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Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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Do we have any idea when it goes live?

Hopefully this comes in time


Man are the Bloodstained Britches for Pudge pretty rare or something? Market only has them for around $6.50, but I keep getting people adding me and begging for a trade for them. Than when I decline the trade the people get pissed.

They get pissed because they are trying to scam you and it doesn't work.


Few things jump out at me:

I kinda liked Mortal Strike on SK, even though I did not play the hero very much. Was the ability too good or something? I didn't think it was particularly overpowered but it did make the hero more interesting to play. Back to one active we go!

I really like the (mostly) uniform change to 800 vision at night. It is only Luna now that can see in the dark as well as NS? This makes Nightstalker more unique, and also lowers the knowledge burden of knowing which heroes can see you coming at night.

Conversely, I really hate the base magic resist reduction on Visage. They should have looked for another way to balance it out. This game does not need any more inconsistent bullshit clogging it up. One step forward with the night vision changes, one step back with this one.

I was about to say something about Brood and the trees not coming down, but I guess now she can just walk around inside them anyways.

Thank god for the change on orb effects. That Huskar strategy felt so buggy regardless of it's utility.


Is diffusal ever built on Brood? The agility and int both are pretty useful for her, and the purge is obviously useful. It's a lot cheaper than manta, so that would allow you to start your BKB sooner too.


Man are the Bloodstained Britches for Pudge pretty rare or something? Market only has them for around $6.50, but I keep getting people adding me and begging for a trade for them. Than when I decline the trade the people get pissed.

Anything Pudge sells. The DC hook price is skyrocketing.

While browsing the Terraria wiki I saw this. Gamepedia is doing a courier giveaway if anyone cares.
They do them all the time, but they never announce the winners so . . .

I think diff blade is an orb, and would not work with brood evasion and slow debuff orb?

Also - without tether stun, is Wisp just now worthless? Like not picked or banned at all? Especially with all the other powerful heroes around lately.

The only saving grace I see might be that you could just buy tons of regen on Wisp at the start so your carry doesn't have to. You might want her for more "steroids" strats, but the global threat is neutered pretty hard.


Is diffusal ever built on Brood? The agility and int both are pretty useful for her, and the purge is obviously useful. It's a lot cheaper than manta, so that would allow you to start your BKB sooner too.

I think diff blade is an orb, and would not work with brood evasion and slow debuff orb?


I really like the (mostly) uniform change to 800 vision at night. It is only Luna now that can see in the dark as well as NS? This makes Nightstalker more unique, and also lowers the knowledge burden of knowing which heroes can see you coming at night.

NS, Slark and Luna (with her passive) are the only heros with 1800 night vision. Alchemist still has 1400 night vision and Sniper and Bounty Hunter have 1000.


I gave up on PA as a hopeless carry a long time ago but I still have a soft spot for her from the Dota 1 days. Maybe it's time to give her another shot. A viable item build just seems so hard to get though.


So would that mean her ult doesn't proc, or would the mana burn from diffusal not proc?

Honestly, I have no idea.. I just know it wont stack, like you would only have 1 permanently I think.

I don't think it would work like desolator and malestrom where if the lightning procs, then the deso doesn, but otherwise the deso procs.

I dunno, someone should test it, but I think it would be bad.


new tranquil fucking blows, Axe jungle is way less effective with the new tranquil boots.

If the heal persists between boots getting broken, then it's still totally viable? Can't tell if that's the case with the wording.

Edit: nvm didn't catch that there's no active now and it's just passive regen while boots are active.


Also - without tether stun, is Wisp just now worthless? Like not picked or banned at all? Especially with all the other powerful heroes around lately.

The only saving grace I see might be that you could just buy tons of regen on Wisp at the start so your carry doesn't have to. You might want her for more "steroids" strats, but the global threat is neutered pretty hard.
People are still going to be dying to tether root, and you won't even be able to autoattack while in it.


