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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana

When Rubick steals a spell, he gets relevant passive buffs to that spell aplied to the stolen spell. For example, a stolen Crypt Swarm is also enhanced by Witchcraft (provided Death Prophet has skilled it), and stolen Plague Wards also apply Poison Sting.

My question is, what happens if Rubick steals one of Earthshaker's spells? Will those spells also have Aftershock (again, provided ES has skilled it)?
I guess, the same effect happened to Radiance too. It also happens to heroes as well. I remember maybe two patches ago, people said Tinker and Void were the worst heroes in the game. Now look at them, and not too terribly much changed on either hero (other than mana less Blink on Tinker)

I don't think I have ever heard anyone say Tinker is one of the worst heroes in the game. I was always under the impression people stayed away from Tinker, because nobody wanted to commit to practicing him enough to play him.

Void on other hand you're right.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
When Rubick steals a spell, he gets relevant passive buffs to that spell aplied to the stolen spell. For example, a stolen Crypt Swarm is also enhanced by Witchcraft (provided Death Prophet has skilled it), and stolen Plague Wards also apply Poison Sting.

My question is, what happens if Rubick steals one of Earthshaker's spells? Will those spells also have Aftershock (again, provided ES has skilled it)?

I don't think so because I'm pretty sure Earthshock is a triggered ability that procs when it detects another spell being cast. Its not overwriting any actual part of the other skill the way Poison Sting or Witchcraft do
When Rubick steals a spell, he gets relevant passive buffs to that spell aplied to the stolen spell. For example, a stolen Crypt Swarm is also enhanced by Witchcraft (provided Death Prophet has skilled it), and stolen Plague Wards also apply Poison Sting.

My question is, what happens if Rubick steals one of Earthshaker's spells? Will those spells also have Aftershock (again, provided ES has skilled it)?
aftershock doesnt change the spell its a separate instance of damage so you dont steal it along with whatever you get


Low Tier
the fuck u talking about. Void's been identified as ownage since the start of this patch. He was lackluster b/c of how much farm requirement he needed, but that was before double timelock dmg in chrono, b4 the timewalk buff, before MoM buff, and before people realized how good aghs was on that hero. He was* one of the weaker carries b/c of how much time it took to get him online, but ever since 6.72 hes been a great hero.

Iunno where ur getting this "people said XXXX" but thats not even the case voids been regarded as a good hero for a while now.


Can't recall the last time I heard Tinker being called bad. Granted I also don't remember him ever being this popular either.

Void was considered weaker but not bad, after his recent buffs he's been a machine and carries that require large amounts of farm have been coming into favor more recently (compared to carries that needed less farm but may drop off late game in the past). Put them together and it isn't hard to see why Void would be popular.


the fuck u talking about. Void's been identified as ownage since the start of this patch. He was lackluster b/c of how much farm requirement he needed, but that was before double timelock dmg in chrono, b4 the timewalk buff, before MoM buff, and before people realized how good aghs was on that hero. He was* one of the weaker carries b/c of how much time it took to get him online, but ever since 6.72 hes been a great hero.

Iunno where ur getting this "people said XXXX" but thats not even the case voids been regarded as a good hero for a while now.
I said like two patches ago, not this patch.


Watching the Hot Bid interviews, it's blowing my mind how none of these people know what a call-out is.

Don't these people go haterade once in a while?


It would be cool if pro Dota 2 was like the WWE or 90s rap.


Corporate Apologist
reading comprehension.

Im saying the hero's been good since .72

yet you're saying hes been called weak two patches ago





I don't know, I don't think he would have been able to offlane before the change to creep equilibrium a while back, which seems to be his biggest strength in making it viable to draft him early.


So during this TI4 downtime I began reminiscing about my first game of Dota 2 (never played original Dota). I was trying to remember which hero I played my first game with, why I chose them, and how it went.


Thought he looked cool and I had a suspicion that his name was going to turn out ironic. Also, I was running out of time on the panic inducing timer that I didn't understand.

It went very badly. I had no idea how about laning or farming, let alone how Tiny's mechanics worked. Still, I got hooked by the amount of strategy and cooperation apparently being leveraged against me that it got me coming back for more.

Anyone else care to share?


the fuck u talking about. Void's been identified as ownage since the start of this patch. He was lackluster b/c of how much farm requirement he needed, but that was before double timelock dmg in chrono, b4 the timewalk buff, before MoM buff, and before people realized how good aghs was on that hero. He was* one of the weaker carries b/c of how much time it took to get him online, but ever since 6.72 hes been a great hero.

Iunno where ur getting this "people said XXXX" but thats not even the case voids been regarded as a good hero for a while now.

reading comprehension.

Im saying the hero's been good since .72

yet you're saying hes been called weak two patches ago






He was called weak. He was a weaker carry, which means weaker hero. Nobody picked him like Luna, or whoever the hot carries were back then. Reading comprehension.
I don't remember many void picks before 6.80 changes. Also when he was picked they used to draft teamfight wombo combo stuff with him and put him safelane and farm a battlefury. Now he can go offlane sometimes and gets stuff like MoM/Aghs/Mael/Refresher and they use chrono for solo pickoffs with heroes like invoker or skywrath and a bunch of other heroes.

