Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
So assuming Valve understands that Halloween is a one day holiday we can move past any hope for Diretide.

Now where do we stand in terms of our new heroes hopes? We have the screenshot by Wyk and the Three Musketeers pic by Cyborgmatt. So, should I begin reinvesting all my hopes in Valve? Or do I give up?

LC's textures dont look like they have advanced at all since the last time we got texture updates for her a long time ago.


Depends on the situation.

1.) You can use Repel to help someone initiate safely (for example, you can repel Storm Spirit and he can zip in without fear of being stunned).

2.) You can use repel to help someone survive.

3.) You can use repel to remove an enemy buff. If an enemy is running at you hasted, repel them to remove the haste buff.

4.) If you want a friend/enemy to not be slept by ET stop or Naga sleep, Repel them. It's good to use on an enemy if you just want one that can still be attacked during Naga/ET sleep. And of course if a friendly is in danger of being slept it can get them out of harm's way.

If a target ally (or yourself) is low on hp, HEAL FIRST, then repel. If you repel them first, you won't be able to cast a heal on them. Generally speaking, just look to repel the person most likely to get the brunt of enemy ability attacks.

You will remove ally buffs with Repel. So if someone has a haste rune activated for example, Repel will de-activate it.


With repel I couldn't remove a doom for example?

This must be the biggest comeback that I ever had

at 40 min approx, all our lane towers were down, mid barracks and towers gone, 10 kills down, and our ancient at 300 hp. We only had 2 heroes living, pudge and lion, while the other team had 3, instead of focusing on the ancient, they tried to kill the last 2 members, but they failed. Then, antimage pushed bot like crazy, we had a pair of good team fights and we won

It was epic as shit

With repel I couldn't remove a doom for example?
doom can't be purged.

you can remove slows and other similar debuffs, however. so if an ally is being hit by drow frost arrows or the diffusal blade active (or if they're standing in Warlock's E), you can repel them and they instantly return to full speed.


Needs a headline.

Valve disappoints millions by failing to update Dota 2.

Given the number of unique monthly users, its possible that's exactly what they've done!


Corporate Apologist
I think Dota at least has Nintendo beat for Halloween Updates. While Dota didn't get anything, Nintendo just took features away.

Everyone saw this, right? Or is this the three musketeers thing you guys were talking about?


Not sure what this sad lot did, but had a nap, ate some nachos, and played some dotes. Serene.

Is this one of the biggest disappoints from Valve in the last few years? Typically they don't say anything about their plans so no one gets riled up however the annual TF2 Halloween events and last year's diretide made a lot of people assume it would be coming this year. I can't think of a time when Valve's customers have been this disappointed. (Other than Half Life 3, which we know is coming sometime within the next 20 years)
Someone didn't get taken in by the Portal 2 launch.


I think Dota at least has Nintendo beat for Halloween Updates. While Dota didn't get anything, Nintendo just took features away.

Either you have an favorable view of Valve or negative view of Nintendo because that is basically what Valve just did. They removed a feature of the game.


Diretide will be tmrw.

They expect too many people to be out celebrating Halloween to enjoy Diretide, so they will wait the extra day before turning it on.


Real talk: diretide fucking sucked and you guys liked it only because it gave a free item at the end of every game.

I thought Diretide was fun. It just got old pretty quick but at that point you couldn't not play it because free items.

I think most of the desire for Diretide is just people wanting any sign that Valve is still creating content for Dota 2.


Real talk: diretide fucking sucked and you guys liked it only because it gave a free item at the end of every game.

A little bit of both tbh.

It was a pretty fun and interesting new take on the game - for a while. But even when the novelty faded it was hard to resist the 1-2 items per match.
Real talk: diretide fucking sucked and you guys liked it only because it gave a free item at the end of every game.

I had fun with DireTide. I hated Frostivus.

DireTide was mode Dota. Microwave Dota. Everyone 5-slotted at 20 minutes and the game over at 25. It was also cool just for practicing with heroes you don't play much and prefer to just kinda rehearse midgame and late-game play with in a live match but didn't want to wait 35 mintues to get to that point. In DireTide, 15 mintues was midgame and 20 minutes was late game. This isn't to say that the mode was perfect...but I really enjoyed the change of pace and opportunities it provided.

Frostivus was just lame.
Someone didn't get taken in by the Portal 2 launch.


My Audiosurf playtime is still out of whack from that. Still play that game a lot anyway, but the idling overnight... :(

Some good IH games tonight though yeah. And somebody give me tips for Undying, I just don't know what to do with that hero. Granted, that wasn't necessarily the best matchup for him, but yeah.
diretide can be fun.

greeviling is garbo.

ded gaem is neither.

If that LC is their latest work done on her I think the game may actually be dead.
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