Man are the Bloodstained Britches for Pudge pretty rare or something? Market only has them for around $6.50, but I keep getting people adding me and begging for a trade for them. Than when I decline the trade the people get pissed.

Try owning the dragonclaw :/ russians always message me asking to trade.
Honestly, I have no idea.. I just know it wont stack, like you would only have 1 permanently I think.

I don't think it would work like desolator and malestrom where if the lightning procs, then the deso doesn, but otherwise the deso procs.

I dunno, someone should test it, but I think it would be bad.

It's the order you pick thinks up in for defaulting for effects.

EDIT: Apparently hero abilities always take priority over items so yeah it wouldn't be good I guess unless you really hate dust.

why does brood need diffusal

Extra damage, purge dust, slow! It's great!

May or may not actually be great.
Also - Mirana being included in the night vision nerf kinda sucks. She's Priestess of the MOON.

Tie it in with her ult or whatever, but it just doesn't seem right that she gets shafted here when the moon is as big a part of her aesthetic as Luna.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
This town is big enough for only one moon hero.


So I guess tranquils are for... supports who aren't going mana boots. The raw stats seem pretty good for the price: the "broken" boots are just as fast as other boot options, they provide a nice armor boost, and the +10 regen sort of close to having the old active on at all times.

Old Active: 250 hp over 20s is 12.5 per second regen, +3 passive, for a total of +15.5 regen while the old active was on.

Versus +10 regen at all times on the New boots when not broken.

However the fact that they break on attack as well as taking damage (for a full 13 seconds) seems like a bit of a deal breaker for a lot of heroes... Namely, lane farmers who used them for sustain, and junglers who also used them for sustain.(EDIT: not to mention you can't break them down any more when these heroes are done with them.) For the supports who sit around stacking, pulling, and waiting in the trees to gank though, they could be pretty nice for their price.

NS, Slark and Luna (with her passive) are the only heros with 1800 night vision. Alchemist still has 1400 night vision and Sniper and Bounty Hunter have 1000.

Not quite the uniformity that I thought it was, but I'm OK with this. I guess Alch needs it to not blow himself up too much, and Sniper would be losing out on attack range if his was any lower. The other heroes only seemed to have it for "flavour" reasons, or quite frankly, seemingly at random.


Seriously, Mek build is pretty worthless on OD now. I'm sure the hero is usable just fine otherwise, but that Mek build is pointless.


Corporate Apologist
Seriously, Mek build is pretty worthless on OD now. I'm sure the hero is usable just fine otherwise, but that Mek build is pointless.

Still gives him the armor he lacks, and you know, Mek is a good item. OD is picked because he crushes mid, he really falls flat in the later part of the game.


Seriously, Mek build is pretty worthless on OD now. I'm sure the hero is usable just fine otherwise, but that Mek build is pointless.

I dunno, he still has oceans of mana to use the mek with, and it still tanks him up. I wouldn't call missing out on one chance to proc your aura making the build "worthless" when you get one such chance from every auto attack.

Proccing it with items was cute but not really necessary IMO.


God these changes are incredible.

And Mek isn't only useful for triggering OD's passive - it's an extremely useful item that OD can get early because of his good laning ability and solo gold. Other mids do well with it as well, like Viper, and he doesn't have a mana-refreshing passive.


I dunno, he still has oceans of mana to use the mek with, and it still tanks him up. I wouldn't call missing out on one chance to proc your aura making the build "worthless" when you get one such chance from every auto attack.

Proccing it with items was cute but not really necessary IMO.

But you aren't taking your Orb until at least 10.
So I guess tranquils are for... supports who aren't going mana boots. The raw stats seem pretty good for the price: the "broken" boots are just as fast as other boot options, they provide a nice armor boost, and the +10 regen sort of close to having the old active on at all times.

Old Active: 250 hp over 20s is 12.5 per second regen, +3 passive, for a total of +15.5 regen while the old active was on.

Versus +10 regen at all times on the New boots when not broken.

