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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana


Does anyone else really not play ranked matches that often? I rarely play them only for it being all pick and draft. I love single and random draft and it's all I play. I wonder if they will ever implement them into ranked matchmaking?

I don't like ranked, too many tryhards so you gotta try hard to win. I hate trilanes, people dewarding and counter picking.

I love competent DotA, but the MMR at stake in ranked brings out the absolute worst in players. Not really interested in seeing "your mmr is a piece of shit, you're garbage and should stay that way" from a 4000mmr player to a 3999player. And everyone blaming everyone else because nobody wants to be responsible. Non-ranked is a little calmer/more reasonable, and finding ranked on Australian servers seems to take a while.

HoN was awful. Public stats meant players attacking each over anything they could.


Corporate Apologist
Uh, what? Is Toby drunk, did the account get hacked? It seems its legitimately a JoinDota account:

Signature Headshot: For Immoirtal items


I played ranked exclusively the day it came out till about a month ago. The problem is ranked games are very tryhard and my stack don't usually coordinate our picks that much. So we end up getting counterpicked a lot and we meet all sorts of nasty combos too. So we switched back to unranked mm and it's been going much better.


I don't like ranked, too many tryhards so you gotta try hard to win. I hate trilanes, people dewarding and counter picking.

I played ranked exclusively the day it came out till about a month ago. The problem is ranked games are very tryhard and my stack don't usually coordinate our picks that much. So we end up getting counterpicked a lot and we meet all sorts of nasty combos too. So we switched back to unranked mm and it's been going much better.

What do you guys mean by tryhard ?


Sometimes you just don't want to lane against Lich and get counter picked in mid and play vs Mirana.

I don't think that makes them tryhard, you just want to play lazy Doto.

EDIT: Not that I'm trying to say that's bad, wanting to play how you like is fine. But calling others tryhard for playing the game well and to win isn't really fair.


No world cup matches and no doto matches to watch tomorrow... Well, I guess it's time to play this game again.
Stop making excuses to play Dota. We still have another day of Wimbledon going on for the next two days until the next world cup matches

rip Rafa :(
Doom lycan tinker sky invoker every game

I am so sick of Tinker. I want them to completely remove him from the game. I don't know if it's just the MM bracket I'm in or something, but I play against one every single game, and it's infuriating. Oh, wanted to push? Not today! I understand they wanted to make Doom more viable, but he's been pretty stupid for a while now. I haven't seen a successful Lycan in quite a while though.
I am so sick of Tinker. I want them to completely remove him from the game. I don't know if it's just the MM bracket I'm in or something, but I play against one every single game, and it's infuriating. Oh, wanted to push? Not today! I understand they wanted to make Doom more viable, but he's been pretty stupid for a while now. I haven't seen a successful Lycan in quite a while though.
You're playing the wrong mode bro.


Forever Platinum
Okay, can a resident Storm Spirit expert here give me an analysis of this game?

Was it unsalvagable from the pick screen? (our greedy lineup)

I know I gave the FB mid to magnus (It looked like I was too far to the side for skewer, but whatever).

What else could I have done?

I always feel like anytime I participate in teamfights before BKB, I just die too easily. Then we've already lost, I can't farm anywhere safely AND the team is asking me to partake in fights, then cries "Where's your BKB?" when I've been trying to fight and shit always goes south.

The only games I ever get a BKB in are the ones where we somehow last long enough or are snowballing.

Yes, I'm aware we still won this game, but I feel I could have done better. I feel like we just got by by the skin of our teeth and kind of got lucky we made it to late game, because early to mid game looked bad.


@Level 1: Wasted mana on odd remnant
@Level 2: Used remnant, did not try to hit mag with overload

First blood: You used remnant and stood on the wave waiting to last hit with overload while the mag walked from behind the creep wave to behind you. Regardless of skewer hitting on the edge of its horizontal range it was a terrible bit of positioning on your part to let that situation happen at all.

