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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana


Except Void can stun the other carry for 5 (6 with ags) seconds through bkb and just kill him.

I don't recall seeing many voids during TI solo killing enemy carries, he always had help with a lineup picked specifically to fight with chronosphere.

It's weird that with a 42% competitive winrate people are clamoring for nerfs. Especially since when it came down to it Void wasn't even a part of the prevailing strategy that won the tournament.

I hope we're not all asking for hero nerfs just because we get dummied by them in pubs.
How is orb of venom on (carry) Wraith King? I'm thinking of starting with salve/tango/clarity/shield, buying boots asap and orb after that.

Also, there doesn't seem to be a consensus on how to skill early, aside from maxing your stun first. Any advice on in what order to skill your crit, aura and stats early game?


May contain jokes =>
My friend suggested a hero centered around building maintenance. What are everybody's thoughts? I could totally see a Goblin/Dwarf Mechanic/Engineer hero. Similar to techies with a very limited utility in fights. Abilities heal towers, buff a tower's attack potential, etc.

Would be hard to balance but I think it's a really good concept. Thoughts?


Bull on a Donut
I don't recall seeing many voids during TI solo killing enemy carries, he always had help with a lineup picked specifically to fight with chronosphere.

It's weird that with a 42% competitive winrate people are clamoring for nerfs. Especially since when it came down to it Void wasn't even a part of the prevailing strategy that won the tournament.

I hope we're not all asking for hero nerfs just because we get dummied by them in pubs.

That's because he was usually played as an offlaner at TI, where he was the 3 (sometimes transitioning later in the game if he gets plenty of kills, usually happens when universe plays him).

PL had around 41% winrate and was a tier 3 pick (popularity wise) around TI3, yet he was still nerfed both directly and indirectly (kotl nerfed, tranqs nerfed, counters buffed, new counters created, and a pretty hefty damage nerf). Spiritbreaker was rarely picked and still dicked. Like it or not, pubs seem to impact a few nerfs every patch. People will complain about anything that is popular and wrecking their face in their average 1k, 2k, 3k, 4k, 5k+ pubs. Heroes that do this and have some frustrating mechanics get most of the attention (i.e. tinker, PL, SB, etc...).

That being said, if anything, I don't think icefrog will touch chrono at all. He's been buffing ultimates and aghs effects A LOT over the last few patches. Seems to be his way of making underpicked supports and hard carries more relevant by giving them some major presence as soon as they hit 6.


relies on auto-aim
Chrono is bullshit and is not fun. That's really all there is to it imo. You can put Void anywhere and as long as he isn't level 5 10 minutes in he can contribute massively no matter what with almost no items, then just kill most heroes with Treads + MoM safely during laning or shortly after that phase.

Higher CD for how ridiculous it is and a mana cost increase would be a good start (120/110/100) and say 50 more mana per level.


Check out these hot new builds from my trench

My friend suggested a hero centered around building maintenance. What are everybody's thoughts? I could totally see a Goblin/Dwarf Mechanic/Engineer hero. Similar to techies with a very limited utility in fights. Abilities heal towers, buff a tower's attack potential, etc.

Would be hard to balance but I think it's a really good concept. Thoughts?

Interesting idea but Treant already heals(and I hate him for it), and this hero sounds like it falls off super hard mid/late game.
Commend Shaker for buying before he died

Luna going push strat

Intimidation Eclipse

Chris R

Player just copying RTZ. He did a Luna ult with no Q build one time m

How much gold did they have right then? With max glaive they should have more items by that point I would think...


Check out these hot new builds from my trench


To be fair, if you're going all out farming, Luna's build is not so bad*

* assuming the enemy team doesn't attempt to kill you

That said, I do love to use Lucent Beam for a few last hits when no-one's looking (or if the creep is out of range).


May contain jokes =>
Interesting idea but Treant already heals(and I hate him for it), and this hero sounds like it falls off super hard mid/late game.

Just some ideas:

Goblin Mechanic

Q - Repair
The goblin mechanic repairs a friendly building.
Roughly similar to Living Armor in effectiveness, but not global.

W - Fortify/Sap
The goblin mechanic carefully fortifies a friendly building, giving it increased attack strength and armor. May also be used on enemy towers to decrease their attack and armor.
Difficult to balance. Not sure if it's a long cooldown or whether the fortify process takes a long channeling time to complete.

E - Mine
The goblin mechanic digs an invisible entrance to his underground mining network. These entrances are revealed by detection and destroyed . When the goblin mechanic establishes more than one tunnel, he may travel between them, underground (ignoring terrain and invisible to the enemy) at 522 move speed. If the goblin mechanic is trapped inside while the entrances are destroyed, he is killed.
Not sure whether the entrances should be visible or invisible. Not sure the max number of entrances on the map.

R - Rebuild
The goblin mechanic breaks ground on a new building to replace a fallen structure. He must stay in a small radius of the construction zone, and work ends if he is killed. The construction zone is vulnerable to enemy attacks which increase the time the mechanic must spend working, or destroy it if they bring his work completed down to zero. If construction is successfully completed, a new structure is raised.
Obviously the viability and balance of this is all in how long you have to stay nearby to successfully build the new structure.


Just some ideas:

Goblin Mechanic

Q - Repair
The goblin mechanic repairs a friendly building.
Roughly similar to Living Armor in effectiveness, but not global.

W - Fortify/Sap
The goblin mechanic carefully fortifies a friendly building, giving it increased attack strength and armor. May also be used on enemy towers to decrease their attack and armor.
Difficult to balance. Not sure if it's a long cooldown or whether the fortify process takes a long channeling time to complete.

