Hit 4k, then slid right back down to 3.9
How to play support at 4k (according to my allies from all my more recent games):
1. Prioritize your mana boots. The sooner you get these up, the sooner you can die diving towers because you have no hp or attack damage.
2. Never roam. A support's job is to sit in the lane and deny one or two creep out of every wave. Passively laning was what you did when you started playing the game and there is certainly no other more effective way to play support heroes.. Advanced strategy: occasionally auto attack an enemy hero, but only do this if you are guaranteed to lose an equal amount of health the entire creepwave you just aggroed.
3. Wards are for spotting runes only. It does not matter what stage the game is at. You should never use wards to track the enemy team's movments and secure easy ganks or ensure good positioning for teamfights. Sentry wards are a noob item and placing them down to countergank an invisible Clinkz/Riki/Gondar is way too risky and certainly won't cripple their chances of snowballing.
4. The courier should only be upgraded once you have upgraded your mana boots as seen in point #1.
5. If your ally has been ganked and you didn't react in time, you should teleport to the lane to show willing. If the enemy team doesn't immediately kill you as well, then walk back into the jungle or to base with nothing to show for it. At least you tried. If the enemy team leaves the lane after the gank, push it while missing the lasthits so that your core has nothing to do when he respawns.
6. When ganking Faceless Void, it's important to autoattack him even if you're pretty sure you can't kill him before your CC ends. This ensures you will also be caught in chronosphere and unable to help your allies.
7. If you wind up going 2-9-6, it was fine because you're playing support and support is allowed to die. Even if 3 of those deaths were to offlane Gondar in the early game.
8. When you lose, blame mid for not ganking or the carry for not farming effectively.
I feel like if I don't pick #5 support, I get that guy ^^ on my team in every game while the opposition supports are some sort of baller roaming duo that gets ahead of our supports (who are sitting passively in lane) while spending basically no time in a lane and giving their laners solo xp plus a whole shitload of map pressure.
People in ranked games also seem to really overplay stuff. Like they're so desperate for mmr that they throw the game because they overthink everything or try and make incredibly risky plays and win the game in 5 minutes rather than just taking an advantage steadily.