These casters doesn't know how lethal a late game medusa is. Calling the gsme 60-40 with that much lead.
Na'vi taking home the gold once again.
Cast was definitely lacking. Mistakes throughout. LD was actually saying medusa had an aegis and selected her and assumed she lost it at some point but NS is the one that grabbed it like 5 minutes earlier...
Missed the DP game which seems like it was the best game. Will have to watch that one later.
Cast was definitely lacking. Mistakes throughout. LD was actually saying medusa had an aegis and selected her and assumed she lost it at some point but NS is the one that grabbed it like 5 minutes earlier...
Missed the DP game which seems like it was the best game. Will have to watch that one later.
And that completes my Sunday, good night GAF.
Also I updated my MLG prize pool tracker with an auto updating prize pool distribution table:
gotta say that wasnt a great series, it didnt have that game 5 from TI3 to make it better and both teams just made too many mistakes
1. When did hearthstone fall so hard? Was it that a bunch of invites went out so they don't have to watch it anymore?
2. Where is hon?
3. As of this post, it Dota already fell off to second again. A truly fickle bunch.
Still getting adjusted to the new patch, I'd think. Stuff like nighttime vision. Also with the running of these quirky/new lineups, mistakes will be made.
That said, Shaman made no mistakes that last game. Goddamn.
Is it 2-1 by Navi against Alliance at the grand finals?
TI3, the LAN tourney, then this.
are you kidding me? huge mistake when he didn't go in for the shackle when s4 tp:d, even a noob could see that (hence ld/lumi noticing it)
alliance/na'vi confirmed being trash tier players who dont play perfectly
the great thing is that the last few playoffs were basically Alliance vs Navi and 2 worse teams, the upcoming playoffs will have all the best teams and much bigger prize pools (MLG might reach 150 grand)
the great thing is that the last few playoffs were basically Alliance vs Navi and 2 worse teams, the upcoming playoffs will have all the best teams and much bigger prize pools (MLG might reach 150 grand)
I think fnatic will still steamroll their way to the finald again. speed will be speed and might end up facing fnatic.
Another game, another shitty team. This game...
here is what will happen
I have the worst luck teammate quality wise whenever I play Enigma. He's like the one hero that is nearly useless without some team chemistry.
pretty boy swag tho
dont forget terrorblade.
1. When did hearthstone fall so hard? Was it that a bunch of invites went out so they don't have to watch it anymore?
2. Where is hon?
3. As of this post, it Dota already fell off to second again. A truly fickle bunch.
I have the worst luck teammate quality wise whenever I play Enigma. He's like the one hero that is nearly useless without some team chemistry.
It was on during the SC2 tournament break, I can't see it getting much more of an audience when it goes live. Doesn't seem like a very good streaming game.
I find the opposite to be true. Fastest jungler in game, buy all the support items for your team, 9 min meka into 13 min blink, force pushes teamfights early, win game. Teammates also tend to stick around Enigma because they want that black hole (huheuhueh).
But seriously, if you aren't going mid, then an high impact jungler like enigma is imho your best bet to carry pubs, though my best winrates are on supports (my CM could even carry an uncarriable like SamVimes).
is Bounty Hunter really so much better that he requires a first ban vs lone druid?
Someone here told me my Dusa wasn't competitively viable.
Not gonna say any names. Just know why I'm smiling.
2. Where is hon?
That just put an over-the-top skill even more over-the-top. Glad FreezeToad took it out.Remember when track used to reduce armor?