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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana


Bull on a Donut
aw come on!!!!! let me have fun calling out those rats!!! (btw void split push mid while those fools tp'd bot) RATTED

By all means, call out those rats man, just don't diminish your own accomplishment by saying you out-ratted the rats to victory, looks like from the dotabuff that you took a decisive fight and just straight up throned them. Which is usually how most wins against rat lineups (especially those that take early raxxes) occur--you ain't got the time or the ability to take multiple raxxes, so you farm up, turtle, take big fights, and seize the big opportunity for the throne through one lane.


Seriously fuck Tinker. I get 2 shoted by this mother*****
And also fuck Brewmaster ulti. Basically a new life plus extra damage.
Thats all the rage I have for tonights episode

How about void.

How about that fucker, throwing bad chronos all game, then ur team doesnt fucking push because they make this shit go lategame. And that fucker, 3/10/2 afk farming void finally has mjolnir and MoM and skullfucks u - the support, who has been trying to push the game to finish fast. And then ur team of ss dumbfucks. gg, void too heavy a carry. And this especailly when the rest of the team has been asking to report him all game.
Medic is Dazzle. He even has overcharge

Guardian Angel is more like übercharge than Shallow Grave is.

Sniper - Ancient Apparition (fragile, long range skillshots)
Scout - Storm Spirit or Weaver (fragile, mobile, close range)
Demoman - Techies (boom)
Engineer - Venomancer (Witchdoctor just drops his ult and leaves, Venomancer actually sets up defensive lines)
Pyro - Jakiro (massive damage over time, aoe, close range)
Spy - Nyx Assassin (stalking around enemy lines, invisibility, near instant kill on lone targets)
Medic - Omniknight or Dazzle (healing, invulnerability)
Soldier - ?
Heavy - Morphling (tanky, close range, massive dps)
Guardian Angel is more like übercharge than Shallow Grave is.

Sniper - Ancient Apparition (fragile, long range skillshots)
Scout - Storm Spirit or Weaver (fragile, mobile, close range)
Demoman - Techies (boom)
Engineer - Venomancer (Witchdoctor just drops his ult and leaves, Venomancer actually sets up defensive lines)
Pyro - Jakiro (massive damage over time, aoe, close range)
Spy - Nyx Assassin (stalking around enemy lines, invisibility, near instant kill on lone targets)
Medic - Omniknight or Dazzle (healing, invulnerability)
Soldier - ?
Heavy - Morphling (tanky, close range, massive dps)

Sentient Keyboard - Bad at Dota

I'm going on in 5 minutes if you're up for it :)


Quest to 5k again!

EDIT: TA counterpicked by razor this time, flame all chat "gg mid ez", i still end up with better cs score but lose cause supps feed. 4k are uncarriable really.


I gave up on 5k solo but I'm almost there in party.

Somehow I can carry my 3.5k friends agaisnt a bunch of 4k, but I can't do it with 4k randoms.
Hit 4k, then slid right back down to 3.9

How to play support at 4k (according to my allies from all my more recent games):

1. Prioritize your mana boots. The sooner you get these up, the sooner you can die diving towers because you have no hp or attack damage.

2. Never roam. A support's job is to sit in the lane and deny one or two creep out of every wave. Passively laning was what you did when you started playing the game and there is certainly no other more effective way to play support heroes.. Advanced strategy: occasionally auto attack an enemy hero, but only do this if you are guaranteed to lose an equal amount of health the entire creepwave you just aggroed.

3. Wards are for spotting runes only. It does not matter what stage the game is at. You should never use wards to track the enemy team's movments and secure easy ganks or ensure good positioning for teamfights. Sentry wards are a noob item and placing them down to countergank an invisible Clinkz/Riki/Gondar is way too risky and certainly won't cripple their chances of snowballing.

4. The courier should only be upgraded once you have upgraded your mana boots as seen in point #1.

5. If your ally has been ganked and you didn't react in time, you should teleport to the lane to show willing. If the enemy team doesn't immediately kill you as well, then walk back into the jungle or to base with nothing to show for it. At least you tried. If the enemy team leaves the lane after the gank, push it while missing the lasthits so that your core has nothing to do when he respawns.

6. When ganking Faceless Void, it's important to autoattack him even if you're pretty sure you can't kill him before your CC ends. This ensures you will also be caught in chronosphere and unable to help your allies.

7. If you wind up going 2-9-6, it was fine because you're playing support and support is allowed to die. Even if 3 of those deaths were to offlane Gondar in the early game.

8. When you lose, blame mid for not ganking or the carry for not farming effectively.

I feel like if I don't pick #5 support, I get that guy ^^ on my team in every game while the opposition supports are some sort of baller roaming duo that gets ahead of our supports (who are sitting passively in lane) while spending basically no time in a lane and giving their laners solo xp plus a whole shitload of map pressure.

People in ranked games also seem to really overplay stuff. Like they're so desperate for mmr that they throw the game because they overthink everything or try and make incredibly risky plays and win the game in 5 minutes rather than just taking an advantage steadily.



European/American qualifiers for WEC are cancelled, EG and Cloud9 invited

Plus a mystery European team which apparently has 2 TI winners, that will be interesting to see

Well the Europeans to win TI are the current Alliance team and Navi + LoH + Artstyle. So maybe those 2 joined a CIS team which has been invited. It's also possible Puppey has left Navi and joined one of them.

Edit: Also if Puppey did leave it could be Navi themselves and they just don't want to reveal it till the departure is known.





