Bitmap Frogs
Mr. Community
No you search by password. kkk
1. click find a lobby
2. private lobbies
3. enter password: neogaf
Ya need fast fingers do
No you search by password. kkk
1. click find a lobby
2. private lobbies
3. enter password: neogaf
Ya need fast fingers do
I thought they were all running support Sniper from the tutorial.Why Valve chose to make him the second tutorial character is beyond me. Half the Sniper players are newbies who think they can 360 Noscope headshot in Dota and own but end up feeding
Allright, giving this a try:
Just created a lobby, pw neogaf
Just had a game where there was a sniper on our team that went 0/20/2, the game started off with him giving first blood to a drow 20 seconds before the match even started, and then he proceeded to die again to a tower while running ahead of the first creep wave. Needless to say we lost the game (I went 8/9/2 by the end I think) but I don't know if the dude was doing it intentionally.
He even ran off to die to the enemy middle tower while all the enemy heroes were taking our racks.
aaand it's dead
solo queue time
I thought they were all running support Sniper from the tutorial.
I feel bad for reporting someone when they just don't know how the game works, I guess "intentional" is sort of subjective here. Can you report someone after a match? I'd probably want to look at their profile first. It's not cut and dry like verbal abuse.You report that behavior under "Intentional feeding".
Sniper players are the Ken players of SFIV in 2009.
Whenever someone instapicks Sniper in AP, I die a little inside.
My Steam name is 'Dont.Fucking.Pick.Sniper' for a reason. Its bad enough that this character has a lot of weaknesses, but its worse because he appeals to idiotic mouthbreathers unlike any other hero I've seen.
Why Valve chose to make him the second tutorial character is beyond me. Half the Sniper players are newbies who think they can 360 Noscope headshot in Dota and own but end up feeding
MLG is the entire weekend of the 22-24. My team is going to it. We won't be able to play that weekend if that's the case.
Sniper is one of the easiest heroes to "learn" but one of the hardest to master. That is to say his skill set is very easy... he has an instant last hit animation, he has 2 passives, one active skill that you don't use that much and an ultimate that is really mostly used for kill "securing". So most of your time is spent right clicking on units.I think it's pretty safe to say this dude would've went 0-20 no matter which hero he picked. I thought all the heroes in the Limited pool are pretty straightforward?
Silly question I guess, but Is there any truth that there are accounts that are immune from being reported?
I'm watching a twitch stream of some dude and he reported someone for no apparent reason, and the dude who was getting reported found out and said he was going to counter report him (I assume for verbal abuse, since the guy streaming was a bit of a douche), and he said that he was immune from reporting, both typing it in the dota chat as well as to the twitch channel verbally.
I assume he was kidding, but just so we're clear, there aren't certain casters/players who get a free pass from being reported, are there?
well, sure.
Sniper is one of the easiest heroes to "learn" but one of the hardest to master. That is to say his skill set is very easy... he has an instant last hit animation, he has 2 passives, one active skill that you don't use that much and an ultimate that is really mostly used for kill "securing". So most of your time is spent right clicking on units.
The difficulty that new players have with Sniper is that your positioning and awareness has to be impeccable. You have to leverage his range to its maximum otherwise you are food for the other team. He's like top 5 easier heroes to kill... no escape mechanism, no hard disable, low health pool and slow movement speed.
Then unless something changes we won't be able to play.It's unfortunate, but there wasn't a weekend that everyone could make it to.
So he actually is the SF4 Ken of Dota
Is there a version of him that has more utility overall and another version that's just overwhelmingly cheap? Just to complete the analogy.
And how exactly does BKB work? It just prevents you from getting stunned or otherwise locked down?
Valve employees
It makes you immune to magic effects
...except the magic effects that go through magic immunity. Although there aren't many of those and you learn them pretty quickly
Valve employees
I don't know if they were legit valve employees but every once in a while someone will pull the I'm a valve employee card and things go silent.
Yes and no, there are exceptionsBut it has no effect on magical damage, right?
I'm thinking of starting a Dota Hat Making thread - wanna join me?Diagonal lines are stupidly hard to accomplish in zBrush, but I guess that's what happens when there's no tris.
Still pushing forward with my ES totem, but getting things just right is annoying.
Kind of frustrating since I have some other ideas kicking around, sketched out, but I really want to finish one thing and have it under my belt before moving on to different projects. Having a bunch of half-finished things isn't any good.
Ken is actually decent in SF4, Sniper is low tier trash in DOTA only good for pub stomping.So he actually is the SF4 Ken of Dota
Is there a version of him that has more utility overall and another version that's just overwhelmingly cheap? Just to complete the analogy.
And how exactly does BKB work? It just prevents you from getting stunned or otherwise locked down?