However the fact that they break on attack as well as taking damage (for a full 13 seconds) seems like a bit of a deal breaker for a lot of heroes... Namely, lane farmers who used them for sustain, and junglers who also used them for sustain.(EDIT: not to mention you can't break them down any more when these heroes are done with them.) For the supports who sit around stacking, pulling, and waiting in the trees to gank though, they could be pretty nice for their price.

Not quite the uniformity that I thought it was, but I'm OK with this. I guess Alch needs it to not blow himself up too much, and Sniper would be losing out on attack range if his was any lower. The other heroes only seemed to have it for "flavour" reasons, or quite frankly, seemingly at random.

As a Crystal Maiden player, I love this change. The boots might as well be named after her. The change just limits it use for healing when retreating only as it meant to do so and I totally agree with that.

The boots that got the shitter end of the stick are the Aracne boots. I don't get why they reduced the move speed on it.


Corporate Apologist
It makes rushing it bad at least, because where are you getting the mana to keep up that and Astral Imprisonments?

You could buy a bottle, which will likely be needed now since he can't buy a bunch of actives for early procs.

The boots that got the shitter end of the stick are the Aracne boots. I don't get why they reduced the move speed on it.

The 3 main boots all got a 5 move speed slow, I think its because Ice Frog thinks everything is a bit to fast for the map.
It makes rushing it bad at least, because where are you getting the mana to keep up that and Astral Imprisonments?

Bottle cr...oh wait.

It probably just means you get a point in orb earlier.

He'll still probably be *okay* at least, Tier 2 or 3 mid at worst, and all the better if you can surprise pick him up late.


You could buy a bottle, which will likely be needed now since he can't buy a bunch of actives for early procs.

The 3 main boots all got a 5 move speed slow, I think its because Ice Frog thinks everything is a bit to fast for the map.

True, but you are spending so much money on early game sustainability with the Bottle (which is now 650) and the Mek that you are still hitting like wet tissue paper because you can't max Arcane Orb first.


The new Tranquil boots are terrible. Not attacking or being attacked for 13 seconds to trigger regen? That makes it worthless as an early game lane sustainability item which is what I use it for when I play PL. You don't even get the base 3hp regen from RoR when it's broken.


I don't get why they have to nerf Timbersaw even more ffs -_-

First they change how Timber Chain works, now they increase the mana cost of his ultimate? His entire damage output relies on the ability to execute combos with his abilities, and unless you get a Bloodstone, you will always run into Mana problems even now with the lower mana cost


Bull on a Donut
6.79 said:
- Armor increased by 1 (Shapeshift total armor is still the same as before)
- Base damage increased by 5
- Howl bonus damage for non-hero units increased from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20
- Wolves magic resistance increased from 50% to 80%

- Summoned units duration increased from 35 to 40

Helm of the Dominator
- Dominate can no longer control Necronomicon units

Hand of Midas
- Transmute no longer works against Necronomicon units

This is all that matters. HAIL TO THE KING BABY

brood + lycan strats inc

I think the Roshan Dire advantage will have to be addressed. I was talking about this on my stream, but she could easily just slip into Rosh undetected if she's on Dire.

People have been whining about roshan dire adv. for a long time and it hasn't changed. Truth is I think radiant has something like a 51% vs 49% winrate and radiant has some other advantages over dire (notice that navi always requests radiant). I think it's pretty cool that both sides have a few slight advantages/disadvantages and that in the long run have proven to be statistically negligible in regards to any perceived imbalances.

no need to change the entire map because of 1 hero lol, if the hero becomes a problem you nerf her.


Also - without tether stun, is Wisp just now worthless? Like not picked or banned at all? Especially with all the other powerful heroes around lately.

The only saving grace I see might be that you could just buy tons of regen on Wisp at the start so your carry doesn't have to. You might want her for more "steroids" strats, but the global threat is neutered pretty hard.

I said that Wisp-CK combination is still deadly, though not as much as when tether have stun. It makes Wisp need better tether ally that either have stun, silence, or both.
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