Pick drow, go mid, 7 cs first 2 waves i'm gucci. Top razor with my aura + phoenix sohuld win easily their lane against solo skywrath right? Razor goes 1-6-1 first 10 mins. The offlane is a solo DP who feed 2 kills to a dual lane and whine that she has no wards after she wanted solo offlane with prophet. After 15 mins, they start to feed intentionally cause "shit team" and "i don't care", while i still end with 200 cs in 15 mins but team just all decided i had to lose

Already -50 today

The only game i won was one where i fed as a solo offlane puck cause i played like a tard
Pick drow, go mid, 7 cs first 2 waves i'm gucci. Top razor with my aura + phoenix sohuld win easily their lane against solo skywrath right? Razor goes 1-6-1 first 10 mins. The offlane is a solo DP who feed 2 kills to a dual lane and whine that she has no wards after she wanted solo offlane with prophet. After 15 mins, they start to feed intentionally cause "shit team" and "i don't care", while i still end with 200 cs in 15 mins but team just all decided i had to lose

Already -50 today

The only game i won was one where i fed as a solo offlane puck cause i played like a tard

dude you need to provide Dotabuff links for hilarious games like this
No, the worst feeling is playing like shit, and being too heavy for the team carry you and being the soul reason you lost.

I'm good with that one, bring my mmr down to where it should be!

Thinking about it, the worst feeling is throwing. Playing carry alch I got ganked because I stepped out of base to use my midas and didn't have buy back by like 50 gold they just went down mid and killed our ancient.

All my fault.


I can't AR ranked! I'd AR ranked all day tbh, but stupid volvo rather put in AP and ranked party instead of doing the right thing and removing ranked party and adding AP ranked queue and AR ranked queue. All other modes are useless tbh. I'd be 6k AR ranked ez


2. Never roam. A support's job is to sit in the lane and deny one or two creep out of every wave. Passively laning was what you did when you started playing the game and there is certainly no other more effective way to play support heroes.. Advanced strategy: occasionally auto attack an enemy hero, but only do this if you are guaranteed to lose an equal amount of health the entire creepwave you just aggroed.

5. If your ally has been ganked and you didn't react in time, you should teleport to the lane to show willing. If the enemy team doesn't immediately kill you as well, then walk back into the jungle or to base with nothing to show for it. At least you tried. If the enemy team leaves the lane after the gank, push it while missing the lasthits so that your core has nothing to do when he respawns.

8. When you lose, blame mid for not ganking or the carry for not farming effectively.

2. I feel like if the guy needs babysitting then you can't really leave to roam etc. I'll rather have the guy secure farm and not dying than losing the lane. Some people can't play without babysitting.

5. If you can TP in and secure a kill so its a trade.. Why the fukc wouldn't you?

8. They more often than not deserve trash.


imo the worst feeling is playing well and then having the game slip away because the other team's hero outcarry yours and you didnt do enough to win in 30 minutes

the best feeling is when your team is the one that outcarries them and all of a sudden you're winning every teamfight


Corporate Apologist
I can't AR ranked! I'd AR ranked all day tbh, but stupid volvo rather put in AP and ranked party instead of doing the right thing and removing ranked party and adding AP ranked queue and AR ranked queue. All other modes are useless tbh. I'd be 6k AR ranked ez

I really wish they would implement "All Draft" so you didn't have to deal with everyone waiting until the game starts to pick, but still got to pick what hero you wanted to play.


I actually saw a Kunkka doing the Torrent stacking trick yesterday. My friend (Stuntman) caught it immediately and we got a ward in there, as well as taking most of his stack and ganking him.


I really wish they would implement "All Draft" so you didn't have to deal with everyone waiting until the game starts to pick, but still got to pick what hero you wanted to play.

Yeah the -10 g for counterpick is a ridicolous penalty. Now that random gold was also nerfed so many heroes are simply unusable in AP cause you'll get counterpicked instnatly zzzz


that puzzling face
Pfff... counterpicks are an excuse. What you need to do is pick early with a predictably counterpicked hero and just have a counter-counterpick strat with the right items.

For example PL with blink dagger. Their ganksquad coming in with sentries? Blink away and spam "HAH YOU DIDN'T EXPECT THAT DID YOU" in chat


Pfff... counterpicks are an excuse. What you need to do is pick early with a predictably counterpicked hero and just have a counter-counterpick strat with the right items.

For example PL with blink dagger. Their ganksquad coming in with sentries? Blink away and spam "HAH YOU DIDN'T EXPECT THAT DID YOU" in chat

Razor and viper against so many mids are effectively counterpicks which u can't do much against but lose the lane and hope to recover in midgame. Those heroes are so boring.

Icefraud listen to me:

Viper -3 base str and +0.3 str growth.

Razor -5 base ms, Static link cost at 50 all levels, unstable current bonus MS improved from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20.

No need to pay me for my ideas


But you could still see which heroes were missing from the pool.

It could leave them all available until a player tries to pick an already chosen hero, then it will give them an error. They would know that one hero then, but chances of them being able to counter pick you would be super low.


It could leave them all available until a player tries to pick an already chosen hero, then it will give them an error. They would know that one hero then, but chances of them being able to counter pick you would be super low.
I thought about it too but it would kind of an unfair system, because you would almost never know if you can actually play a combo of hero you wanted to pick with someone, etc.

Loosing gold at the end of the timer is just too soft, should have been an automatic random.
Speaking of random, I still think there should be a better way to handle repick, too many people do it without even asking if someone want to swap, there should be something incorporated into the game allowing an easy swap during pick phase ( at the very least for people who didn't pick yet ).
Who wins mid vs. Razor actually?

My initial thought is: Heroes that don't rely on right-click to kill, can create space naturally or have lots of summons. That list of candidates is:


maybe Axe as well?

I would also expect a Sniper leveling range would be strong against him as well.

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