Laning pre-6 in general: You misuse remnant/overload completely. You seem to just nuke the wave and random and then last hit with the overload charge. Instead, only place remnant when there's a creep he wants to come hit or you want to push the wave, and make sure to use as many overloads as you can on your lane opponent rather than last hitting. A useful trick is throwing an attack, then placing a remnant while the attack is in air. This will trigger overload on that hit.

@635: You jump on mag with a DD rune, but you don't have enough mana for the kill effectively wasting the rune.

General note here: To succeed with storm you need to learn to count your mana better, it's really the key to the entire hero. Unfortunately there aren't any solid tips I can give you, I just learned it by feel. Make sure you have a enough mana to jump in, stun, remnant, and then jump again.

@16: Why man. There were 5 heroes there. You only have 65 cs at this point, farm more. You need to get that orchid at a timing where you can kill supports inside of the silence duration if you want to start snowballing.

@20: Suicide mission into 5 heroes again, you narrowly escape. If you're going to initiate you need to do so in such a way that you don't get shit on immediately. Storm needs a few seconds to make an impact after he gets in, so you can't just get stunned and have to fly away if you want to have meaningful impact. Luckily in this case you baited solo RP and didn't die. Ideally you want to engage after the fight starts so all the disable isn't focused on you. killing lion after his allies have cast some spells would be the ideal start to a fight for you this game.

@24: You jump on invoker, get hexed by lion and die horribly. As I said above I would've probably prioritized Lion above invoker just because of how good he is at messing you up, but the more important thing to take away from this engagement is that in teamfights you generally don't want to stun and orchid the same target. If you had silenced the mag you would've prevented him from rping your team and the invoker would've died. If you had silenced the lion you could have possibly finished the invoker yourself and lived. Maximize your teamfight utility by not stacking controlling abilities.

@2850: You again overextend your mana by jumping on a target that's too far away, and you stack orchid on the target you grab. The mag, whom you should've known was there as he was just in vision, RPs and kills your team. Pick your spots more carefully, the lion and mag were both in position to kill you after that jump, and you probably didn't have enough in the tank to finish the invoker anyway.

@3030: Ok jump here, you were a little inefficient killing the mag, but that's whatever.

@31: You pull one hero and silence another, good job.

@3240: You jumped in and lion shit on you again. Beware of strong disables, again, pick your places very carefully.

@3820: Mana management again on that jump

@4220: Mana management and decision making, don't spend all your mana diving base, should've stunned far earlier. You had no way out after and died.

Just more of the same from here.


Corporate Apologist
All the games for TI4 will start at 9AM PST, both the round robin and main event. For the Main event, doors open at 8am. For the Final, Valve expects it to be done by 5PM.


just played my second faceless void game ever thanks to getting him for my daily. I completely snuffed out the enemy. It was ridiculous how easy it was based on how good my ults were. However, I did go for more of a defensive build because they had a couple ranged carries


just played my second faceless void game ever thanks to getting him for my daily. I completely snuffed out the enemy. It was ridiculous how easy it was based on how good my ults were. However, I did go for more of a defensive build because they had a couple ranged carries

To crush Void, ranged heroes are useless because Void can close the gap anyway. What was really effective against my Void was a Blink Slardar.
GAF, thoughts on tranquil boots on offlaners like Clock/Doom? Doesn't IceIceIce make 'em on several offlaners?
I think its fine on doom but I don't think they are as effective on clock. Personal preference I suppose. Treads all the way for both. However i do like phase boots on clock as well.


I think its fine on doom but I don't think they are as effective on clock. Personal preference I suppose. Treads all the way for both. However i do like phase boots on clock as well.

Why get the tranquils when you get his aura though? I like to go with mana boots as an offlane Doom which means that you'll have spent half the money to get you to energy orb on the tranquil parts and mana boots are going to be effective throughout the match. Plus, aura is going to fill you back up without stopping you from last hitting.


GAF, thoughts on tranquil boots on offlaners like Clock/Doom? Doesn't IceIceIce make 'em on several offlaners?

