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Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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For those that are watching that replay, I should mention something (since you can't see team chat in replays). Part of the reason they blamed me was because I went for maxing laser, then March, and said I should max Laser then Missiles. I told them I disagree, since Laser Missile is a snowball build and you can always farm and get BoTs if you go Laser March, then have the pushing power you need.

Ehhhhhhhhh. If you're going March at all really, you max it first or last. First mainly if you're doing ancient stacks for money. Otherwise Laser + Rocket for ganks as your primary source of income to afford BoTs. Maxing March second I'd say is even a more snowball build since it requires you to be snowballing already (as in you have your BoTs or are going to have them sub-11 minutes) for it to make much sense. Only if they're pushing hard early would I get a fast point or two in march if I wasn't intending to farm ancient/jungle stacks.

*didn't watch the replay, just general opinion on Tinker builds*


Corporate Apologist
Every Hero can be support, Not every Hero can Carry.

Eh, a bunch of the "carrys" in the game have horrible scaling and are only considered carries because they can farm well (Like Nature Prophet and Doom), or are Agi (Like Mirana or Clnikz). Most heroes can do a pretty good job at carrying if they just build for right click damage.


But a lot of heroes are terrible supports. Just like any hero can be a carry, but a lot of them are bad carries.

Supports can't carry because of their lack of right click damage, carries can play support mostly because pretty much every hero can "support" the team in a way. As long as you buy support items, and support the team with spells (Void has Chrono) you can support.


Makes sense, the surprise just came out of the shock value of the support Void. It shouldn't work and it somehow did, even before he hit 6.

Top lane claimed they "won it" and AM was supposedly farming well, guess not. I would go back and look myself but Dota network is down.

Do you think it would have made a difference if I went Laser Missile instead of Laser March?

But a lot of heroes are terrible supports. Just like any hero can be a carry, but a lot of them are bad carries.

About the Void. You are a much more experienced player than I am, but I imagine with that team comp Void can make a very good support if played right. If the team is in trouble a well placed chrono could reset the fight in a similar way to naga song, and with a drow and a huskar, catching around 3 in the chrono essentially guarantees that they die once you get to midgame provided those two have any damage items. If his ult worked like it did in WC3 then it would be slightly better as you could try to stack as many bashes on the carry as possible to have them locked down even after the chrono. Obviously he would be mediocre until level 6 but smart play can get around that in pubs.
Supports can't carry because of their lack of right click damage, carries can play support mostly because pretty much every hero can "support" the team in a way. As long as you buy support items, and support the team with spells (Void has Chrono) you can support.
i disagree

i only play carry lich now and it works

Makes sense, the surprise just came out of the shock value of the support Void. It shouldn't work and it somehow did, even before he hit 6.

Top lane claimed they "won it" and AM was supposedly farming well, guess not. I would go back and look myself but Dota network is down.

Do you think it would have made a difference if I went Laser Missile instead of Laser March?

AM farmed alright at best. @ 10 minutes, he had 30cs. lol. But he did get 2 gift kills on Drow/Rubick, so they probably had an inflated sense of how well they were doing. 30cs on Anti-Mage in 10 minutes sucks, with respect. But...2 melee vs 2 range (AM + Ogre vs Drow + Rubick) is a tough road to hoe. They did good enough considering they got no ganks from mid or jungle. Despite having 3 early kills, his poor cs meant it still took him 17 minutes to get his BF done and even after that, it was another 14 minutes before he could finish his Manta. 31 minutes with nothing but a BF and a Manta won't cut it against a Zeus, Huskar and Drow with decent farm.

Again, the problem was the feeding of Zeus early. 5 Zeus kills in 10 minutes. That allowed him to deal more damage than he should be at 10 minutes (3 levels ahead of most of your team) and single-handedly buy time for Huskar and Drow to come online. That transitioned into Huskar being a problem since he was free-farming bottom, and Drow because she's Drow in a pub match. And again, no tanks to absorb their damage output.

Also, 33 minutes and all you have a travels, blink and soul ring. :3

Game was hard.

That Void was little more than a nuisance early game. He bounced around lane to lane and camped mid for a bit. He assisted in a kill or two, but was praying for timelock procs. If he had been a real support like CM they probably faceroll. He was a hinderance to their team more than a help. His chronos were okay but nothing special. Sitting on mid was all he needed to do, and it worked.