Idk but if feels like the perspective on him has changed a bit, I mean I remember people used to complain about his laning, they used to say he doesn't farm fast enough/takes too long to come online etc, on playdota they called him "damageless void" and argue Magnus is a better carry and stuff like that.


So during this TI4 downtime I began reminiscing about my first game of Dota 2 (never played original Dota). I was trying to remember which hero I played my first game with, why I chose them, and how it went.


Thought he looked cool and I had a suspicion that his name was going to turn out ironic. Also, I was running out of time on the panic inducing timer that I didn't understand.

It went very badly. I had no idea how about laning or farming, let alone how Tiny's mechanics worked. Still, I got hooked by the amount of strategy and cooperation apparently being leveraged against me that it got me coming back for more.

Anyone else care to share?
Drow, I picked her because she looked the coolest in the promotional posters originally.


It was awful, and to this day I STILL have no idea how I had more farm than Weaver.

I also had no understanding of her passives and thought it was stupid her ultimate was a passive and not something flashy and impressive.


The best thing about Void now is you can use his ultimate for solo pick offs. Back when his ultimate had a long cool down it would be useless to pick off someone alone with it. Now it's glorious for catching people alone.


So during this TI4 downtime I began reminiscing about my first game of Dota 2 (never played original Dota). I was trying to remember which hero I played my first game with, why I chose them, and how it went.


Thought he looked cool and I had a suspicion that his name was going to turn out ironic. Also, I was running out of time on the panic inducing timer that I didn't understand.

It went very badly. I had no idea how about laning or farming, let alone how Tiny's mechanics worked. Still, I got hooked by the amount of strategy and cooperation apparently being leveraged against me that it got me coming back for more.

Anyone else care to share?

Drow Ranger

I liked her in Dota 1


Now my first dota match I played naix, had no idea what items to buy, and everybody quit before 5 minutes. I remember thinking it was a Warcraft III for those who couldn't micro/macro well (I was top 40 on 4v4 random ladder). Kept playing because my friends didn't play WCIII.


Bull on a Donut
So during this TI4 downtime I began reminiscing about my first game of Dota 2 (never played original Dota). I was trying to remember which hero I played my first game with, why I chose them, and how it went.


Thought he looked cool and I had a suspicion that his name was going to turn out ironic. Also, I was running out of time on the panic inducing timer that I didn't understand.

It went very badly. I had no idea how about laning or farming, let alone how Tiny's mechanics worked. Still, I got hooked by the amount of strategy and cooperation apparently being leveraged against me that it got me coming back for more.

Anyone else care to share?

i don't remember my first hero but i remember randoming shadowfiend in dota 1 when i was a complete newb and yelling at my friends in the LAN cafe that my hero was bugged because he had 3 of the same ability



First hero in an aRTS was Leeg's Ashe, and I wanted to perform pilgrimage to the original inspiration.

Killed the hell out of those bots >->. Drow's awesome. Ashe sucks.


Low Tier
He was called weak. He was a weaker carry, which means weaker hero. Nobody picked him like Luna, or whoever the hot carries were back then. Reading comprehension.

again, you've failed to read my post and only nitpicked. Who are these people who are calling void weak? Can you pull anything up? Just because he wasnt being picked b/c other carries were more 'meta' like Luna during deathball doesnt mean he's weak at all. If that's the case then like 70 heroes are considered 'weak' by your description.

And if you pull something from like playdota or reddit that's completely invalid because those people just cant dota.

In fact, he was picked quite commonly during 6.77 with magnus and then fell off when mag got nerfed



He looked human. He had a sword. I immediately made the classic RPG connection to the human-knight class and assumed he would be easy to play.

He was not easy to play. 0/10/3. To make matters worse my friend who was "teaching" me the game put me mid against a Viper. Massacre.

There was a dota 2 newb 4 minute guide in one the early beta threads using veno

disgusting...tbf my veno is and will always be shit and idc cause I now hate the hero


I picked windrunner because I thought dota was like a fighting game (in fact I think it may have been Michael K Rossington who got me into dota in the first place), and thought people had "mains". I played Sakura back when people thought she wasn't good so I figured I'd go high tier this time. I saw that tier lists for dota at the time had "bans" and thought CM was the only mode, so I thought I needed to pick someone good who wasn't banned all the time, and WR was under "often picked, situationally banned" or something at the time (mid 2012) so I said ok I guess I'll main her and I heard she was versatile so I thought hey I could learn the game with her.

went 0/10/3 with a team of shasha, jak, wr, visage, and cm. We lost vs bots and it felt bad.



Because this thread said ogre was good for beginners, and I liked the way he looked!

We wrecked face! I remember dual lanning with viper and I kept saying Ok, I'm going to stun now! and everytime I stunned whoever it was viper killed him. It was great! I've never won with Ogre since then.
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