Can we talk about how awful Zyori is at hyping
he almost ruined those final minutes
I was going to ask the very same question.Why is DOTA downloading a 2GB update
32 bit support for the workshop client.Why is DOTA downloading a 2GB update
Why is DOTA downloading a 2GB update
I was going to ask the very same question.
Multiple Team Support
Added support for multiple teams (up to 10) and a multiple team custom game example
Bug fixes and updates
Fixed particle system using sprite trails where trail tint color would be applied to the wrong end
Added option to specify if particle rendering operators should saturate the color to white before applying alpha blending
Fixed exit crash when running with -tools
Reduced memory usage when running custom game modes and tools
Reduced CPU usage while playing custom games
Improved interpolation of cloth in high latency and packet loss situations
Fixed portraits not moving mouths when speaking lines
Fixed FBX animation files not compiling animation if there was also geometry in the file
Fixed material remapping and handling backslash as a path separator for a material resource
Fixed duplicate NPC units list in Hammer when using the reload FGD feature
Fixed Hammer crash when attempting to open or close a map file while loading another map
Fixed video settings not being applied properly
Added "StartTouch" output for func_physbox that fires if "touchoutputperentitydelay" greater than 0 seconds
Additional methods have been exposed or added to the scripting system StartSoundEventFromPosition() GiveXP() GiveGold() SetCustomGameEndDelay() SetCustomVictoryMessageDuration() SetCustomHealthLabel() allowing custom labels to be drawn above the health bar ShowCustomHeaderMessage() to display custom header messages similar to first blood or kill streak notices
Added team name support to GameRules:SendCustomMessage() as "%s3"
Added script bindings for UTIL_MessageTextAll/UTIL_MessageTextAll_WithContext
Added SetHideKillMessageHeaders() to hide kill streak and first blood messages
Added "entindex" key to player spawn game event
Added "dota_team_kill_credit" game event
Added 'HideKillMessageHeaders' game event
Added "GrantXPGold" action to data driven abilities with XPAmount:integer, GoldAmount:integer, ReliableGold:boolean, and SplitEvenly:boolean as key value pairs.
Fixed neutral camp prefab to not need unique name
Workshop Tools Update
Here are some of the changes from what I can make out. Cannot confirm these just yet. Give me sometime.
Support for 32bit systems and DirectX 9 has been added!
Multiple teams are now a possibility in the tools. Implying more than 2.
A bug reporter tool has been added.
Some new custom map templates for arena based gameplay, 4 lane gameplay and etc has been added.
Other Updates
There's a few Kb of changes to the main depot too but I will need to download the files first to know the changes.
Pit Lord
Just big-boned.Are you calling him fat?
Hey did anyone else order the Team Liquid Windrunner shirt in here? I'm asking because mine just came, but so did a second separate package still addressed to me of what appears to be an additional shirt order.
Because you have the workshop tools installed.
Thanks to void guy from reddit.
Hey did anyone else order the Team Liquid Windrunner shirt in here? I'm asking because mine just came, but so did a second separate package still addressed to me of what appears to be an additional shirt order.
The patch will only come once you all give up the idea of the patch.
We must enter a zen like state of no-doto to receive doto.
do you think Artour ever gets tired of only playing Razor and DP
Pretty sure it's very old and was data-mined when the first info of him popped up.
Oracle had early textures so he must have a model for it. Or at least had a model. Never know if they'll scrap something and redo it like Medusa.At least Abyssal Underlord already has a WIP model. Arc Warden is just concept art at this point and I've seen nothing of Oracle and Winter Wyvern yet.
do you think Artour ever gets tired of only playing Razor and DP
do you think Artour ever gets tired of only playing Razor and DP
its from ti4
All hero challenge Invoker win DONE
Shoutouts to Pratfall for going ham on juggernaut and Hupsel for completely dotting the map with sentries thus making weaver's, sb sniper's and sb alchemist's life hell.
EDIT: Also that game was my 200th overall win, it was meant to be.
friend me and ill spam you invites endlesslyIm looking for some new buds to regularly play dota with. Professional 3k mmr scrub here. I usually play around midnight PST till whenever
My dota friend ID is 117396224
All hero challenge Invoker win DONE
Shoutouts to Pratfall for going ham on juggernaut and Hupsel for completely dotting the map with sentries thus making weaver's, sb sniper's and sb alchemist's life hell.
EDIT: Also that game was my 200th overall win, it was meant to be.
its from ti4
Are you sure combing all the sets into one submission is ok? Did you just hide the other ones? Any custom particles? And I am not a fan of the Lunar Blessing icon being so different from the normal one.
All hero challenge Invoker win DONE
Shoutouts to Pratfall for going ham on juggernaut and Hupsel for completely dotting the map with sentries thus making weaver's, sb sniper's and sb alchemist's life hell.
EDIT: Also that game was my 200th overall win, it was meant to be.
The others are simply hidden. I don't know if it's 'OK'. All I know is the workshop is a complete mess and someone needs to take a chance to try to make it more orderly, hence..
There are custom particles, it's the first thing you see after you click the link
and yeah, I'm a bit worried about Lunar blessing being so different but they told me some other icons had been changed a bunch in the past so they thought it was OK. Worst case scenario we remake that one, but I agree with you, I wish it was a bit closer to default.
Ah ok, I see that the one pictures says custom spell effects, I'm used to the badly compressed gifs showing them off.
Did it ever cross your mind to try and change the textures for her eyes so they would match your new Eclipse Icon?
yeah there's actually another video here that shows off all the effects:
and unfortunately no, we can't change the base model at all :\