the effects could be nice i dunno
I guess, only think the cowl looks good.
the effects could be nice i dunno
That's Arcana? lol
That's Arcana? lol
I guess they're phasing out the old style of single equip Arcanas?
dota sucks bro. you should check out league of legends. skillshots.gifdota. I've played games for 35 years, and this is the one, man. I'm telling ya.
Hello Neogaf, you lot seem pretty cool, in this crazy mixed-up internetworld.
Also, more evidence that there may be more stuff to come with this update, the Private Beta Client is still being updated:
That sword is actually awful. I figured I'd buy all Arcanas and I'd like the custom effects but I don't want to replace my nice sword with that. Wish I could transfer the effects with a gem.
Welcome Pyrion.
Does it mess with you to play and have your announcer pack on at the same time?
Well, that will certainly bulk out the number of legendaries in the drop system
Look ma! I made the New York Times!
Right Click save as.
Arcanas have always been added to the system day 1Yep, though they won't enter into the system for what, a month? But still, Techies alone will add 4, and I bet Kunkka will be at 3, if not all 5 extra items (Though making the boots or Gauntlets Legendary seems a bit silly)
Personally, I would like Valve to make the Kunnka Hat the Arcana, since he has a ton of fancy swords and will likely continue to get fancy swords.
Arcanas have always been added to the system day 1
It become a Viking boat, Matt has pictures.I hope a Viking-themed Kunkka arcana also means that the boat becomes a Viking longship.
I'm not sure I remember correctly but I think another set wanted to do the dual swords and people complained.I gotta admit, that Sword doesn't look done at all. But hell, it seems what makes an Arcana an Arcana is a bunch of fancy effects. Like if you strip out the special effects, the LC Arcana is just a double sword model (I still don't think the duel swords shouldn't be exclusive to the Arcana ether, but maybe some day down the line Valve will open it up)
Am I there? I can't tell. Where are you in the picture even?
I'm not sure I remember correctly but I think another set wanted to do the dual swords and people complained.
Hi Pyrion.
Barny is streaming again:
Highly recommend checking him out for super informative and commentary laden gameplay.
The stream can get a little NAbrasive sometimes, but he's generally a calm and mannered dude.
>NiceIt become a Viking boat, Matt has pictures.
Do enemies see that sign you can place with the Techies arcana?
I was wondering this as well. I'm guessing it's visible but that's actually gameplay altering which is interesting.
I don't know, the sign doesn't do anything. Sure, you could put it some place to get a person to freak, but I'm sure most people will just ignore the silly sign.
I want a Riki Arcana and a "Riki Was Here" sign.
You drop it once and don't surround it with mines, and then surround it with mines the next time. Or vice versa.
See sign -> Use dust/ward
Geez, loading screens add up fast. I have 84 of them.
You drop it once and don't surround it with mines, and then surround it with mines the next time. Or vice versa.
See sign -> Use dust/ward