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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana


I disagree. Heroes like Mirana are far more deserving.

Mirana just got nerfed. The only annoying thing about her is lvl 6 team wide invis, which you counter by getting early sentries.

To all the people moaning about Chrono:

When Void got buffed so he had 1000 MS in Chrono MANY people in this very thread were saying it was great because now he is a viable carry.

Chrono isnt the issue with Void. His stats are to good for what he brings. 4 Armour and 64 damage at lvl 1 is fucking disgusting on such a strong hero. Lets him dominate a lane easily with little support

With a tiny damage nerf and making backtrack a normal dodge chance like PAs blur and he will be fine (and make chronos cool down longer 80 secs on a damageless blackhole is dumb shit)
I just put Invoker Wars up on the Workshop, give it a go with some friends. It's fun.




Support is even more frustrating than a situation like this. So much opportunity for things to go wrong, and usually it does happen. You want to smoke mid? Your teammate is like "Nah fuck you" and doesn't want to go and just sits in lane. Your carry asks "Why aren't you 6 yet?!" when you were in a trilane and then blames you. Even if you do do everything right, set up kills. Your carries can just throw it all away for you.

This is what I want you to notice. It is frustrating to play support when you don't want to or got stuck with a dumbass carry. Sometimes it's 6min in and I don't even have boots, and I'm like "you know what? fuck you all, I'm buying boots. Not my fault there is only one support on the team".

I don't really remember the results of the matches, but if you die once and have to buy a tp, you lost 135+ gold, plus time dead not getting gold or XP. IMO it is worth it.
Damnit, my DOTA 2 crashes when I press Find Match. I have the Steam beta and also use the dota 2 workshop tools (not finding a match through that) so I assume it has to do with that.

EDIT: Opting out from the beta seems to fix it.




rtz streaming

Unrelated, but I cannot imagine how/why people play dota this way. Dota without being able to communicate with people sounds like an excercise is frustration.

I know I often bring this up as a joke, but honestly, why don't people group up as 5 to guarantee cool/communicative people?

This game actually has pretty fun game-play, if you just focus on your own hero and doing the best you can in the situation. I mean if you enjoy playing and not just winning.

I actually prefer not having four people each constantly wanting to micro my every decision. There's a basic level of coordination you can get from just pings and guessing at each other's intentions which is enough a lot of the time. And yeah sometimes you lose because of coordination mishaps, but firstly it's not the end of the world and secondly most of that stuff is only marginally less likely to happen when stacking.


May contain jokes =>
Just go gaf or giant bomb chatrooms, there are often people looking for party members there. When you play with nice people, exchange friend requests and soon you'll have a friends list full of people you can invite. Share steam names on gaf! Add add add me: steamcommunity.com/id/rayzertag!

It's not really that easy honestly. If you're a solo looking to get a 5 stack it can easily take an hour to get a team together out of chat, and then you'll probably have a pretty wide MMR range. Sometimes you just want to play.


Just buy the damn wards or other detection if no one else will. I've had to buy dust and gems as a carry. And it's no big deal. I'll go through the jungle, get a camp or two.

Keeping myself and the team alive is more important than "losing" 150-200 gold.

What is bad though are the kinds of people that rush (and never finish) 40 min sheep stick when they could've got euls, force staff etc.
This game actually has pretty fun game-play, if you just focus on your own hero and doing the best you can in the situation. I mean if you enjoy playing and not just winning.

I actually prefer not having four people each constantly wanting to micro my every decision. There's a basic level of coordination you can get from just pings and guessing at each other's intentions which is enough a lot of the time. And yeah sometimes you lose because of coordination mishaps, but firstly it's not the end of the world and secondly most of that stuff is only marginally less likely to happen when stacking.

Fair enough, I can see why it would be a matter of taste. It's not about winning for me though, part of why I enjoy playing with 5 stacks is because you can coordinate silly strategies (tusk + 5 meepo snowball of death, huskar + dazzle shallow grave for 5 seconds of max attack speed), and possibly fail hilariously, without getting flamed by your team.

Even excluding dumb gimmick teams, I usually have more fun losing with fun/calm people than winning with assholes I had to mute.

It's not really that easy honestly. If you're a solo looking to get a 5 stack it can easily take an hour to get a team together out of chat, and then you'll probably have a pretty wide MMR range. Sometimes you just want to play.

I can always get a full group together in 5 mins, sometimes 10 when it's ungodly late/early in my timezone. It could take longer for you if you're in an uncommon timezone, but an hour sounds absurd to me.


May contain jokes =>
I can always get a full group together in 5 mins, sometimes 10 when it's ungodly late/early in my timezone.