E - Mine
The goblin mechanic digs an invisible entrance to his underground mining network. These entrances are revealed by detection and destroyed . When the goblin mechanic establishes more than one tunnel, he may travel between them, underground (ignoring terrain and invisible to the enemy) at 522 move speed.
Not sure whether the entrances should be visible or invisible. Not sure the max number of entrances on the map.

R - Rebuild
The goblin mechanic breaks ground on a new building to replace a fallen structure. He must stay in a small radius of the construction zone, and work ends if he is killed. The construction zone is vulnerable to enemy attacks which increase the time the mechanic must spend working, or destroy it if they bring his work completed down to zero. If construction is successfully completed, a new structure is raised.
Obviously the viability and balance of this is all in how long you have to stay nearby to successfully build the new structure.

I actually really like this, I think Mine seems to be a bit too powerful to not be an ult, as with Rebuild, good ideas though.


How is orb of venom on (carry) Wraith King? I'm thinking of starting with salve/tango/clarity/shield, buying boots asap and orb after that.

Also, there doesn't seem to be a consensus on how to skill early, aside from maxing your stun first. Any advice on in what order to skill your crit, aura and stats early game?

I love wraith king, I've got like a 90% win rate with him. I usually start with salve tango stout and either clarity or branches depending on lanes. Then go boots + magic stick ASAP. Then Armlet. Oov is good on him but I never get it unless I've got like total free farm.

I think core on WK is Armlet then some combination of basher/Mjlonirr/AC. Get a BKB if you have to but save it for after your ulti goes off.

I think a 6 slotted WK should probably look like: abyssal, Mjlonirr, AC, Bkb, blink, and travels.

Or: aegis, blink, rapier, rapier, rapier, rapier


Maledict? Maybe it's because I'm scrub tier, but it feels like a really scary spell. Put in on a raid boss carry and amplify damage done to him by 1.4 after four seconds, and way more if he's still alive for the second and third ticks. Lvl 1 Maledict can be grabbed at lvl 4 and used to ensure gank targets don't get away.

I'd say:

1. Battle Hunger
2. Caustic Finale
3. Ice Vortex

Maledict is cool n all but it relies on other sources of damage to really do anything and the scenario you cite is easily avoided if said raid boss carry has a bkb. This is also the case for lots of spells but with maledict the carry can do it any old time and your spell is null. So say you stun them with mirana arrow, most spells will do damage in burst and kill him off, but because maledict does DOT they can purge it whenever (assuming they survive the stun duration), and effectively take no damage. This also applies to Battle Hunger, but BH is far more useful in lane and has the benefit of buffing move speed for better chase, which Axe needs.

Outside of the bkb scenario, I think it requires too much setup, won't do all that much damage early (so you're better off using other heroes' nukes), and in general I prefer to level cask/heal for better teamfight once I hit 6 as WD. I think it has its uses but so does every spell -- I don't think there's a useless active in the game imo.


Looking at the items that's not very surprising. Doom going Midas first, Void rushing BF, Slark rushing SB, and Slardar. 4 heroes not coming online for a while(arguably 5 since SK needs Blink) can't possibly go well unless the other team goes full on passive for 30 minutes.

You know how Jungle Doom goes right? Rush midas. Looking at his skillbuild it looks like he was jungle.
You know how Jungle Doom goes right? Rush midas. Looking at his skillbuild it looks like he was jungle.
I'm not saying don't go Midas on Doom, I'm saying that it takes a long time to come online and combined with a Void rushing BF that means you have two heroes that are pretty useless for too long except for their ults(and none of those other heroes can do anything with Chrono).
Maledict is cool n all but it relies on other sources of damage to really do anything and the scenario you cite is easily avoided if said raid boss carry has a bkb. This is also the case for lots of spells but with maledict the carry can do it any old time and your spell is null. So say you stun them with mirana arrow, most spells will do damage in burst and kill him off, but because maledict does DOT they can purge it whenever (assuming they survive the stun duration), and effectively take no damage. This also applies to Battle Hunger, but BH is far more useful in lane and has the benefit of buffing move speed for better chase, which Axe needs.

Outside of the bkb scenario, I think it requires too much setup, won't do all that much damage early (so you're better off using other heroes' nukes), and in general I prefer to level cask/heal for better teamfight once I hit 6 as WD. I think it has its uses but so does every spell -- I don't think there's a useless active in the game imo.

Fair enough, though I should point out that maledict can't be purged, BKB only blocks 1-2 ticks but doesn't remove it. Also, I feel like paralyzing cast is all the setup you need in most small-scale fights, and for full on teamfights there's generally a better initiator around that you can make use of.


You know how Jungle Doom goes right? Rush midas. Looking at his skillbuild it looks like he was jungle.

He was jungle but one of the worst things you can do as a player is decide your build before the game starts. Our bot tower was dead and they were pushing long before he got it. Should have never purchased the Midas but I played badly too so I don't have much room to talk :(


How do you fight a late game medusa? I thought bkb would let our AM fight through her stone gaze but nope didn't work, he still got frozen in bkb. I think I should have gotten sheep stick.

edit: anyway we ended up winning.
How do you fight a late game medusa? I thought bkb would let our AM fight through her stone gaze but nope didn't work, he still got frozen in bkb. I think I should have gotten sheep stick.

edit: anyway we ended up winning.

Medusa is one of the best late-game fighting carries, not so great if she get's kited. If she shows up euls her,single her out and kill her, or just distract her by keeping the lane's pushed. In a full-on fight, she will dominate (unless she was just afk for like 40 min and has no farm).
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