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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana


which makes him waste like one autoattack as he moves with 1500 ms in his chrono:p (not that I think void needs a nerf)
The point is to (probably) save your own life inside the chrono, or that of an ally. Unless the ghost form is purged off of the hero in question, Void's not killing that hero no matter how fast he can walk.
Already nearly at the next emoticon goal after doing some casual streaming this weekend.



Canadians burned my passport
The only problem with void I find is that once he hits six, you can't even stay in lane anymore because one miss-step will lead to purply death. I dunno, maybe nerf level 1 chrono duration so that it's survivable?


The only problem with void I find is that once he hits six, you can't even stay in lane anymore because one miss-step will lead to purply death. I dunno, maybe nerf level 1 chrono duration so that it's survivable?
Level dix void has terrible damage though, needs another hero or two to make kills happen in that scenario.

Base agility increased from 21 to 23.
Turn rate improved from 0.5 to 1.


Chronosphere icon.png Chronosphere cooldown reduced from 120/110/100 to 120/100/80.
Faceless Void now has 1000 movement speed and phase while in Chronosphere icon.png Chronosphere.
Time Walk icon.png Time Walk manacost reduced from 120 to 90.


Time Walk icon.png Time Walk slow rescaled from 25/30/35/40% to 20/30/40/50%.
Chronosphere icon.png Chronosphere AoE increased from 400 to 450.


Time Lock icon.png Time Lock deals twice as much damage when it procs on a target in Chronosphere icon.png Chronosphere.
Faceless Void can no longer be frozen by any Chronosphere.


Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75.
Aghanim's upgraded Chronosphere icon.png Chronosphere cooldown decreased from 75 to 60.
Chronosphere icon.png Chronosphere now reveals Invisible units.
Chronosphere icon.png Chronosphere cast range improved from 500/550/600 to 600.
Time Walk icon.png Time Walk slow affects all units along his path, instead of just at the destination.

Void changes since I started playing. Honestly, I dunno why Void calls for nerf became so vocal lately.

Also this backtrack in Aui's stream lmao.


Void changes since I started playing. Honestly, I dunno why Void calls for nerf became so vocal lately.

Also this backtrack in Aui's stream lmao.
Because these were finally enough to make him a top-tier pick and what's popular will always get hate. People used to laugh at the occasional Void appearing in pro games, and for good reason.

That said I trust Icefrog to make the right call, which means minor number adjustments at most. Simultaneously he'll push other carries who have fallen out of favor lately.


Corporate Apologist
What makes void viable pick is he can now solo off lane in addition of being put mid or the traditional safe lane carry. Lower his early game defense, and he won't be able to off lane, and then won't be picked as often.

Also give blood seeker more armor and base move speed.


What makes void viable pick is he can now solo off lane in addition of being put mid or the traditional safe lane carry. Lower his early game defense, and he won't be able to off lane, and then won't be picked as often.

Also give blood seeker more armor and base move speed.

boooo this man. We dont need BS in the trenchs


Was playing a 4v4 inhouse with skill levels all over the place the other day expecting fun and games until someone counter-picked our Weaver and my Storm with Bloodcyka


Bull on a Donut
Void changes since I started playing. Honestly, I dunno why Void calls for nerf became so vocal lately.

Also this backtrack in Aui's stream lmao.

Because of exactly what you just posted. He got like 10 buffs in a row, became good, universe took him offlane and owned, and now everyone and their mother picks him in pubs. He's a good "pubstomp" hero, because he's one of the few heroes in the game that can actually 1v5 and have a tremendous impact on the mid-game despite being a hard carry.

I don't think he's broken, but it's the same cries of "NERF SB!" "NERF PL!" "NERF TINKER!" People don't like seeing the same heroes beat them every game, especially heroes with somewhat frustrating mechanics (chrono void, sb charge, PL split push, tinker everything).


How come you guys always want to talk about nerfs and not buffs? Don't nerf void, just make everything stronger but him.
the hardest carry (or one of) shouldn't be able to kill people with only boots + mask of madness early on. it'd be like naga being able to solo heroes with treads + drums. it's just stupid.


Void changes since I started playing. Honestly, I dunno why Void calls for nerf became so vocal lately.

Also this backtrack in Aui's stream lmao.

It's like treant protector. He never got picked. Then they gave him Living Armor, still didn't get picked. Then they buffed Living Armor and his other spells over the next few patches, and then everybody started picking him because he was too good. So now he's been nerfed in the last 4 patches and is actually worse than he was right after he got buffed, but he's still picked way more now than he was back then.


Leech Seed damage per pulse decreased from 24/36/48/60 to 15/30/45/60.


Nature's Guise cast range increased from 300 to 600.
Overgrowth AoE increased from 625 to 675.


Leech Seed:
Damage per pulse reduced from 30/45/60/75 to 24/36/48/60.
Number of pulses increased from 4 to 6 (duration from 3 to 4.5).
Living Armor:
Cooldown rebalanced from 15 to 32/26/20/14.
Manacost increased from 25 to 50.
Nature's Guise icon.png Nature's Guise cast point improved from 0.5 to 0.3.
Night vision reduced from 1200 to 800.


