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DOTA 2 |OT9| League of Ancients (6.84)

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I played Radiant Clinkz vs Dire. Our Luna was quite possibly the most abrasive piece of shit I've ever seen in-game.

Fuck you, I carried the shit out of you.
Clinkz with deso is a scary motherfucker
Treads > deso > bkb is strong as shit, who needs orchid when you 3 shot anybody ?

Win a fight ? get rax.
I continue to suck with Weaver for some reason. Overconfidence in Time Lapse gets me killed all the time lol. My positioning is pretty poor when I play Weaver too. Meh, YOLO.

Probably had my best game as Storm earlier. I right click Storm but Someone decides to go mid with Sniper and I don't argue. Hell bent on playing Storm because of that inhouse earlier so I pick anyway. Other teammates are pretty awesome and i get safe lane trilane support with WD and AA with Batrider offlane. Sniper almost dies contesting bounty rune at beginning and gets to around ~200 hp and was against a just a PL in river too lol. Somehow, Battider gets FB on their PL. I'm guessing PL is brain dead and lets him stack napalms. I'm getting free farm and kills. EZ life. Sniper keeps dying to Pudge. At this point, I'm getting the feeling that we might lose cuz Pudge but their team honestly wasn't very competent. I think the lineup was Pudge, PL, PA, Phoenix, and Timbersaw. Lol.

Even though on paper we should have won on paper, I had doubts because, well, it's DotA. Despite Sniper dying and crying a couple of times, team was very pleasant and I ended up going 22-2 or something like that.


Storm is stupid.


So aside from a brief fail early on I had a nice game as Lich just now. There's something that warms the heart about being told you did a good job and having strangers defend your choices when the one dickbag on the team gets aggressive.

Now it's back to watching Bulldog stream, he may not be my fav player but for certain he's the streamer I enjoy the most.
I've been thinking on switching from boots>mana boots>blink earthshaker to boots>soul ring>tranquil boots>blink earthshaker. It's 350 gold more expensive and I'd hate delaying my blink for too long, but it has several advantages: easier buildup, way better sustain (may allow me to flashfarm more efficiently), some extra armor and movespeed.

Does anybody have any strong feelings on this?
I've been thinking on switching from boots>mana boots>blink earthshaker to boots>soul ring>tranquil boots>blink earthshaker. It's 350 gold more expensive and I'd hate delaying my blink for too long, but it has several advantages: easier buildup, way better sustain (may allow me to flashfarm more efficiently), some extra armor and movespeed.

Does anybody have any strong feelings on this?

I think this:
boots>soul ring>blink>tranqs
Would be better for the soul ring route.
Its viable for sure but I personally prefer the mana boots build up.
I've been thinking on switching from boots>mana boots>blink earthshaker to boots>soul ring>tranquil boots>blink earthshaker. It's 350 gold more expensive and I'd hate delaying my blink for too long, but it has several advantages: easier buildup, way better sustain (may allow me to flashfarm more efficiently), some extra armor and movespeed.

Does anybody have any strong feelings on this?
I don't play a lot of Shaker, but that might not even delay your Blink. Tranq+Ring means you basically never have to go base so you can spend more time either farming, ganking or counter-initiating, leading to more income theoretically. Of course mana boots are better for the team.

This is all theorycrafting


Neo Member
I continue to suck with Weaver for some reason. Overconfidence in Time Lapse gets me killed all the time lol. My positioning is pretty poor when I play Weaver too. Meh, YOLO.

I have the opposite, I feel so squishy that I realyl dont do anything in fights

Just a bit of a weak hero in general atm, its hard to pump out enough dmg as that hero while kiting

Can confirm, Eurogaf is 100% salt.

And I wouldn't have it any other way

it's been really tame so far aside from all the fake gg calls, lol. does it get much worse?

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
After playing a bunch of HotS and really enjoying it, I've decided to jump back into Dota 2 and try to learn it. I messed around with it a year or two ago but never got very far given how obtuse it was to me. I'm not expecting to get very good at it (I'll probably mainly play HotS) but figured I would spend some time learning it since it is enjoyable.

I've only been playing bot games, but my main question right now is how I'm supposed to learn about items. There are so damn many of them that I've just been sticking to the "recommended" items on the sidebar of the store. Is there an all-encompassing item guide I can use?
Know what category items fall in.

You have damage items (daedalus, desolator, etc), tanking items (AC, shiva's, crimson guard), utility items (mekansm, force staff, scythe of vyse, blink), and "bit of everything" items (skadi, manta, SnY)

Follow guides until you're familiar with almost all of them, then you can start building items depending on how the game is going. I wouldn't recommend reading a guide and try to memorize what every item in the game does...
After playing a bunch of HotS and really enjoying it, I've decided to jump back into Dota 2 and try to learn it. I messed around with it a year or two ago but never got very far given how obtuse it was to me. I'm not expecting to get very good at it (I'll probably mainly play HotS) but figured I would spend some time learning it since it is enjoyable.

