The replay is protected... does anyone know where to find the vod?
Game is here
The draft starts about 62 minutes in; game starts about 1:08:30
The replay is protected... does anyone know where to find the vod?
The replay is protected... does anyone know where to find the vod?
Halberd on Timber isn't bad per say, but much more situational in my mind. If the game isn't going horribly shit and you can farm a Scythe, that's a way better option. Sheep > Disarm for a handful of reasons, Timber doesn't really need evasion due to reactive armor, and the more mana/mana regen you have on him the better.
Why is Dark Seer's competitive win rate so low?
Why is Dark Seer's competitive win rate so low?
This is actually a common misconception. Evasion is better the more armor you have. In general, the more high physical EHP you have, the better evasion is because it's a flat multiplier that stack on everything. I'll make a simple graph later to show how actually good are those in tandem, and how bad is vanguard with low armor.
Nerfed...almost Morpling style..![]()
Sing Sing got a webcam?! *dead*
Morphling got assblasted, he's getting more cooldown on vacuum.
Morphling got assblasted, he's getting more cooldown on vacuum.
Why is Dark Seer's competitive win rate so low?
I'd love this, might do another A-Z challenge then.
What? He's had a webcam forever. Just might not have been using it as often lately.
I heavily disagree with the sentiment that it's mostly because of the nerfs, we've seen low dark seer win rates post-patches before.
Instead, I would say that it's mostly that he is forced into compositions where he shouldn't be. He's still an amazing offlaner, and some drafters take the easy way out and say, ok we can offlane darkseer anyway, then they go on without any proper gameplan involving him.
It'd be fucking hilarious if they just released two sets for Storm Spirit. One 'Ember' and one 'Earth' - and say thats what they've been teasing for two weeks.So many costumes are we getting tonight then guys?
And a hat called Diretide. "here you have it now, happy ?"It'd be fucking hilarious if they just released two sets for Storm Spirit. One 'Ember' and one 'Earth' - and say thats what they've been teasing for two weeks.
is there a way to set up my game to watch tournamnet games automatically? I want drops!
I guess the answer is that Outworld Devourer is unbeatable in low-level pub games.
yessir - you have to know what your console command is though - mine is "delete" you will have to fiddle with that, some people it's "slash"
It'd be fucking hilarious if they just released two sets for Storm Spirit. One 'Ember' and one 'Earth' - and say thats what they've been teasing for two weeks.
Yeah you can lane Enchantress but it's kind of a waste since she jungles so well. Sort of like the inverse of Naix.
feels like Puppey is trolling Dendi sometimes when he picks mid heroes
I was unaware it was broke :O
Yeah you can lane Enchantress but it's kind of a waste since she jungles so well. Sort of like the inverse of Naix.
Yeah I think this is one of those subtle little understandings you start to pick up as you improve at the game. On the occasion that I select Lifestealer you usually get a lot of people assuming you're jungling or arguing that you should. My answer is usually something like "I'll be popping in and out." Seems to me that the most efficient safelane farm involves getting all the creepwave farm possible, intermittently hopping into the jungle for stacked camps or normal camps if the lane gets pushed out too far.
CBS matt, CBS. That's ABC.Cyborgmatt said: