cant you get a free online version or something? Theres a pdf of it on the dota 2 subreddit.
can't frame a pdf
cant you get a free online version or something? Theres a pdf of it on the dota 2 subreddit.
I see so many people saying they can't stand the sight of void/tinker/razor/skywrath/etc. anymore, why not just play random draft? Or captain's draft? All random? Single draft? Or play captain's mode and ban them?
So hard to teach my friend to play... he has 10 hours and didnt know you could buy boots from the side shop, didnt know about shareable XP, Shift click to save the next item youre going to buy and so on... poor guy tried to start by playing TA. Told him to try Drow, Jugg, etc... now he's enjoying Void lol.
Inkls you playing tonight?
I wont be playing for the next few days sadly. PC crashed when I got back home and now my nvidia card is only recognized in safe mode and my resolution is 1280x768 instead of the native1366 X 766. And because the laptop im using uses drivers made so it can run both an intel card and an nvidia card and switch between the two, the official nvidia drivers dont make a difference. I'm still trying to figure out a solution after reinstalling drivers for the 20th time and getting no results. So until I figure out how to fix it or I get my parts over so I can build a real pc I cant play.
I see so many people saying they can't stand the sight of void/tinker/razor/skywrath/etc. anymore, why not just play random draft? Or captain's draft? All random? Single draft? Or play captain's mode and ban them?
There are so many options to avoid them, but people keep playing all pick.
I wont be playing for the next few days sadly. PC crashed when I got back home and now my nvidia card is only recognized in safe mode and my resolution is 1280x768 instead of the native1366 X 766. And because the laptop im using uses drivers made so it can run both an intel card and an nvidia card and switch between the two, the official nvidia drivers dont make a difference. I'm still trying to figure out a solution after reinstalling drivers for the 20th time and getting no results. So until I figure out how to fix it or I get my parts over so I can build a real pc I cant play.
So hard to teach my friend to play... he has 10 hours and didnt know you could buy boots from the side shop, didnt know about shareable XP, Shift click to save the next item youre going to buy and so on... poor guy tried to start by playing TA. Told him to try Drow, Jugg, etc... now he's enjoying Void lol.
Inkls you playing tonight?
For anyone here looking for someone else to play I'm up for some friend requests. I usually play random draft or all pick. Steam username is the same as here. And I'm on eastern US time.
For anyone here looking for someone else to play I'm up for some friend requests. I usually play random draft or all pick. Steam username is the same as here. And I'm on eastern US time.
So hard to teach my friend to play... he has 10 hours and didnt know you could buy boots from the side shop, didnt know about shareable XP, Shift click to save the next item youre going to buy and so on... poor guy tried to start by playing TA. Told him to try Drow, Jugg, etc... now he's enjoying Void lol.
Inkls you playing tonight?
We need a Hitgirl cosmetic for one of his offlaners. Is there even a female offlaner?
use a real browser
its not hard
I see so many people saying they can't stand the sight of void/tinker/razor/skywrath/etc. anymore, why not just play random draft? Or captain's draft? All random? Single draft? Or play captain's mode and ban them?
There are so many options to avoid them, but people keep playing all pick.
It's September, hope everyone is ready for 6.82 today.
lol google fangay
Not sure why I see more voids and razors lately. Is it because of the new meta? Or they get a buff last patch?
National Clapping DayIsn't September 1 an holiday in the USA?
It's literally just post-TI popularity. All it would take is the minorest of nerfs for each hero to take them out of FotM status.
I just got 4 games of low priority after playing a game for no reason. Uninstalled this trash game.
can't frame a pdf
Damn straight.
Isn't September 1 an holiday in the USA?
Hello Neogaf, you lot seem pretty cool, in this crazy mixed-up internetworld.
I don't think Void is out of control strong, he just really punishes bad positioning. Void requires your supports to not be dumb. If they are building things like euls and force staffs while simultaneously not standing on the front line being chronoed, they can really screw up Void's ult. Without that he doesn't have much going for him.
Hello Neogaf, you lot seem pretty cool, in this crazy mixed-up internetworld.
Force staff don't work under chrono
Force staff don't work under chrono