Living Armor damage instances reduced from 7 to 4/5/6/7.


Leech Seed
Slow increased from 24% to 28%.
Healing effect no longer ends when the target dies.


Living Armor damage reduction is now done for all instances of damage that reduce its charges.


Damage increased by 10.
Leech Seed cooldown decreased from 18/16/14/12 to 16/14/12/10.
Overgrowth cooldown decreased from 80 to 70.
Living Armor
damage instances increased from 6 to 7.
can be cast through the minimap (only considers heroes and towers/rax in this mode).


Living Armor
Cooldown and duration decreased from 20 to 15.
Manacost decreased from 30/35/40/45 to 25.


Strength growth increased from 2.8 to 3.3.
Living Armor HP regen increased from 4/6/8/10 to 4/7/10/13.


Damage increased by 14.
Base attack time increased from 1.7 to 1.9.
Living Armor aura replaced with a new active ability:

Target an allied unit or structure. Grants bonus regeneration and physical damage block. Dispels when more than 6 damage instances are taken.
HP Regeneration: 4/6/8/10
Physical Damage Block: 20/40/60/80 (hero only)
Threshold: 6 damage instances
Duration: 20
Cooldown: 20
Manacost: 30/35/40/45
Cast Range: Global

No longer does damage.
Duration increased from 3 to 3/3.75/4.5.
Cooldown decreased from 115/105/95 to 80.


So what you are telling me is that we should buff Meepo to a godly status?

See this is a good idea. Like I don't even know who this Meepo fellow is. What if we gave him immunity to all CC and made his nuke do like 500 damage. There counters void.


the hardest carry (or one of) shouldn't be able to kill people with only boots + mask of madness early on. it'd be like naga being able to solo heroes with treads + drums. it's just stupid.

Void cannot 100%-0% most heroes with just boots+MoM early. The problem with comparing him to naga is that naga is great at farming quickly whereas void has no fast farming abilities. He almost needs kills in order to be a threat as the game goes on because he loses in flat-out farming races to a lot of other carries.


Void cannot 100%-0% most heroes with just boots+MoM early. The problem with comparing him to naga is that naga is great at farming quickly whereas void has no fast farming abilities. He almost needs kills in order to be a threat as the game goes on because he loses in flat-out farming races to a lot of other carries.



Void cannot 100%-0% most heroes with just boots+MoM early. The problem with comparing him to naga is that naga is great at farming quickly whereas void has no fast farming abilities. He almost needs kills in order to be a threat as the game goes on because he loses in flat-out farming races to a lot of other carries.

Except Void can stun the other carry for 5 (6 with ags) seconds through bkb and just kill him.
I think battle hunger is super useful in lane but it does fall off super hard. If I had to pick a bottom five:

1. Caustic Finale
2. Empowering Haste
3. Maledict
4. Concussive Shot
5. Inner Vitality

Maledict? Maybe it's because I'm scrub tier, but it feels like a really scary spell. Put in on a raid boss carry and amplify damage done to him by 1.4 after four seconds, and way more if he's still alive for the second and third ticks. Lvl 1 Maledict can be grabbed at lvl 4 and used to ensure gank targets don't get away.

I'd say:

1. Battle Hunger
2. Caustic Finale
3. Ice Vortex


what a weird day, two of my last 3 games resulted in us winning because someone either abandoned or called gg after 10 minutes how am I supposed to practice prophet...

Talking about np I've been going phase/treads > maelstrom > blink.

Is it better to go straight for mjolnir or instead start getting a sheepstick. Also, how do I decide what to buy after these items?
Has this been posted yet? http://dota.io/quiz/. Fun quiz that tests your knowledge of dota mechanics.

The format is super confusing though, basically it asks "does [left skill/item] work after [right item/skill] is used"? i.e. if it shows ghost scepter and bladefury, click bladefury because ghost scepter doesn't block it. If it shows doom (the skill) and bloodbath, click bloodbath because doom disables it.
what a weird day, two of my last 3 games resulted in us winning because someone either abandoned or called gg after 10 minutes how am I supposed to practice prophet...

Talking about np I've been going phase/treads > maelstrom > blink.

Is it better to go straight for mjolnir or instead start getting a sheepstick. Also, how do I decide what to buy after these items?

I'd say to go for a sheep stick and then go for a Mjolnir or desolator if you are wanting more team fight ability or a necrobook if you want more of a splitpushing build.


relies on auto-aim
Void cannot 100%-0% most heroes with just boots+MoM early. The problem with comparing him to naga is that naga is great at farming quickly whereas void has no fast farming abilities. He almost needs kills in order to be a threat as the game goes on because he loses in flat-out farming races to a lot of other carries.
Sorry, treads and MoM Kappa


Corporate Apologist
Ice vortex is really nice with the low cooldown late game if you have the mana to spam it.

Inner vitality really is crummy though.
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