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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana


Yeah on EU it means aggressively push the tower.


Does it? Means missing to me, I'm from the UK.

Bad players usually ignore your warnings and are then caught out of position because they're always pushing the wave.
People who intentionally feed should just get week long bans from Ranked. And give me the option to region lock this game for the love of god...


Dagon is much more foolproof though. Scythe takes too long to build and your team needs coordination, since tinker will be devoid of much damage if he builds sheep first. Dagon skyrockets your burst, efectively zoning out supports since 20 mins in.


Solo queuing is stressful, even in captains mode. Especially when you get a captain that insists that allow the other team to pick void just increases the fun ...

Then proceeds to feed him early game.


Ignoring Dagon Eth Blade Hex, what do you think of other items. Aghs or Bloodstone, for instance?
Bloodstone = Garbage
Aghanims - I stand somewhere in the middle on it. It's highly situational situational.

Other stuff: Shiva's - Great in certain situations, stuff like Broodmother, PL, or a bunch of carries where attack slow is useful.


Dagon is much more foolproof though. Scythe takes too long to build and your team needs coordination, since tinker will be devoid of much damage if he builds sheep first. Dagon skyrockets your burst, efectively zoning out supports since 20 mins in.
I can do that with a Blink Dagger and 25 minute sheep.

I mean I guess if you can't get the hang of pressing the right buttons to sheep rearm, go for it, but sheep is much more reliable.


After 12 hours of computing, I have created the following work of art:

The left one is supposed to look like the right one. I think I my algorithm sucks.

What exactly are you trying to achieve here?

Genetic Algorithm? If so that was one of my favorite subjects covered in my AI class.

GAs are cool but they're also really bad at a lot of things. I'd generally only use them if I couldn't apply something like Tabu search to the problem at hand, which in my experience is much better.


I had such a good Naga farm going on, was six slotted and absolutely dominating the other team... then my harddrive failed. FUCK. No idea if we won or not.

EDIT: Had to completely reinstall Steam and DotA2 on a new HDD. Came back and found the game was still going (20min later), team had almost lost. Turned it around and won. 10-1-12. Still got an abandon though.


Bloodstone = Garbage
Aghanims - I stand somewhere in the middle on it. It's highly situational situational.

Other stuff: Shiva's - Great in certain situations, stuff like Broodmother, PL, or a bunch of carries where attack slow is useful.

Interesting. Overall, it seems as though your Tinker goes more on the philosophy that you will be facilitating mid game ganks and pickoffs, where you TP in, perma sheep someone whilst backup from your team does the damage. Also, you want to be the lockdown as indicated by your reasoning for Shiva's. And splitpush, but that's Tinkers bread and butter. If I might elaborate on the use of the other items, Bloodstone is considered a good item to get on Tinker after you have your core up. The extra mana pool is great in teamfights, as you will not have to tp out and back in again. This synergises well with the Dagon Eth Blade combo, as you can continuously blast people from a distance. This is less on the frontlines than I expect your Tinker is, which is necessary as the enemy team will be prioritizing you more.

Tinker naturally soaks up farm, so he should be the 1 role. I expect this is why dps is so valued by pros atm over lockdown on him. I'm sure better Tinker players than me can explain this better, but I'd advise experimenting more based on your teams composition.


What's the best way to use phoenix's abilties in lane? Specifically the W. I save his E for when a carry gets caught with a stun/disable and I blast him to keep him healed and deter the enemies, which seems to work well.


Interesting. Overall, it seems as though your Tinker goes more on the philosophy that you will be facilitating mid game ganks and pickoffs, where you TP in, perma sheep someone whilst backup from your team does the damage. Also, you want to be the lockdown as indicated by your reasoning for Shiva's. And splitpush, but that's Tinkers bread and butter. If I might elaborate on the use of the other items, Bloodstone is considered a good item to get on Tinker after you have your core up. The extra mana pool is great in teamfights, as you will not have to tp out and back in again. This synergises well with the Dagon Eth Blade combo, as you can continuously blast people from a distance. This is less on the frontlines than I expect your Tinker is, which is necessary as the enemy team will be prioritizing you more.

Tinker naturally soaks up farm, so he should be the 1 role. I expect this is why dps is so valued by pros atm over lockdown on him. I'm sure better Tinker players than me can explain this better, but I'd advise experimenting more based on your teams composition.

I don't think he's a very good 1 though as BKB basically takes care of him unless you are just standing under a quadruple march or something.

I don't really like Bloodstone as it basically has no real functionality. Sure, the mana is cool, but you can get that from Int items which give you both functionality and mana.

Another highly situational item is BKB. Usually, you can mitigate threats with careful tree blinks and good positioning, but against Timber, Ember, Storm, or the like it may be necessary.


I don't really like Bloodstone as it basically has no real functionality. Sure, the mana is cool, but you can get that from Int items which give you both functionality and mana.

have you even tried it? it's really, really good. team fight sustain + reduced death time (since you will always be getting charges) is amazing. obviously get your other items first though.


have you even tried it? it's really, really good. team fight sustain + reduced death time (since you will always be getting charges) is amazing. obviously get your other items first though.

