at his new mmr and see if he can maintain it. It goes both ways you know
I have the dumbest theory for MGSV that I want to post as a joke, but think there is a chance its true. Spoilered just in case.
What if the Snake we play in MGSV is actually Zero![]()
he will, it will be interesting to see what happens, but even so, 200 games at that mmr is no fluke I would say.
ill keep you posted if he plummets
I'm only halfway through season 3 but Korra is really mediocre so far compared to Last Airbender.
I'm only halfway through season 3 but Korra is really mediocre so far compared to Last Airbender.
is this "friend" you yarden?
So far season 3 looks promising but still not very convincing. Season 2 was just terrible though, this love triangle is one of the worst I've ever seen.Season 3 of Korra is prob the best of the Korra series. Season 4 is hot garbage tho.![]()
I never watched Season 4 cus I just wasn't interested. By contrast, I watched the entirety of TLA in one weekend cus I got so hooked.
The killing tv show plus dota plus mgs. Perfect trifecta don't need nothin else
-Codename Chick
Seasonal recalibrations would be cool. Full resets just screw everyone for a few weeks though.
i fucking owned this game and it was a 5100 average
just gotta believe in urself
serious note though: MMR resets would just fuck up the ladder. Either make it seasonal or dont reset it at all. The problem with seasonal resets is that since it takes so long for a player to get back to their regular mmr, it would just cause havoc in games as skill disparity becomes an issue for a very long time.
You are where you are at for a reason, just get better dawg
i fucking owned this game and it was a 5100 average
just gotta believe in urself
serious note though: MMR resets would just fuck up the ladder. Either make it seasonal or dont reset it at all. The problem with seasonal resets is that since it takes so long for a player to get back to their regular mmr, it would just cause havoc in games as skill disparity becomes an issue for a very long time.
You are where you are at for a reason, just get better dawg
I haven't spent enough time in ranked to be sure if it does. In unranked it unquestionably does. It's still rather problematic when it wants you to carry a team. There should be at least 2 other realistic candidates on either team, but that's not usually how it works out. It's often one or two people doing a bunch of work and three others coasting or feeding. I've been there, I've coasted some very easy ranked games where all I had to do was twiddle my thumbs, so everyone parroting their ridicule can shut the fuck up. Forever. Clearly the game doesn't give you only unwinnable circumstances.I wasn't feeding any conspiracy theory. Just making a point that being good isn't enough to win a game by solo carrying your team, even if you are by far the best player on both teams (and assuming you're playing scaling core).
I can't put down in words the frustration I felt, and still feel, when I lost that game.
But at the end of the day this is theoretically true. However, I don't know what info the MM algorithm uses to determine who you're paired with. It might not seem too far fetched to assume it considers win or lose streaks when forming the teams.
I'll accept resets only if we get end-of-season ranked rewards like Hat packs and HUD skins.
rip singsing stack, 8/2015 - 9/2015
serious note though: MMR resets would just fuck up the ladder. Either make it seasonal or dont reset it at all. The problem with seasonal resets is that since it takes so long for a player to get back to their regular mmr, it would just cause havoc in games as skill disparity becomes an issue for a very long time.
You are where you are at for a reason, just get better dawg
That doesn't make sense though, if their MMR is inflated it implies that they're not 'really' 8k MMR; if the games are lopsided it implies that they are actually that much would solve the problem of the constantly inflating mmr though, there is no reason for 8000mmr ,it only makes lopsided games
lotus orb against WW
I'll accept resets only if we get end-of-season ranked rewards like Hat packs and HUD skins.
man I wish I had an easy weekend coming up. fucking on call for 90 hours starting on Friday all the way through Monday. got work to do Saturday guaranteed for at least 6 hours. Another guaranteed 3 on Sunday. And lord knows that some drunken idiot is gonna hurt himself and require surgery on Monday FML
Congrats!Friend I'm getting married on Saturday
Set it up like League of Legends. No reason to reinvent the wheel at all. Tie hats to maximum MMR thresholds reached and make seasons with a definitive start and end date.
2k tier - Loading screen?
3k tier - Loading screen and set?
4k tier - Loading screen, set and courier
5k tier+ - Loading screen, set, courier, HUD skin
Friend I'm getting married on Saturday and I've worked every single day for 2 weeks with no actual day off (unless you consider Day 1 overnight shift, Day 2 "off" Day 3 morning/day shift to be a day off), and I'll be working overnight tonight waking up just in time for rehearsal shit.
#medicine lol
Regarding the MMR thing, if you play games fairly often on account, you will get where you should be. In yarden's friend's case he just did calibration games and stopped. I guarantee you if he kept playing, his MNR would most likely drop closer to his main account
Take it from someone that used to believe in the "trench": Your MMR is pretty close to accurate (as long as you play ranked games of course). Last night I had a match in Reborn (higher MMR variance there since fewer players) where I had a 4.5k safelane Storm, and there was a 4.5k on the other team. Both teams' average MMR was around 4.3k. The Storm bitched and complained about everything from minute zero. He wasn't happy with the supports on his lane, and kept saying " The game is already over, we lost "despite the fact that the game hadn't even hit the 5 minute mark.
We won. I told him to relax, and that we can win this game. I don't care of the offlane Pugna got a ton of free XP. Point is this was a 4.5k acting like this with the "trench" mentality. A fucking 4.5k! We all know that 4.5k is pretty well above average, so any argument of the "trench" really goes out the window.
If you have actually improved and your MMR should go up, then it will go up. You might have an occasional loss here and there, but the net MMR gain will still be positive. You don't necessarily have to pick a core role to do this either. Obviously playing a core role is easier to a lot of people than a higher level support, but it is totally doable on support.
lol @ this co caster on the esl saying that the best hc in the game is void and 2nd one is pa. where do they find these dumb asses?
Season 2 of the Killing is awful.
I am not convinced: if anything, your anecdote would tend to prove a different point. Indeed, with your game, the highest MMR on your team was a Storm picker who showed a behavior detrimental to the team and would call "gg wp next" before the 5 min mark, so this could very well be a Storm spam-picker who grinded MMR. I believe the most reasonable assumption is that MMR is not a reliable indicator of the general skill of a player, and should be considered as hero-dependent. This is my experience as a player: I got to 2.7K - 3K by spamming Lich, and when I tried to play other heroes, I went to 2.1K - 2.4K for a long time, before being able to climb back to 2.7K - 3K with a wider variety of heroes. I could have stayed 3K or even climbed higher and faster by spamming the same hero, let us say Slark or Support Riki. It all boils down to the player goal: do I want high MMR faster to boost my ego? Or do I want to learn how to play different heroes while having fun?
Also, I would like to point out that I am godlike when I play Pudge at 2.1 K - 2.2K, but people want to report me whenever I play Pudge at 3K. So if I keep spamming Pudge, then I will stay at 2.3 K for a long time before being able to climb up. However, if I keep spamming Riki, I will go beyond 3K. So what is "my" MMR?
Wuts their mmr?Friend I'm getting married on Saturday and I've worked every single day for 2 weeks with no actual day off (unless you consider Day 1 overnight shift, Day 2 "off" Day 3 morning/day shift to be a day off), and I'll be working overnight tonight waking up just in time for rehearsal shit.
#medicine lol