Mana or Phase Boots are much better options on Doom. Tranquil is a waste of slot for him as he has MS/Regen bonus with Scorched Earth and you can always devour a neutral creep for the regen and the armor.

For Clock, I think it's better to go treads or phase boots since you'd be in the front lines most of the time. Tranquil is also useless inside the cogs.
is there a steamdotagaf group out there that i can join so i can play with you guys ?


There's a NeoGAF chat group but it's empty most of the time :(

Played a couple of good matches last night and just now

One lasted precisely 1 hour, we were getting battered for 30 minutes, then we were a minute or two away from winning but pushed too hard and got team-wiped as we tried retreating, and ended up losing. Would have won as well if Riki didn't keep hanging back in what would have been ganks, and running away from teamfights where he would have given us the upper hand. I know teamfights aren't his strength, but we needed that little bit extrahe would have given us.

Someone went ballistic at him when he had full health and mana, and ran away from a teammate while he was trying to escape an enemy hero who was chipping away at his health. They'd have easily won that 2-on-1.

In a match with a lot of kills/deaths he ended up with 0-6-0 :(

Can't criticise too much though, I was shit in that match as well :p

Is Slardar a semi-carry btw? His growth trajectory seems really high


Hey all!
I have another submission for you to check out. :)
Created by Fat_Cap and animated by me.
Please stop by the workshop and give a vote if you like them.


Ehks and Ohe are a pair of mischievous courier imps, hellbent on leaving a trail of havoc, chaos and disgustingly noxious smells wherever they go! There's meant to be one for each side - Ehks for Dire, Ohe for Radiant. Who will you pick?

Their video:


I've certainly wasted money on Dota keys before but that there are people willing to pay five fucking Euros to open a single CS:GO crate boggles my mind.


All the games for TI4 will start at 9AM PST, both the round robin and main event. For the Main event, doors open at 8am. For the Final, Valve expects it to be done by 5PM.
9am? Why is it so early? There have to be checks and shit. I think a lot of people and players are going to miss the first game everyday. Xboct was complaining why navi had to be at be Benaroya for 12 when their game wasn't till 5


Also new the new Weta Alliance set. $500 bulldog statue incoming. Should come with shades...

Hey all!
I have another submission for you to check out. :)
Created by Fat_Cap and animated by me.
Please stop by the workshop and give a vote if you like them.


Ehks and Ohe are a pair of mischievous courier imps, hellbent on leaving a trail of havoc, chaos and disgustingly noxious smells wherever they go! There's meant to be one for each side - Ehks for Dire, Ohe for Radiant. Who will you pick?

Their video:
Those look way too much like greevils.


never listen to sanjay

I only give the winningest advice.

I love competent DotA, but the MMR at stake in ranked brings out the absolute worst in players. Not really interested in seeing "your mmr is a piece of shit, you're garbage and should stay that way" from a 4000mmr player to a 3999player. And everyone blaming everyone else because nobody wants to be responsible. Non-ranked is a little calmer/more reasonable, and finding ranked on Australian servers seems to take a while.

HoN was awful. Public stats meant players attacking each over anything they could.

The real problem is the matchmaking system and the MMR system, they need to correlate to the player and hero. That's the problem.

In Street Fighter when you play a ranked player you know how good he is with that character and overall too and it shows, now in Dota 2 you can be god like with Tinker but as soon as they play CM they could be awful and this just makes a lot of lopsided games in the trench.

They need to bring in a better system that rates people with heroes and a overall rating too, what they have now simply does not work.


The real problem is the matchmaking system and the MMR system, they need to correlate to the player and hero. That's the problem.

In Street Fighter when you play a ranked player you know how good he is with that character and overall too and it shows, now in Dota 2 you can be god like with Tinker but as soon as they play CM they could be awful and this just makes a lot of lopsided games in the trench.

They need to bring in a better system that rates people with heroes and a overall rating too, what they have now simply does not work.