Not much I can say besides that's completely counter to every experience I've ever had. Chat is usually pretty dead, one person looking for a party and asking multiple times with minimal answers. The only time chat is really active is when a major pro game is happening and people aren't looking to play then.


Not much I can say besides that's completely counter to every experience I've ever had. Chat is usually pretty dead, one person looking for a party and asking multiple times with minimal answers. The only time chat is really active is when a major pro game is happening and people aren't looking to play then.

what's your timezone? and what channels are you talking about?

gaf chat is normally dead, but gb is normally active so it's pretty quick if you don't mind playing with any mmr


Corporate Apologist
Fuck, I was planning on doing puck wars and I remembered some one else said they were doing it last night. Maybe I'll do disruptor wars.


Dreamed Draskyl and Juggernaut were both real-life people, gathered in a parlor with others like a real-life game of Clue. Draskyl abruptly proclaimed Juggernaut the game's worst hero or something to that effect, and tastefully squashed his head under a couch pillow with his foot. Game was won.


Small Dota 2 modding tool question.

I'm kind of stuck at trying to get my SpawnUnit to take effect where I used my skill ( DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_POINT ), I can only seem to make it spawn at my hero location. Any tips ?


So if I download these alpha tools and it redownloads Dota 2 completely, does that replace my Dota 2 client with the new Source 2 port? Or is that a separate client.

I kinda want to check it out and see those new low loading times in person. :D

Gears of Invoker. Can't wait for third person SP campaign maps.

Valve needs to do something about that fog of war draw distance tho. :p


Corporate Apologist
has anyone done WR wars? that could be fun

kunkka wars could be fun too if you change tidebringer
There is a windrunner wars made by a Chinese guy on the work shop. A tad buggy with the new Ult, and likely balanced poorly, but it works pretty well from what I tried.

Guy's code is sadly really hard to read, bad variable names for half the stuff, Chinese names for the other half, and he simply doesn't use white space. I was trying to see how he made a volly spell, but I gave up for the night after about 30 minutes.

Anyone know if it's possible to make an ability that can be used even if disabled?


The only problem is that you are supposed to get 10-12 minute BoTs and if you don't you've probably already lost. You're taking 10 minutes to sit mid and farm them, and once you have them your team needs you to rotate. It is worth it to buy the wards, but extremely frustrating if you do and your team goes "Well our tinker took 14 minutes to get bots, gg ,report!"
I don't mean to jump on the dogpile, but wards cost 150 gold. That's like 4 last hits on average. As tinker, if that ward keeps you alive for 1 additional creep wave, or allows you to stack ancients once, you've already paid for both wards. I can't imagine a situation where buying wards delays your bots by more than 30-45 seconds, especially if that ward is the difference between you getting 2-3 more runes.


The shame!

(Replace cr.mp for a cr.lk. Less damage but even easier link)

OK so like I learned the combo, but there are two renditions: ending with criminal upper and ending with light crack kick. When would I want to do each?

A stack of wards is like 3 last hits on lane. Spending 150 gold on wards doesn't delay your BoTs by 5 minutes.

Honestly it's way worse when someone does buy wards and puts neither in a spot that helps mid. Buying them yourself ensures that you have vision where you want it.


A stack of wards is like 3 last hits on lane. Spending 150 gold on wards doesn't delay your BoTs by 5 minutes.

Honestly it's way worse when someone does buy wards and puts neither in a spot that helps mid. Buying them yourself ensures that you have vision where you want it.

Yep, like when both lanes put defensive wards in the jungle, instead of warding a rune and blocking the pull camp.
I swear Sheever plays nothing but supports on stream. So boring to watch.

Good supports are the most fun to watch imo, they trip all around the map and kill people. Spectating a carry smacking creeps in lane or doing rounds in the jungle is a lot duller, unless the hero (or streamer) is good for early yolo agression.


I don't know if she has gotten better but when I watched her some months ago she would pick the most vanilla supports and just keep sitting in lane until Bulldong told her to do something.
1) What is 'the trench'?
2) What's it called if you help your creeps start the push and swing the momentum towards the opposition tower, but you don't help them push the tower itself?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Sheever's probably just not that good relative to the circles she rolls with, so she plays safe. Roles aren't intrinsically interesting, what matters most is how players approach them. Anbokr plays farming carry all the time and it would probably be the most boring shit in the world to watch since all he does is farm and push towers.

738 GPM and for what? 2 kills, 2 assists, and a whole lot of towers.
1) What is 'the trench'?
When your teammates are so bad, they keep dragging down your win rate, thus freezing your MMR growth.

2) What's it called if you help your creeps start the push and swing the momentum towards the opposition tower, but you don't help them push the tower itself?
There's no term for it that I know. "Pushing out" is the closest I can think of, which means advancing the creepline (where the two creep waves meet after spawning) without necessarily getting a tower.
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