11-0-12 as Lich.
Did he Doom a creep
LD looks exactly like Thom Yorke in that pic.
everyone has done this
not when farming a lane without any enemy heroes nearby
So... um.. where's that TI4 Compendium?
Have your entire team just wait in the Rosh pit the whole game.Ursa is so op now.
5 min rosh and after that it's too easy to win..
how do u stop this except for picking bloodseeker?
Ursa is so op now.
5 min rosh and after that it's too easy to win..
how do u stop this except for picking bloodseeker?
Can't you just put wards and sentries around the Roshan pit? Then go gank him while he's fighting.Ursa is so op now.
5 min rosh and after that it's too easy to win..
how do u stop this except for picking bloodseeker?
Can't you just put wards and sentries around the Roshan pit? Then go gank him while he's fighting.
im actually 5-0 with ursa in 6.81 (ranked only) and its disgusting how good ursa is. I'd rather play him as a safelane farmer though, maxing earthshock is stupid strong, and oov on him early gives him so much presence. Late game go Deso and you can go shit on some heroes and buildings. (Or get skadi if u wanna tank up fast)
Right, I completely forgot sentries don't reveal smoke anymore. I've actually still been placing sentries to see Ursa go in.If he's smart he'll smoke in
He usually does smoke in there, but the Rosh isn't why he is OP, if he is at all. It's basically what 1.09 said, however it is early in the patch, so hard to say yet.Can't you just put wards and sentries around the Roshan pit? Then go gank him while he's fighting.
He usually does smoke in there, but the Rosh isn't why he is OP, if he is at all. It's basically what 1.09 said, however it is early in the patch, so hard to say yet.
He usually does smoke in there, but the Rosh isn't why he is OP, if he is at all. It's basically what 1.09 said, however it is early in the patch, so hard to say yet.
Would GAF say Omni's a high tier support?
im actually 5-0 with ursa in 6.81 (ranked only) and its disgusting how good ursa is. I'd rather play him as a safelane farmer though, maxing earthshock is stupid strong, and oov on him early gives him so much presence. Late game go Deso and you can go shit on some heroes and buildings. (Or get skadi if u wanna tank up fast)
Would GAF say Omni's a high tier support?
Ive watched a few games where Ursa buys a MoM + Phase as his 1st items
Hes fast as hell and can melt supports ez, but as soon as he gets stunned he dies in 4/5 hits
Its such a dumb way to go
Phase - HotD - Blink/BKB/Deso seems so much better
Would GAF say Omni's a high tier support?
Also literally Akke
After 1900 hours of DOTA played, I picked Pudge for the very first time and I surprisingly didn't stink to horribly. I got shat on in lane by Lich/ prematurely canceled dismember, but the important thing was that I hit my hooks (something I thought I couldn't do) and caught up in the end (well 8/8/11 isn't a good score but I'll take it). Now I just need to learn how to lane with him properly.
When's the best time to pick Pudge? Well besides the obvious situation where you have last pick and one of your teammates already picked a mid hero.
After 1900 hours of DOTA played, I picked Pudge for the very first time and I surprisingly didn't stink to horribly. I got shat on in lane by Lich/ prematurely canceled dismember, but the important thing was that I hit my hooks (something I thought I couldn't do) and caught up in the end (well 8/8/11 isn't a good score but I'll take it). Now I just need to learn how to lane with him properly.
When's the best time to pick Pudge? Well besides the obvious situation where you have last pick and one of your teammates already picked a mid hero.
follow this flowchart:
are you a man y/n
y->pick pudge
n->pick tinker
follow this flowchart:
are you a man y/n
y->pick pudge
n->pick invoker
I hope you are joking. Pudge has shit int. If he gets enough Imprisonment stacks on you, you'll be a rotting creep. You basically have to leave lane or play back and get your int back, then try to sneak a hook from where he doesn't have vision. Now if you are 6 with enough int and you hook him, he is probably dead. Getting there is hard though.against OD
After 1900 hours of DOTA played, I picked Pudge for the very first time and I surprisingly didn't stink to horribly. I got shat on in lane by Lich/ prematurely canceled dismember, but the important thing was that I hit my hooks (something I thought I couldn't do) and caught up in the end (well 8/8/11 isn't a good score but I'll take it). Now I just need to learn how to lane with him properly.
When's the best time to pick Pudge? Well besides the obvious situation where you have last pick and one of your teammates already picked a mid hero.
Pfft, Pudge is a pussified version of Clockwerk.
Real men don't hide behind armor...
I don't trust men. Always pick dragons
I hope you are joking. Pudge has shit int. If he gets enough Imprisonment stacks on you, you'll be a rotting creep. You basically have to leave lane or play back and get your int back, then try to sneak a hook from where he doesn't have vision. Now if you are 6 with enough int and you hook him, he is probably dead. Getting there is hard though.
Sanity's Eclipse will hurt badly too.