I've only been playing bot games, but my main question right now is how I'm supposed to learn about items. There are so damn many of them that I've just been sticking to the "recommended" items on the sidebar of the store. Is there an all-encompassing item guide I can use?

Its a great guide and seems up to date

Also if you don't know already this is how a hero's stats affect a hero:
  • Strength increased total health and health regen.
  • Agility increases attack speed and armor (7 agi points = 1 armor point)
  • Intelligence which increases total mana pool and mana regen.
  • Every point in your hero's primary stat will also increase attack damage by 1.
This is the core of what determines your itemization.


After playing a bunch of HotS and really enjoying it, I've decided to jump back into Dota 2 and try to learn it. I messed around with it a year or two ago but never got very far given how obtuse it was to me. I'm not expecting to get very good at it (I'll probably mainly play HotS) but figured I would spend some time learning it since it is enjoyable.

I've only been playing bot games, but my main question right now is how I'm supposed to learn about items. There are so damn many of them that I've just been sticking to the "recommended" items on the sidebar of the store. Is there an all-encompassing item guide I can use?

Their's in game item and skill guides people have put into the game that usually are a little bit better than the default recommended one. It'll give explanations on why to go that item as well.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Cool thanks guys, will look at the in-game item guides then and try to learn individual items slowly over time.

Its a great guide and seems up to date

Also if you don't know already this is how a hero's stats affect a hero:
  • Strength increased total health and health regen.
  • Agility increases attack speed and armor (7 agi points = 1 armor point)
  • Intelligence which increases total mana pool and mana regen.
  • Every point in your hero's primary stat will also increase attack damage by 1.
This is the core of what determines your itemization.

This is helpful, thanks. I wasn't sure what each stat did so this clarifies a few things.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
is there anything you can do to stop axe from cutting the creepwave?

because it seems like basically the answer is no

i can't wait until they delete him in 6.84 tbh, such a dumb trash op hero
is there anything you can do to stop axe from cutting the creepwave?

because it seems like basically the answer is no

i can't wait until they delete him in 6.84 tbh, such a dumb trash op hero

Gah it's not that bad.

If your team is greedy with all melee then Axe is going to hurt you.

He's easy to counter pick though.
Cool thanks guys, will look at the in-game item guides then and try to learn individual items slowly over time.

This is helpful, thanks. I wasn't sure what each stat did so this clarifies a few things.

Here, I've summarized the most important items in dota for beginners. Learning these (over time) should be a huge help! Items after the arrow means the first item can be upgraded into these. I linked to the wiki pages so you can find more info about the listed items.


Healing Salve, Tango, Clarity Potion

Buy these items at the start of the game to regenerate health and mana lost in the lane. Salves heal you by a lot in a short time, but are one-time use and the effect stops if you take damage. Tangos have 4 charges that heal you a little, slowly, but the effect cannot be removed. Clarities regenerate mana slowly, and can be stopped like salves. As a general rule, buy one of each at the start of the game.

Boots of Speed (-> Power Treads, Phase Boots, Arcane Boots, Tranquil Boots, Boots of Travel)

Movespeed is very important on any hero, so all heroes get boots ASAP. From there, you can upgrade these boots into 5 different variations. Boots are too expensive to buy at the start unless you are confident you don't need the regen items. However, make them your first priority once the game has started. On carries, upgrade boots into treads or phase boots (never both!) as they give attack speed or attack damage. On supports, get arcanes or tranquils (again, only one) as they give mana or health regen. Late game, consider Boots of Travel for free teleportation (more on that below).

Town Portal Scroll

Allows you to teleport to any tower you own, one-time use and on a cooldown of 65 seconds. Use this to move around the map quickly and efficiently, escape from enemy heroes without stuns, or quickly help allies that are attacked. Rule 1 of dota: always carry a tp scroll.

Magic Stick (-> Magic Wand)

Every time an enemy casts a spell nearby, your magic stick gains one charge. When you use the stick, it depletes all charges and gives you 15 health and mana for every charge. It can be cheaply upgraded into a magic wand which has the same function, but also gives you some extra stats. The magic stick/wand is a very cost-effective item that is generally good on everybody.


Damage items

This is super dependant on the hero you're playing. Just follow the in-game suggested items for these.

Black King Bar

Activating this item makes you magic immune for 10 seconds (-1 second for each use, minimum 5 seconds), meaning you can't be damaged or affected by most enemy spells. Extremely useful for staying alive and effective in a fight.

Blink Dagger

Allows you to instantly jump a large distance every 12 seconds. Essential for any hero that needs to close the gap with enemies quickly (some supports get this item as well).


Animal Courier (-> Flying Courier)

The courier will deliver items to everyone on your team so they don't have to walk all the way back to base. From 3 minutes onward, it can be upgraded into a flying courier which is faster. You only need one courier per team.

Observer Wards

Everytime you buy wards, you get a set of two. Wards can be placed around the map to give a large amount of vision for 7 minutes, like a watchtower. Every 6 minutes, a set becomes available, to a maximum of 2 sets.