Dota 2 MLG Championship Bundle - $10
$2.50 of every purchase will go directly to the MLG Championship Columbus prize pool – players will compete for more than $50,000 in prizes
Deathbringer Courier, designed by T_vidotto (@tvidotto)
HUD, designed by Moerrrb
Ward, designed by Danidem (@TheDanidem) and animated by T_vidotto (@tvidotto)
Dota2 Battle Bonus through MLG Columbus
Only users that purchase the bundle will be eligible for in game item drops during MLG Columbus!


OOOO battle bonus too



don't play with my heart, is true??


Woo! Stoked to see both in. Very happy it's
Only 1.50 so it's affordable for those that like tusk, but I'm VERY disappointed in valve for ignoring the custom animations we made for the item, and not even an attempt at adding the particles. Oh well.


Ehhhhhhhhh. If you're going March at all really, you max it first or last. First mainly if you're doing ancient stacks for money. Otherwise Laser + Rocket for ganks as your primary source of income to afford BoTs. Maxing March second I'd say is even a more snowball build since it requires you to be snowballing already (as in you have your BoTs or are going to have them sub-11 minutes) for it to make much sense. Only if they're pushing hard early would I get a fast point or two in march if I wasn't intending to farm ancient/jungle stacks.

*didn't watch the replay, just general opinion on Tinker builds*

To add to this, you were scaling it "second" and didn't cast it until ten minutes into the game. Given the high amount of skirmishing that was going on, it would have been more advantageous to get rockets second. Not that I think this choice determined the match outcome.

That said, if we want to talk about terrible skill builds, what the hell is going on with Dark Seer? No points in Surge until almost eleven minutes in? Grabbing the ult right away?

People in glass houses etc...


Corporate Apologist
Woo! Stoked to see both in. Very happy it's
Only 1.50 so it's affordable for those that like tusk, but I'm VERY disappointed in valve for ignoring the custom animations we made for the item, and not even an attempt at adding the particles. Oh well.

Aw drats, half the reason I got it was because I thought it had those. Oh well, at least it was only $1.49.


Woo! Stoked to see both in. Very happy it's
Only 1.50 so it's affordable for those that like tusk, but I'm VERY disappointed in valve for ignoring the custom animations we made for the item, and not even an attempt at adding the particles. Oh well.

dat gimped $1 menu. I hope they patch it in - is possible?
pretty sweet. plan to go at least one of the days in Columbus. Will have to buy this as well

would be nice if they sent us a code or something. does seem dumb

Thats kinda dumb, why no free ticket???


The purchase of the 3 day general admission only states:

Once we’ve confirmed the info at check-in, you will receive a wristband that will give spectator access to the entire weekend. Keep your wristband with you at all times! If you lose it, you’ll need to purchase another one.

Doors Open at 2:00 PM on the Friday of the Competition. You can check in beginning at 10:30 AM. This pass gets you full access to the entire weekend, up until the end of tournament play on Sunday evening; watch all the games you like and participate in promotions, giveaways, contests and sponsor activities. Bring your favorite controller! There might be free play, and you’ll need it to participate. We’ll take care of everything else.

For more information on this event, head to http://pro.majorleaguegaming.com/

Your order number is XXXXXXXXXXX. Please review and retain all information for your records.

Order Summary:
MLG Championship Spectator Pass: Dota 2 - General Admission (1) @ $35.00 = $35.00
I have my doubts that they'll randomly include the in-game ticket. But maybe I can hit up their twitter and ask/beg, lol
But yea, I'll end up buying it if not.
As if the secret shop won't be taking my money as well.


I haven't tested them myself since I'm not home yet, it's only what I've heard from a friend, he may be wrong? Let me know if the load out anim changes for you guys when it's equipped. We're trying to ask if they can patch the extras in
Not a single game today without having non-English speaking Mexicans/Brazilians/Chileans on my goddamn team. This is a fucking game of communication, why is this acceptable, and why am I an insensitive racist for calling this shit out?




But the point is you contribute nothing other than buying wards and existing. You will have not-carry-level-farm, so you won't contribute anything useful to a teamfight other than mana voiding someone that runs out of mana. You certainly won't get to burn much of their mana in the first place though.
Support Anti-Mage, how would that work?

support AM...nope, I don't think that can work. Not that you can't buy support items, but you don't have anything to offer in a traditional laning phase.

Now with that said, support AM could roam just like support Void did. Max out the mana break first for high damage and go gank with a rubick or cm or some such.

It wouldn't be the most effective setup, but you could probably get a few kills.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I'm afraid to play Dota tonight. It has been three days since my last loss and I can tell I'm long overdue for a trip to the trench.
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