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Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄ ɴᴀᴍᴇ's ᴅᴏɴɢ. ᴊᴀᴍᴇs ᴅᴏɴɢ (̿▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)
The only good thing that came out of the "punch" meme was that it saw 90% less "dong" memes and then someone came up with this which as expected spread like wildfire.

Although this emoticon would be useful for Wesker.


How's it going guys

What new things have we discovered


Gold has an "s"


Bull on a Donut
lycan is so shit bokr only likes shit hero

/╲/\╭( ͡▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿) )╮/\╱\ Mother comes /╲/\╭( ͡▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿) )╮/\╱\


Just tried a couple of games doing dagon rush riki. My results are as follows.

The build sucks balls (who knew) but it's so much fun anyway. Even in the game I horribly lost I was still enjoying myself from the sheer hilarity of supports running in shock and fear when I laser them. And if your team is winning instead you can actually farm higher levels of dagon at which point you can get lots of kills for free. I could one shot people after getting eblade and lvl 5 dagon haha. It's just funny as hell, though I wonder how long before it get's tiring.


Corporate Apologist
what do you think this is, league of legends?

get outta here

So, any thoughts on the info Riot has given for their preseason change to League of Legends?

Looks like Vision is going to get an overhaul, and Supports are going to be able to get more gold. Looking at the article they posted and rumors that hit reddit, they are going to restrict wards some by limiting how many each person can carry, wards will get their own slot, and there is also some sort of trinket item system, which is supposed to tie into more vision altering items. Also raising the amount of gold supports will have. Interesting to see Icefrog and Riot ending up with very similar conclusions on how to make their games better.


So, any thoughts on the info Riot has given for their preseason change to League of Legends?

Looks like Vision is going to get an overhaul, and Supports are going to be able to get more gold. Looking at the article they posted and rumors that hit reddit, they are going to restrict wards some by limiting how many each person can carry, wards will get their own slot, and there is also some sort of trinket item system, which is supposed to tie into more vision altering items. Also raising the amount of gold supports will have. Interesting to see Icefrog and Riot ending up with very similar conclusions on how to make their games better.

my thoughts are that it sounds like there will be big changes, and big changes are always good in my book

other than that, its all too vague to say much.

im not big on supports getting lots of gold but hey, whatever makes people want to play the role i guess.

most interesting is that utility can scale. i wonder how that changes things.

bit disappointed they didnt rehaul itemisation efficiencies tho

i am pro limited wards per player over a set amount of time.


I want to learn to play Invoker. How should I go about it? Do I really need to take mid with him or is it ok to go to the safe or offlane when I'm still experimenting with him?


I want to learn to play Invoker. How should I go about it? Do I really need to take mid with him or is it ok to go to the safe or offlane when I'm still experimenting with him?

From what I hear he is extremely level dependent, hence mid being almost necessary. Midas is thrown about by some as core as well I believe, so that should show you just how level dependent he is. In pubs it probably doesn't matter all that much though.


I want to learn to play Invoker. How should I go about it? Do I really need to take mid with him or is it ok to go to the safe or offlane when I'm still experimenting with him?
You should definitely play him against bots first before playing live matches him. Play him mid and try out either Quas/Wex build or Quas/Exhort build. Look each of those two up and decide which you want to practice first. Then you have to memorize the main spells of those builds and learn to do them fast. After that you have to learn spell combos like:

Forge Spirits up -> Cold Snap -> Sun Strike
Tornado -> EMP
Tornado -> Meteor -> Deafening Blast
Ice Wall -> EMP -> Meteor -> Deafening Blast (you get the idea)

Mid is required and he is so level dependent that people build Midas on him just so they can get EXP faster. You also want to learn which instances you want to be in like for example Quas gives you more strength and regen so if you are being ganked you want to quickly get to that after you Invoke your skills (normally you want to Invoke Ghost Walk to escape). Wex gives attack/movement speed so have these Invoked up when you want to move around fast. Exhort is nice for damage especially for last hitting creeps.

Personally speaking if you have some good lockdown on your team I would go with Quas/Wex build. You need some damage items because your base damage will be low but your survivability will be high. This build makes your Tornado strong which is a great initiating spell along with Cold Snap. You can have Cold Snap, Tornado and EMP to handle ganks/team fights with along with Ghost Walk if you need to escape. Late game when you start putting levels into Exhort you can start using Meteor, Deafening Blast and Forge Spirits. Sun Strike is a global skill and you mostly use it if you are going Quas/Exhort build so don't worry too much about it.

