I'd love to try 5v5 Earthshaker out like from that one Flimsii video.Neutral Defense is pretty fun mode, Earthshaker echoes omgggg.
I'd love to try 5v5 Earthshaker out like from that one Flimsii video.Neutral Defense is pretty fun mode, Earthshaker echoes omgggg.
Steam Autumn/Winter Sale dates potential leaked/photoshopped
Now, I don't want to jump to any hasty conclusions over this, but I feel this totally confirms AutumnTide.
Steam Autumn/Winter Sale dates potential leaked/photoshopped
Now, I don't want to jump to any hasty conclusions over this, but I feel this totally confirms AutumnTide.
Those sales seem extremely close.
Steam Autumn/Winter Sale dates potential leaked/photoshopped
Now, I don't want to jump to any hasty conclusions over this, but I feel this totally confirms AutumnTide.
Did we ever come to a consensus as to the microphone to get at/around ~$30 from Amazon?
Did we ever come to a consensus as to the microphone to get at/around ~$30 from Amazon?
You get what you pay for with mics.
Gathering some people for the infection mode on the winter map. Got 4 so far~
edit: 9/10
Standard "all players same team, one player is the zombie" mode.What is infection? This served me fine until my guinea pig ate the cord.
Microphone, not headsetNot replacing my headphones
Microphone, not headsetNot replacing my headphones
World of Doto is okay I guess, it's like a standard Dota game with faaaaar slower XP, played about 20-25 minutes and was level 3 by the time the other team tapped out. Randomed a Visage and helped stomp my lane to death. That's the other thing... people ragequit like it's Doto 1.
I guess there's no questing system yet, so it's not quite World of Doto yet. Still an interesting change of pace, though I'm not sure if I'll check it out again before my Visage gets reset.
Late night and it still fills up in fucking seconds.latenight gaffer house, pw neogaf
Late night and it still fills up in fucking seconds.
COME ON MANLOL actually we decided to call it since it was getting late, my bad shoulda edited
ЯAW;88424915 said:What's with this guy? Why is it getting posted all the time now?
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Yeah what is up with that?
Can we please stop using that stupid emoticon?
I don't know, I didn't put it in the title. I'm guessing a ModBot function for the holidays.
So are there any chances that Meepo might get picked in professional matches now? I realize that he has the vision and stat sharing nerf, but having that second Meepo at 4 makes a huge difference. I could really see Meepo being a much more prominent solo safe, mid, or even off lane! Safe lane and mid were things before, but in a solo off lane he could get his XP to get 4 and set up gank with the other Meepo, or farm with it. Either way as long as the main one can stay in (the longer) XP range, he just becomes more and more of a problem for the other team.
Meepo just got a sidegrade if not a nerf. He is going to have to be really imba I think for team to actually pick him.
I have no idea. That's the first I've heard of it.Is the guy from yesterday doing the same okay?
Relishing the 1-game advantage, from the looks of it. Four Keen heroeswhat the hell is sigma doing with a sniper?
Relishing the 1-game advantage, from the looks of it. Four Keen heroes![]()
That's theorycrafting. When you play him he feels much stronger, even n0tail after reading the patch notes said he was worse but when he actually played it he was going on and on about how much fun the new net cast animation is and how you can dominate a lane with your ult at level 4.
109's patented carry CM is legit.