I would guess that the sample size needed to make this determination would be impractical for 90% of the player base and would encourage people playing the exact same hero over and over again so that they can play with better people. I've heard a couple game developers say that if you give a player an abusive strategy that isn't fun but is effective, the player will implement that strategy over and over again and end up hating the game because of it.

Anything valve can do to encourage people to play a diverse set of heroes, the better it is for the game and matchmaking as a whole.

Also, how would you queue for this? You would need to know what hero someone was playing before they got into a game with teammates.

I think people should ignore ranked and play unranked and have fun with the game.


@Level 1: Wasted mana on odd remnant
@Level 2: Used remnant, did not try to hit mag with overload

First blood: You used remnant and stood on the wave waiting to last hit with overload while the mag walked from behind the creep wave to behind you. Regardless of skewer hitting on the edge of its horizontal range it was a terrible bit of positioning on your part to let that situation happen at all.

Laning pre-6 in general: You misuse remnant/overload completely. You seem to just nuke the wave and random and then last hit with the overload charge. Instead, only place remnant when there's a creep he wants to come hit or you want to push the wave, and make sure to use as many overloads as you can on your lane opponent rather than last hitting. A useful trick is throwing an attack, then placing a remnant while the attack is in air. This will trigger overload on that hit.

@635: You jump on mag with a DD rune, but you don't have enough mana for the kill effectively wasting the rune.

General note here: To succeed with storm you need to learn to count your mana better, it's really the key to the entire hero. Unfortunately there aren't any solid tips I can give you, I just learned it by feel. Make sure you have a enough mana to jump in, stun, remnant, and then jump again.

@16: Why man. There were 5 heroes there. You only have 65 cs at this point, farm more. You need to get that orchid at a timing where you can kill supports inside of the silence duration if you want to start snowballing.

@20: Suicide mission into 5 heroes again, you narrowly escape. If you're going to initiate you need to do so in such a way that you don't get shit on immediately. Storm needs a few seconds to make an impact after he gets in, so you can't just get stunned and have to fly away if you want to have meaningful impact. Luckily in this case you baited solo RP and didn't die. Ideally you want to engage after the fight starts so all the disable isn't focused on you. killing lion after his allies have cast some spells would be the ideal start to a fight for you this game.

@24: You jump on invoker, get hexed by lion and die horribly. As I said above I would've probably prioritized Lion above invoker just because of how good he is at messing you up, but the more important thing to take away from this engagement is that in teamfights you generally don't want to stun and orchid the same target. If you had silenced the mag you would've prevented him from rping your team and the invoker would've died. If you had silenced the lion you could have possibly finished the invoker yourself and lived. Maximize your teamfight utility by not stacking controlling abilities.

@2850: You again overextend your mana by jumping on a target that's too far away, and you stack orchid on the target you grab. The mag, whom you should've known was there as he was just in vision, RPs and kills your team. Pick your spots more carefully, the lion and mag were both in position to kill you after that jump, and you probably didn't have enough in the tank to finish the invoker anyway.

@3030: Ok jump here, you were a little inefficient killing the mag, but that's whatever.

@31: You pull one hero and silence another, good job.

@3240: You jumped in and lion shit on you again. Beware of strong disables, again, pick your places very carefully.

@3820: Mana management again on that jump

@4220: Mana management and decision making, don't spend all your mana diving base, should've stunned far earlier. You had no way out after and died.

Just more of the same from here.

Noted, thanks. Yeah, I think gauging mana/jumps is my biggest problem.

Also, TommyT and were having an argument about this yesterday. BKB first on SS, yay or neigh? I say nay because you don't have the utility and mana regen of an Orchid, essentially making you a zip zapping ranged creep. His argument was from another game when I lost mid badly against Skywrath. I honestly wasn't sure how I could beat SWM with Storm. SS doesn't exactly have a billion HP, and that silence hurts him more than a lot of other heroes.

Dagon Riki is legit, call Hylian7
It is viable as long as you type #WorldStar in all chat when you Dagon someone.


Based on their recent performance with Xcal they''re good enough to make the playoffs so it would an awkward situation if fail in the groups with Era
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