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Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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But these are good.

While it was like over two years ago since I really played, people used to get mocked for picking Boots of Mobility, and I don't recall seeing them picked up whenever I pop my head back in

Mobility boots are great for junglers, supports and some roamers, and have been so for a long time.
Please post match ID where you dunked whole team please. I tried Axe and the damage threshold was so low I was whiffing the ult nonstop. By the time I got them down low enough to ult on them I might as well have just taken another swing at them instead and saved the mana. :(

What items are you building? New patch for axe has me completely rethinking skill builds and item builds. The new tranquil boots gives a nice 4 armor plus 85 movement speed. Axe's call has such better range now that it is actually worth getting early on to lock down heroes.

I've been playing around with double stout shield and tango, double stack the hard lane and get your first level. Get two rings of health and you should be able to jungle without any regen items. I've been going vanguard first since damage at the 11 mark is low enough that you will be at an extreme advantage.

I also think double boots are worth it, mana boots and tranquil boots are pretty good combo.


Corporate Apologist
Guys just wanted to let u kno I only play Lycan now, LoL has taught me well.

I feel Nature's Prophet would fit your "DC Every 2 minutes" play style, since you can just leave him on a cliff to farm.

The buff doesn't make Lycan back to his old solo-speed-jungling but rather have more pressence during laning phase right?

It makes him better at pushing, since his Wolves will do more damage and are harder to get rid of.


Bull on a Donut
The buff doesn't make Lycan back to his old solo-speed-jungling but rather have more pressence during laning phase right?

With the buff to his base damage and armor and nerf to jungle creep survivability, he jungles a lot more smoothly. He still has to face tank so he's still as vulnerable and not as fast as before because of that. I'd put him at 90% of old speed on a good day, but I need to play him more.

Like Kirby said his push got a lot stronger with the buffs to howl, his damage, and necro.


The buff doesn't make Lycan back to his old solo-speed-jungling but rather have more pressence during laning phase right?

His jungling got improved by this again.
Where jungling was doable but niche before this patch, now it's viable again. (not as OP as before, but still)


With the buff to his base damage and armor and nerf to jungle creep survivability, he jungles a lot more smoothly. He still has to face tank so he's still as vulnerable and not as fast as before because of that. I'd put him at 90% of old speed on a good day, but I need to play him more.

How hard is it to contest him if you invest smokes and stuff like that?


Bull on a Donut
How hard is it to contest him if you invest smokes and stuff like that?

Not hard unless his team responds, the difference is now you MUST contest him again whereas before you could ignore him.

If I see a bh, NS, or BS in the game, I'm just laning. The 80% magic res actually gives him some lane presence with level 2 wolves. +armor helps too.

One thing to note: warding the medium (old easy) camp is now more brutal against Lycan because farming the pull easy opens him up more to xp siphoning and ganks IMO.


Not hard unless his team responds, the difference is now you MUST contest him again whereas before you could ignore him.

If I see a bh, NS, or BS in the game, I'm just laning. The 80% magic res actually gives him some lane presence with level 2 wolves. +armor helps too.

Don't forget the heroes with global spells that could help anyone who tries to enter the jungle to kill him.


Damn, I forgot that the jungle creep got nerfed to somehow :(
Good to know though that the rate isn't as crazy as before/
But really, Lycan is very potent pusher now, with that armor, base damage and Necronomicon buffs. How do you gonna contest him in jungle? If he won't reached level 6 before mid do, then probably they got the balance right.


So, I just had a game with an Alchemist who built a vanguard and blade mail (he already had hyperstone before building the blade mail) without getting any damage items, dived a tower after we couldn't get a kill and died then calling me an idiot, and calling our entire team useless idiots and asking the other team to report us when we lost

The thing I've noticed about Bloodseeker in the new patch is that it's not him you have to worry about so much, but anything that combos well. Either global presence (e.g Prophet, Spirit Breaker, Spectre) or invis heroes (BH, Nyx, Riki, Clinkz) that can sneak up on you and would have a good chance of killing you even if you were at full HP. At 50% or below you're easy pickings. Makes it a lot less safe everywhere unless you're hugging a tower, even with good warding. Especially considering the smoke changes as well.


I've been practising Meepo with bots lately and found out that I really like playing him. I can beat normal and hard bots and I've been trying to play with normal bots against hard bots. The biggest problem I have is that I can't properly farm in lane when playing with bots. The bots usually try to steal every last hit from me so it's a chore to get to level 6 and to get proper items up. After I get to jungle it goes pretty well though. Hitting nets is actually harder than I thought it would be. I can poof the other meepos in relatively fast but I'm having trouble getting multiple nets out in way that does not completely suck.

Couldn't play yesterday but I'm looking forward to try again today, getting the second Meepo at 4 should help I think.

I'd welcome any hints on how to properly play meepo.
The way you chain net early in the game is to land the net with the first Meepo, shift+right click that Meepo on the enemy you netted, then poof in the other meepos as the first one walks over to the guy. Net lasts 2 seconds, and poof takes 1.5 seconds to channel, so if you are quick, you should almost always land the second and third net, especially if you have points in geostrike. You can even give the second net command before the other meepos poof in if you're confident you did it quick enough.





After sleeping on it, I don't think the new Brood is beyond broken. Is she extremely strong? Yes. But she still can't do anything against Dark Seer, Axe, Timber, Storm, Bounty, and Spiritbreaker, and probably a few others I haven't thought of. What her change does do is make her hyper powerful against trilanes and dual lanes that don't include those first three heroes, and I think that's actually fine. She's now a viable pick in most circumstances where before she was very niche.