Bloodstone's heal + fast revive can be gamechangers. Enough charges it's a free buyback on a hero who can teleport back into the fight immediately. Situational but awesome.


have you even tried it? it's really, really good. team fight sustain + reduced death time (since you will always be getting charges) is amazing. obviously get your other items first though.
No, I just think it wouldn't be worth sacrificing a hex/Dagon/eblade/Agha's/Shivas over.
i m not master tinker

but i dont know why you wouldnt get a bloodstone if youre destroying and want to continue steamrolling

the mana regen youre going to get with picking off shitty supports in the mid game combined with never being able to die because youre tinker and an asshole would make the time wasted in fountain cut like 90% and you just spam fuck u machines endlessly

oh there are never supports by themselves and theyre just death balling man if only there was a way to be at every fight your team was in anyway like a global teleport or something to still rack up charges

if you do die fuck u im back in 5 seconds with no buy back needed

the regen is insane

its certainly better than like fucking shivas


RTZ is a Tinker who loves Hex over Dagon/Eth like Hylian, here is his thoughts from a while ago.
let me explicate my past claim about bloodstone being the best item; i think unless you have a certainly crafted lineup intended to burst a hero and not slow siege i.e bloodseeker furion tinker visage +1 lineup id say dagon is better but in the most common cases bloodstone allows you to slow siege and ensure safety in team fights. its really impossible to deal with unless you jump the tinker who should have a BKB in the first place if being jumped out of position

regardless of the game and composition you have or are against, you definitely need to get a hex <23 minutes for bloodstone to be effective. farming patterns are the most important aspect of tinker, not the overrated perfect positioning. using marches uselessly in the first couple of minutes after BoTs is actually detrimental to tinkers development in the midgame cause getting to the areas to march is time consuming


Mommsenwasright casts a pub 053 - NeoGAF special …: http://youtu.be/dCHi1-l4FUo

Mommsenwasright/Cato the Censor casted a game I was in again. It was a hard game, my team wasn't coordinating, and there were other problems (Bloodseeker getting Midas expecting it to pay off against Void when we had no real carry). Good cast though!


Low Tier
have you even tried bloodstone first? Or do you just get dagon so you can have an ok score but get picked off once and lose the game and post the scoreboard here complaining about your teammates?

Bloodstone after BoT blink is a farm heavy build, but its one of the safest builds out there. Bloodstone gives you a ton of mana and hp to work with, and allows you to get off so many re-arm missles in a teamfight. It's also much more forgiving if you do find yourself fighting a hero, as the extra hp pool may be the edge you need to re-arm -> blink.

imo 2 branch -> bottle -> boots -> soul ring -> BoT -> blink -> bloodstone -> sheep is the most secure build you can go, and as long as you can utilize farming spots in the jungle well (double/triple march camps) you can all of this quite quickly without risking your positioning by getting close enough to dagon 1 a hero.
Wow lone druid sucks. Wonder if they'll ever make entangle a threat again like it was before they bumped GPM and exp share... completely butchered the hero.


have you even tried bloodstone first? Or do you just get dagon so you can have an ok score but get picked off once and lose the game and post the scoreboard here complaining about your teammates?

Bloodstone after BoT blink is a farm heavy build, but its one of the safest builds out there. Bloodstone gives you a ton of mana and hp to work with, and allows you to get off so many re-arm missles in a teamfight. It's also much more forgiving if you do find yourself fighting a hero, as the extra hp pool may be the edge you need to re-arm -> blink.

imo 2 branch -> bottle -> boots -> soul ring -> BoT -> blink -> bloodstone -> sheep is the most secure build you can go, and as long as you can utilize farming spots in the jungle well (double/triple march camps) you can all of this quite quickly without risking your positioning by getting close enough to dagon 1 a hero.
Troll bait aside, how exactly is a farm heavy build safe in a lot of games where the other team is knocking on your T3's in 25-30 minutes. Also why Bloodstone before Sheep?

Regardless I will give it a try, although I think I might do Bloodstone after Sheep.

Also I remember people were always saying Bloodstone was a bad item, yet people champion of now. What's up with that?


Troll bait aside, how exactly is a farm heavy build safe in a lot of games where the other team is knocking on your T3's in 25-30 minutes. Also why Bloodstone before Sheep?

Regardless I will give it a try, although I think I might do Bloodstone after Sheep.

Also I remember people were always saying Bloodstone was a bad item, yet people champion of now. What's up with that?

I imagine it's because Dota players have a habit of flaming anything that isn't standard, so it takes a couple of good players noticing the worth of an item and having visible success with it to win them over. It's kinda like scientific theory in that sense.


Watching the Hot Bid interviews, it's blowing my mind how none of these people know what a call-out is.

Don't these people go haterade once in a while?



I imagine it's because Dota players have a habit of flaming anything that isn't standard, so it takes a couple of good players noticing the worth of an item and having visible success with it to win them over. It's kinda like scientific theory in that sense.
I guess, the same effect happened to Radiance too. It also happens to heroes as well. I remember maybe two patches ago, people said Tinker and Void were the worst heroes in the game. Now look at them, and not too terribly much changed on either hero (other than mana less Blink on Tinker)
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