I'm thinking of starting a Dota Hat Making thread - wanna join me?
Yes and no, there are exceptions
I'm thinking of starting a Dota Hat Making thread - wanna join me?
What's a good way to not constantly get harassed as a melee hero early on in the lane? I usually do very poorly when I have to lane against two ranged heroes (damn you viper). Is Tango-ing constantly the only way?
What's a good way to not constantly get harassed as a melee hero early on in the lane? I usually do very poorly when I have to lane against two ranged heroes (damn you viper). Is Tango-ing constantly the only way?
What's a good way to not constantly get harassed as a melee hero early on in the lane? I usually do very poorly when I have to lane against two ranged heroes (damn you viper). Is Tango-ing constantly the only way?
What's a good way to not constantly get harassed as a melee hero early on in the lane? I usually do very poorly when I have to lane against two ranged heroes (damn you viper). Is Tango-ing constantly the only way?
I've grown to like the MLG hud, nice and simple
Adding Lina, Nature's Prophet, and cementing Sand King on my "heroes I don't enjoy playing" list. Lina just feels like Lion except mana starved and her stun is way harder to land. NP is just boring. And I can't put my finger on why I don't like playing SK but I just don't.
Yes and no, there are exceptions
I'm thinking of starting a Dota Hat Making thread - wanna join me?
Adding Lina, Nature's Prophet, and cementing Sand King on my "heroes I don't enjoy playing" list. Lina just feels like Lion except mana starved and her stun is way harder to land. NP is just boring. And I can't put my finger on why I don't like playing SK but I just don't.
There's a way to aggro the creeps to you so that the positioning is favorable for you. You right click on the hero near a creep and then immediately go back. This will aggro the creeps towards you so that the creeps are closer to you.Oh nevermind, I just looked up Death Prophet's ult and it does physical damage. I thought I'd be able to take out their super-farmed Death Prophet by BKB-ing, stunning, and throwing everything I had, but I still died very quickly.
What's a good way to not constantly get harassed as a melee hero early on in the lane? I usually do very poorly when I have to lane against two ranged heroes (damn you viper). Is Tango-ing constantly the only way?
Maybe? There are quite a few GAF members that make (or aspire to make) items. And people who find the process fascinating even if they can't or don't have interest in trying themselves.
Please do. And compile a bunch of tips and tutorials. I keep telling myself I will have a go and try but I'm scared and not good enough at 3D yet.
A thread might make me kick myself in gear!
There's a way to aggro the creeps to you so that the positioning is favorable for you. You right click on the hero near a creep and then immediately go back. This will aggro the creeps towards you so that the creeps are closer to you.
Of course, you shouldn't be doing it all the time but in certain situations it can help take some pressure off/get you some much needed last hits.I wouldn't do this. Agroing the creeps like that causes them to take free hits from your creeps while not doing any damage themselves. You'll cause your lane to push when you do this, making the situation even worse. It's really important to keep the creep wave as close to your tower, but not actually in range, as possible.
Thanks guys, this is really helpful.
Should I just get a stout shield by default if I know I'm up against ranged harass types in my lane, or should I wait and see if it becomes a problem?
Also, am I using the magic wand/stick correctly? The health/mana recovery always seems minuscule, even with a lot of charges. It is cheap I suppose.
Should I just get a stout shield by default if I know I'm up against ranged harass types in my lane, or should I wait and see if it becomes a problem?
Of course, you shouldn't be doing it all the time but in certain situations it can help take some pressure off/get you some much needed last hits.
On the note of wands, the recovery is more when you have more charges on it. At 15 charges the heal is substantial at low levels. The point of that item is that it gives you instant health and mana. So if you are in a team fight and you just don't have the mana for your crucial spell, pop a ward and you might just be able to land the killing blow/escape. It's probably the best item in the game.
Don't use the wand frequently. Save it for basically two situations:
a.)you just don't have enough mana for a spell that will change the teamfight. pop the wand
b.)You're about to die in a fight and/or you're running away and very close to death. pop the wand.
Magic Stick is, for the price, definitely the best item in the game. It probably seems boring to newer players, but it'll save your butt.
Yeah. I almost always grab a stout at the beginning of the game if I'm melee, even if I might not be up against a ranged. Better safe than sorry. There are some exceptions (melee supports, obviously, and some mid melee who are rushing bottle), but for the most part, grab a stout. It mitigates so much early on.
problem solved
"PIZZA SHAKEYS DELIVERY"Damn, The pinoy dota 1 casters right now are just as hype as the korean casters. I have no idea what the fuck i'm looking at but it's enjoyable!
Every time someone says this shit a little part of my brain rots
Not to play
A mode
They enjoy