People build Phase Boots (for lats hitting damage and speed), War Drums, Midas, Bottle, Force Staff (for initiating with spells or escaping), Scepter (lowers cooldown on Invoke, gives you great stats), Euls (allows for positioning of spells like Sun Strike, Ice Wall or Meteor), Guinsoo (lock down). The final item on Invoker is Refresher but you will rarely get that far with him.


Well nerds, here it is:

GAF mid-tier Dota tournament:
What is it? A tournament for the everyman of DotaGAF!
For those of you who read the thread regularly, you already know a bit about it. It's still pretty much in the "planning" stage, but we're looking at doing it on some weekend in November. Unfortunately, I need to open registration before all the details are worked out because a lot of the format depends on how many teams register.

How to register:
PM me with:
1) Your team name (Disclaimer: Sanjay's team is only allowed to register under the name "Chet's Car Pizza")
2) The names of all your players (if they're on GAF please mention it).
3) Dotabuffs of all players (sorry, this is because of Meeru/smurfs). If they don't have dotabuff link their steam profile.
4) Which weekends in the month of November your team ABSOLUTELY cannot play on.

Registration is going to stay open for a bit, so if you're reading this sentence no you are not too late.

Some tournament rules:

We've discussed it and have decided that in order to keep this a community thing, that each team must have at least 1-2 posters in the dotagaf thread. We want this to be a friendly exercise in competition more than we want it to be a tournament/freemoney/hollahollagetdolla. The prize is merely incentive for playing, and a little something nice for the winners. Nothing more. Note: I've had some shygaf who lurk the thread pm me about it even though they're not posters -- this is fine too.
We are also going to trust you guys to not scumlord this up (which, given that milk isn't playing, doesn't actually sound all that foolish). Please only register if you consider yourself mid-tier (or lower, we have no problems with newbies participating, though they need to be aware that they may have some less-than-pleasant games). If you consider yourself significantly better than the majority of the posters in the thread, this tournament probably isn't for you. Anbokr IS in fact, allowed to play.
Tournament will be played on a weekend (that is, Saturday and Sunday). Which weekend and which times will be decided after I see which ones are problematic for the teams. I want as many teams as possible to be able to play, but this isn't going to turn into some month-long endeavor.
Only two things I'm going to be strict on:
Rule 1) Not showing up for when you're scheduled to play will result in disqualification. I run a tight ship so please come on time, if your team isn't ready 15 minutes after the scheduled time we will have to move on.
Rule 2) If Meeru (aliases: winterymint, mint, Valenti, Kotoko, Rinku, Xanthe, shinobi602, Kaafu, Hanazake, ponpoi, Nanta, Igniz, and probably many others) is found to be on your team, you will be disqualified with no exceptions.

Other than that it's going to be pretty casual. Anyone who wishes to stream/cast games is allowed to so long as the teams playing are okay with it (and if you are one of the players, you are okay with the risk of being ghosted).
It also goes without saying that you should be polite to all other players. Trash talk won't be explicitly forbidden. It's frowned upon, but given my past I will turn a blind eye to it.

As far as prizes go:
Prizes will be listed once the money comes in (not for a bit).
Prizes will be distributed using paypal.
Anybody willing to donate is welcome to, subject to two caveats:
1) Any money donated will not change the total pool, only how much the rest of us are paying. I don't want a large prize pool because that increases tension and ends up less fun for everybody in the community. Trust me on this one.
2) I WILL NOT accept money from anybody playing in the tournament.

Format of the tournament depends on how many teams register, but single elim is probably going to be the format as double elim will likely take too long.
Games are going to be played in captains mode of course, and server will be USE unless both teams agree otherwise. Games will likely be played during American hours. More information on the format/game rules will come with time.
Not sure how I'm going to seed it yet, but the upper seed will have choice of either pick order or side. The other team picks what remains. (Example: Team 1 wants first pick, so Team 2 gets to choose whether they want radiant or dire).
I'll include information on how to report the results of matches when format is finalized.