Teams without the right hero though are going to have a bad time against Brood, but that's nothing new.
Still can't get bets in on D2L :/

I think Turtle has a good shot at beating Alliance, especially in a Bo1. Apparently they've beaten them before, and yol from Rox.KIS was just streaming a scrim vs. [A] where they were crushing them.


Damn, I forgot that the jungle creep got nerfed to somehow :(
Good to know though that the rate isn't as crazy as before/
But really, Lycan is very potent pusher now, with that armor, base damage and Necronomicon buffs. How do you gonna contest him in jungle? If he won't reached level 6 before mid do, then probably they got the balance right.

He was always potent pusher, what's changed is his early game. Ill give you credit for the necro buff.


The way you chain net early in the game is to land the net with the first Meepo, shift+right click that Meepo on the enemy you netted, then poof in the other meepos as the first one walks over to the guy. Net lasts 2 seconds, and poof takes 1.5 seconds to channel, so if you are quick, you should almost always land the second and third net, especially if you have points in geostrike. You can even give the second net command before the other meepos poof in if you're confident you did it quick enough.

Ok, just to make sure I got this right: I net with the first meepo, if the net hits I shift+right click so he walks over and hits him. Then I poof in the other meepos, and when the other meepos start to arrive I throw the next net?

How do you utilize the blink dagger? I usually try to blink next to the enemy hero and try to net him then blink the others in.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Sheever plz!


To be continued tomorrow I guess.
After sleeping on it, I don't think the new Brood is beyond broken. Is she extremely strong? Yes. But she still can't do anything against Dark Seer, Axe, Timber, Storm, Bounty, and Spiritbreaker, and probably a few others I haven't thought of. What her change does do is make her hyper powerful against trilanes and dual lanes that don't include those first three heroes, and I think that's actually fine. She's now a viable pick in most circumstances where before she was very niche.

Teams without the right hero though are going to have a bad time against Brood, but that's nothing new.
I still think you should have gone SnY instead of Manta Brood in that inhouse just to rub it in.


Ok, just to make sure I got this right: I net with the first meepo, if the net hits I shift+right click so he walks over and hits him. Then I poof in the other meepos, and when the other meepos start to arrive I throw the next net?

How do you utilize the blink dagger? I usually try to blink next to the enemy hero and try to net him then blink the others in.

Yeah that's about all there is to it. Remember to poof the first Meepo once you get a chance. The way you use blink is to poof all your secondary meepos, then blink your primary meepo onto the enemy right as the poofs are about to finish channeling. Having a hotkey with all secondary Meepos is virtually a necessity to do this. You select that hotkey, poof, tab to the next meepo, poof, tab, etc. It'll take some practice, but it's easy enough once you know how to do it.


Bull on a Donut
After sleeping on it, I don't think the new Brood is beyond broken. Is she extremely strong? Yes. But she still can't do anything against Dark Seer, Axe, Timber, Storm, Bounty, and Spiritbreaker, and probably a few others I haven't thought of. What her change does do is make her hyper powerful against trilanes and dual lanes that don't include those first three heroes, and I think that's actually fine. She's now a viable pick in most circumstances where before she was very niche.

Teams without the right hero though are going to have a bad time against Brood, but that's nothing new.

To me the problem isn't with cliffwalking per se. It's cliff walking combined with invis, regen, and +MS all in one ability that has now been buffed to the point where it can cover quite a large portion of the map. I think she needs to lose some of her regen or MS to off set the new cliffwalking buff (kind of like how ursa got a cast time on his overpower to off set the earthshock buff awhile ago).


Poor Sheever, I wonder if she will ever finish the challenge.

Sheever plz!


To be continued tomorrow I guess.

I like her stream and all but some of these A-Z games are really straining my nerves, especially when she keeps running around the map for minutes following her supports when both jungle and at least one lane are completely uncontested. I can't believe someone with this amount of play- and casting time can be so utterly ineffective with a farm-dependent hero.

Hope she doesn't give up though, playing the entire roster for so many times will eventually make her a better player.


To me the problem isn't with cliffwalking per se. It's cliff walking combined with invis, regen, and +MS all in one ability that has now been buffed to the point where it can cover quite a large portion of the map. I think she needs to lose some of her regen or MS to off set the new cliffwalking buff (kind of like how ursa got a cast time on his overpower to off set the earthshock buff awhile ago).

I gotta say, making you lose web buff instantly when you move out of the web might be enough to not make her OP.
While I think she's better now, I was surprised that it isn't impossible to handle her.

New Alch is kinda sad though, you basically need heart+bkb+ac+boots, which means that there are very few options for builds.

edit: LOL EGM
I think I might be okay with it if the web range was smaller. Either original size or less. Part of the problem is that each web pretty much covers a whole screen.

Myriad of ways to address the issue(s), but she's definitely not fit for CM in the current state.


I think I might be okay with it if the web range was smaller. Either original size or less. Part of the problem is that each web pretty much covers a whole screen.

Myriad of ways to address the issue(s), but she's definitely not fit for CM in the current state.

I think the webs need to be that big since you no longer get 2 or 3 seconds of invis and movespeed bonus after leaving the webs. You used to be able to space the webs out quite a bit, but now you kind of need to make the webs touch.


I think I might be okay with it if the web range was smaller. Either original size or less. Part of the problem is that each web pretty much covers a whole screen.

Myriad of ways to address the issue(s), but she's definitely not fit for CM in the current state.

Pro's won't bother too much with it, she's still easy to counter. Any tree destroyer hero will help (and a lot are already in the meta like np, timber, bat), forcestaff destroys trees and is a regular pickup already, quelling blade does too although that takes a while. Plus the fact Sladar/Bounty hard counter her and you can ban her too.

Seems to me she's fine for CM. More broken for pubs.
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