CBSmatt posts the future of
switch up your bookmarks

CBSmatt posts the future of
switch up your bookmarks
I wonder how UltraDavid and Yipes and James Chen would do at commentating Dota.
It's a nice set but they really should have done an Invoker set IMO.
Ice Breaker set by Bronto for Iceiceice
So much swag.
Love this anime style. Looks like they ripped it off a cartoon
I feel dumb for asking but I'm so tired I have no idea who top left is, who is he?
Thought it was Disruptor?
Pin he is wearing is the dead giveaway.
Pin he is wearing is the dead giveaway.
why is playing dota 2 during lunch/daytime such a horrible experience... takes forever to get a game and only russians.
Nearly $20k added to the MLG prizefund already.
MLG's goal is to build dota, not profit from this first tourney. Build brand recognition etcAnd that means nearly $60K for MLG/other benefactors. So the ticket sales are close to pulling a profit already (obviously covered the prize pool already but I have no idea how expensive it is to run the event.) This shows that the Dota 2 scene is well on it's way to being self-sustaining. Not there yet but within the next year or so.
Nearly $20k added to the MLG prizefund already.
Timezones are your friend
And that means nearly $60K for MLG/other benefactors. So the ticket sales are close to pulling a profit already (obviously covered the prize pool already but I have no idea how expensive it is to run the event.) This shows that the Dota 2 scene is well on it's way to being self-sustaining. Not there yet but within the next year or so.
So two hat patches in a row with hints towards the Spirits being added soon.
Put up or shut up, Volvo.
wat wat
what is this second hint you speak of
man, wasn't DK supposed to be the hot shit?
Remember when DK was unbeatable for that one week?
i think it's funny if you google "ongamers" the first result is cyborgmatts blog
I'm afraid to play Dota tonight. It has been three days since my last loss and I can tell I'm long overdue for a trip to the trench.
6.79 wrecked them. I think they were undefeated with the new lineup prior to the patch, but have been mediocre to bad since.
What is it in 6.79 that made them so crap?
RSS is coming, something broke so it's disabled for the moment. We will have the same setup that Giant Bomb runs:Why is there no RSS for ongamers? Or why am I so retarded that I cannot locate one. An answer to either which includes the RSS would be appreciated.
Its a great feeling when valve seems to set you up for failure with 3 peruvians and 1 guy without a mic, and you still stomp the other team in less than 25 mins
RSS is coming, something broke so it's disabled for the moment. We will have the same setup that Giant Bomb runs:
So does everyone still think that Riki got a huge buff in 6.79? I ask because I have rarely seen him played and in the last match we played I actually started thinking that on the whole, 6.79 made Riki less viable. With supports getting so much more money, it's easy to basically ward spam the entire map making him almost wholly useless.
might as well just go refresher force staff and run around and just get people really out of position like a badass invisible batrider
This could be pretty funny in all the shit tier pubs I play in with both teams sitting in mid for minutes at a time just staring at each other across the river waiting for nothing to happen.
lol I know exactly what you mean. And then people get mad if you dare to leave so you can get on with your farming.
GAF. How 2 play Sepecter? Is he a solo ganker? Tank man? Purple guy?