All of the above information (except rules 1 and 2) is subject to change, depending on the community reaction. Post any thoughts you have on the subject matter, I will read them and discuss it with milk/109/others.

Buddy System!!!!
If you are either by yourself, or have a group of less than 5 and still want to play, feel free to post in this thread to try and find some new friends to play with. Be honest about your skill level, and I HIGHLY recommend you play some games together before the actual tournament starts (I want to avoid teams raging at each other and dissolving mid-tournament).

Bonus Poll: http://strawpoll.me/588001


I want to learn to play Invoker. How should I go about it? Do I really need to take mid with him or is it ok to go to the safe or offlane when I'm still experimenting with him?

i started in lane with a partner and building quas wex (but feed at least one point into exort). its more support oriented and will allow you to give yourself room between you and the enemy. i say to start there because

A) you can take more damage in lane with your quas orbs
B) you move faster with your wex orbs
C) your spells that will allow you to escape are primarily concentrated there (tornado [wex wex quas] and ice walk [quas quas wex])
D) cold snap [quas quas quas] will help you secure kills for your carry

there's some minigame somewhere on the internet to teach you the spells, but honestly all you need to do is write them down (or remember the colors on the little icons, which has helped me tremendously)

he's really level dependent, so mid lane is basically required for the perfect invoker. but if you're like i was when i started and don't know invoker well, you will feed harder than you've ever fed in your life. in the beginning, he's an incredibly intelligent, slow, 38 attack damage-having baby with spells that can allow you to dominate your lane if you're precise enough. buy a Bottle asap and make sure to control the runes, because you will run out of mana fairly quickly if you're shuffling through spells often. do your best to get those ganks in when you can.

you should definitely be going for the quas exort build here, because exort is how you're going to be able to boost your attack damage and become an ever-looming threat on the global level with your sunstrike [exort exort exort]. you can also summon a spirit [exort exort quas] to help dish out more damage. once you have four points in quas and four in exort, you'll have two of them, and they can beat the shit out of the enemy when you've got them trapped in an ice wall [quas quas exort] and cold snapped. :p

remember, force staff and aghs scepter are your friends (don't rush the scepter imo. you won't really need it until about lvl 17)

and remember to use the ice wall!! your teammates will love you when you use it and secure important kills!

im still an invoker noob too, to be honest. hes my most played hero and i still have a lot to get down as far as execution goes, but ive come an incredibly long way from where i began by taking those things into consideration. i'm still not ready to mid with him :lol


relies on auto-aim
I'm going to complain a lot about the tourney.

For starters I feel like 1 member is too low.
Make it 3 as a base.

Single Elim is good for a tournament, Round Robin good for actually playing games (But more commitment).


Buddy System!!!!
If you are either by yourself, or have a group of less than 5 and still want to play, feel free to post in this thread to try and find some new friends to play with.

[H]basic knowledge of most heroes and uses builds from 6.78
[W]4 others for fun games with no pressure to win - just want to participate

You should make a Gaming OT for the tourney(??)
Nobody read this thread cuz of all the animu


It has been a while I have played Dota 2. Man, I loved Axe before this patch but now he is quickly becoming my favorite.

Two games and my team didn't have any problems with the enemies. Gotta admit top (we were dire) was losing against Brood but after Axe appeared when we got bot tower, well, you know what happened. Axe happened.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
A thread is a good idea for exposure, this being Community and all.

I'm sure there are people who play who don't even know we have a thread because they barely read GAF.


i hate huskar so much. just played a comeback game where he got fed and was dominating. we were at our t1 towers within first 15 minutes of the game. i was alchemist, got fed, began dominating. we pushed and won. omg the adrenaline @_@


May contain jokes =>
OK guys as far as the tournament goes, we are 3 players with roughly 500 games played each or less. We're looking for two more for this. We don't have concrete roles established as we like to do different stuff, but we have a good 1/2 player, a good support, and a good offlaner.

If you're of similar experience and looking for a team shoot me a PM.
[H]basic knowledge of most heroes and uses builds from 6.78
[W]4 others for fun games with no pressure to win - just want to participate

You should make a Gaming OT for the tourney(??)
Nobody read this thread cuz of all the animu
I would partake with you, in the same boat. Just want to enjoy the touring and have some fun.

Sorry that its first post in here, I have just been reading and to shy to post :(
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