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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana


Region lock doesn't help anyone. If you want to blame it on something, let it be the fact that you played all pick.

I don't actually think region lock would be useful in the grand scheme of things but holy shit do I want it when there are so many non-english speakers on US servers. Like Mexico? I'm cool with that, they share a border, immigrants? Cool with that. Peru? Don't they have a Brazil server? Like come on.

I play on EU West and it happened to me as well. Peruvians aren't any better or worse than anyone else. Dota just attracts the worst kind of people.

Lol true dat. I just find it frankly baffling that I play on US west and east, and never get russians, never get anyone else, it's always Americans Canadians and Peruvians, I don't even get queued with Mexicans. God though nothing sets me off worse than item stealing. Like stealing someone's items is worse in my eyes than picking prophet and teleporting into the enemy fountain over and over again. UGH!



Also does anyone on US servers still get matched up with Russians on a regular basis? I don't think I've seen one in over 6 months, I used to see them all the time. Not sure what happened.
Based on my experience, they're all on EUW.

All of them.

Considering uninstalling the game. I just had my 1000th game of dota, we had timbersaw, Zeus, Lone Druid, Silencer, and ember spirit. Less than 25 minutes into the game we had all 6 of their outer towers down and the score was 28-5, with a 21000 gold advantage, but our lone druid was fucking horrendous and kept farming instead of fighting, lost us 4 fights in a row by intentionally not showing up, after which he started intentionally feeding and stealing items off the courier from teammates. The game was so certain that 22 minutes in 3 people on the enemy team said to just finish already and were just camping their own fountain. We lost.


Literally the worst game of Dota 2 I have ever seen in my whole life.

EDIT: And of course to the surprise of no one a lone druid that stole items and fed a game away without saying a single word the whole game is from, you guessed it! Peru. He also has 0 commends for friendly on his profile. Ohh boy.

congrats on your thousandth game!


so we have FOUR GAF teams in that GB tournament? freakinchair, guidos, yolo, trasher?


Freakinchair's Fraud Squad (hongaf)
Team Trasher (trashers peeps)
TravDood's Crew (does this count?)
GUIDOS (eurogaf)
xXx69DiCkBuTtZgoku420xXx aka yolo (stevewinwood stack)

edit dammit you edited


Considering uninstalling the game. I just had my 1000th game of dota, we had timbersaw, Zeus, Lone Druid, Silencer, and ember spirit. Less than 25 minutes into the game we had all 6 of their outer towers down and the score was 28-5, with a 21000 gold advantage, but our lone druid was fucking horrendous and kept farming instead of fighting, lost us 4 fights in a row by intentionally not showing up, after which he started intentionally feeding and stealing items off the courier from teammates. The game was so certain that 22 minutes in 3 people on the enemy team said to just finish already and were just camping their own fountain. We lost.


Literally the worst game of Dota 2 I have ever seen in my whole life.

EDIT: And of course to the surprise of no one a lone druid that stole items and fed a game away without saying a single word the whole game is from, you guessed it! Peru. He also has 0 commends for friendly on his profile. Ohh boy.


Thacker pls

Get some friends to stack with

Everyone gets matched with retards sometimes, just deal with it or go play HotS
Region lock doesn't help anyone. If you want to blame it on something, let it be the fact that you played all pick.

I'd like a language lock

remove the language selection box, have a hidden one instead that just sets your language to your ingame selected language for menus and UI.

Goodbye russians who don't speak/refuse to speak a word of english (or french or german or any western european language) in chat.
Not being able to communicate makes matches so much harder (and so much less fun)

Even when I'm playing with a stack of 2 other dutch speaking people I have the decency to type/talk in English so everyone can understand me.

Russians and eastern europeans who are willing to at least attempt to communicate are rarely a problem, it's the stinkers who only babble on in russian.

What is really odd is that you never see french players only speak french in dota (something that does happen in almost every other mp game I've played)
Either the french in dota prefer to communicate or they're all playing on canadian servers or something


I only get a Russian if I queue up for USW. That's when I realize I'm in solo queue and I made a huge mistake.

I'm so glad I have a group of of friends who like to party up every night.

*hugs smilax*


Does Ellen Pudge still post here? I saw he still plays with GAF but I don't remember what his GAF username was.

Thacker pls

Get some friends to stack with

Everyone gets matched with retards sometimes, just deal with it or go play HotS

Lol I actually quite enjoy solo queue generally. I was on an 8 game winning streak prior to this disaster. That probably significantly contributes to why I'm so angry, but it was more the whole lose game with 20k gold advantage.


Corporate Apologist
Behold the magic of concrete walls:

I actually feel like I gimped dire out of juking spots to much, so I'm going to move a few walls.


I actually haven't seen Ellen Pudge post in a while. Thinking it was a meeru alt.

Edit : damn it it milk, stop ruining jokes.


GAF is all that matters in life

Freakinchair's Fraud Squad (hongaf)
Team Trasher (trashers peeps)
TravDood's Crew (does this count?)
GUIDOS (eurogaf)
xXx69DiCkBuTtZgoku420xXx aka yolo (stevewinwood stack)

edit dammit you edited
What an invasion. That's so many GAF teams, I can't decide who to root for!

freakinchair are the defending champs
guidos are from EU, like me
stevewinwood has the most people I regularly play with from here

Let's just crush all the GB teams first and we'll take it from there. :lol


It literally does nothing for 20-30 minutes basically, and with how shitty players and Doom were, it was even worse.

Doom offlane, Tinker mid, Lion and Void safe lane with the Legion in Jungle.

Your crazy if you think these heroes do nothing for 20/30 mins. Also try pushing against these heroes, good luck.


Bull on a Donut
I picked before any of them.

I mean hylian though, let's be real, if you're going to go into every ranked match instalocking a mid core and expect every game to have 2-3 people willing to support, you're being delusional. If being lumped in these multi-core games bothers you, try pickin support once in awhile and guarantee that it doesn't happen.


that puzzling face
It literally does nothing for 20-30 minutes basically, and with how shitty players Legion and Doom were, it was even worse.

Please tell me Legion went jungle and forced Doom out. This needs to at least have comedic redeeming value.


I mean hylian though, let's be real, if you're going to go into every ranked match instalocking a mid core and expect every game to have 2-3 people willing to support, you're being delusional. If being lumped in these multi-core games bothers you, try pickin support once in awhile and guarantee that it doesn't happen.




I don't believe it. The other team got a rax, then threw it and didn't push their advantage and we won.

Legion went offlane and Doom jungled...the enemy jungle like a total idiot.

I do pick support every once in a while. I did pick first on my team this time, however I didn't just instantly hit Tinker. I waited a bit, saw a few picks from the other team, then picked it. Then all of a sudden there was that shitty 4-core lineup.

This is why you don't throw against a 4-core linup, but jesus the first 30 minutes were awful. Legion and Doom were just terrible players.

I don't get angry like that often, but when I see like that sometimes I just snap, because they all know it's so stupid. They were all 3k+ players, they have a bit of common Dota sense.


Corporate Apologist
Damn, I think I'll have to ban Prophet and Wisp from the mode, I can't make them not teleport "off the map". Sure, they can't move at all once they get there, but thats not the point.
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