When you activate a mek, you and all allies around you are healed for 250 hp. Players can only be healed this way once every 25 seconds, so having more than one mek on a team is redundant.

Hope this helps!
is there anything you can do to stop axe from cutting the creepwave?

because it seems like basically the answer is no

only way is to have anticipated the play style and drafted to address it.

Support recommendation: Veno (Gale, Poison Sting), Jakiro (liquid fire), Dazzle (heal bombs), Windrunner (+Orb of Venom), Phoenix, Venge, Shadow Demon (ez soul catcher, poison stacks)

Carry recommendations: Viper (QQQQ), Necro (Heal bombs, heartstopper), Drow (single-target slow), Huskar (burning spears), Clinkz (flaming arrows), Gyro (homing missile into free rocket barrage), Sniper (whole kit shits on axe until he has a blink dagger)

Basically, you want ranged heroes. Preferably ones with slows, dot or hard nukes. Go with a pair of ranged cc supports and just blow him up, or go with dot/slow and melt him down enough that he doesn't want to come back. Go on him hardest when your creep wave isn't around, as he depends them for his helix spins. Don't let him disappear for free and reappear to kill wave after wave.

If you picked a team of melee heroes, you are already dead.
is there anything you can do to stop axe from cutting the creepwave?

because it seems like basically the answer is no

i can't wait until they delete him in 6.84 tbh, such a dumb trash op hero

He shouldn't be able to tank 1v3 early, so you'll need like two heroes with CC (stun and slow for instance) and preferably ranged heroes (against axe ? no shit !)
Once he gets vanguard though, you got another problem

Huskar does fuck axe in a 1v1 situation but later on axe will just laugh at his face (mass physical damage that relies on the enemy attacking fast, culling blade)

Here, I've summarized the most important items in dota for beginners. Learning these (over time) should be a huge help! Items after the arrow means the first item can be upgraded into these. I linked to the wiki pages so you can find more info about the listed items.
seems a bit outdated to me, namely mek (isn't necessary anymore in current meta. still good but don't think support = mek), blink (good on 90% of the heroes), bkb (less common now, better to tank up)
Also talk about cheap stat items in the beginning (branches, circlets)
is there anything you can do to stop axe from cutting the creepwave?

because it seems like basically the answer is no

i can't wait until they delete him in 6.84 tbh, such a dumb trash op hero

- Timber
- Sniper
- Mirana
- Skywrath
- Necrolight
- Troll
- Drow
- Windrunner
- Lion
- Witch Doctor
- Lina
- Silencer
- and so forth

All of these punish Axe in lane. No way he gets away with creep cutting against a non-dual-melee lane actually.
seems a bit outdated to me, namely mek (isn't necessary anymore in current meta. still good but don't think support = mek), blink (good on 90% of the heroes), bkb (less common now, better to tank up)
Also talk about cheap stat items in the beginning (branches, circlets)

I mainly mentioned mek because its easy to use for beginners (compared to blink, euls, force staff), has an easy buildup and gives good stats.

Yo print, soul ring is the tits. Get it.



sputum-flecked apoplexy
TEAMWORK is the best antidote against asshole axe
cutting creepwaves.
so you pull like half your team out of position to dislodge him (lol @ the idea of getting a kill on him), that's still a win for him
Gah it's not that bad.

If your team is greedy with all melee then Axe is going to hurt you.

He's easy to counter pick though.
he was offlane vs sven and kotl (me), necro support
You can kill him
don't lie, it's rude
only way is to have anticipated the play style and drafted to address it.

Support recommendation: Veno (Gale, Poison Sting), Jakiro (liquid fire), Dazzle (heal bombs), Windrunner (+Orb of Venom), Phoenix, Venge, Shadow Demon (ez soul catcher, poison stacks)

Carry recommendations: Viper (QQQQ), Necro (Heal bombs, heartstopper), Drow (single-target slow), Huskar (burning spears), Clinkz (flaming arrows), Gyro (homing missile into free rocket barrage), Sniper (whole kit shits on axe until he has a blink dagger)

Basically, you want ranged heroes. Preferably ones with slows, dot or hard nukes. Go with a pair of ranged cc supports and just blow him up, or go with dot/slow and melt him down enough that he doesn't want to come back. Go on him hardest when your creep wave isn't around, as he depends them for his helix spins. Don't let him disappear for free and reappear to kill wave after wave.

If you picked a team of melee heroes, you are already dead.

so he's basically just another hero that robs your agency by forcing you into counterpicking

yawn yawn yawn please just delete the damn hero already. ez solution.

no but honestly thanks for the advice
Well yes you have to adapt your draft according to the enemy. Don't go triple melee safelane if the enemy has an axe, that's obvious

Anyway if you counter him in lane, don't forget to check the woods, axe farm those insanely fast (at least people who know how to jungle with him : stack big camps, clear medium camps. No, standing in the middle of those two centaurs isn't efficient)


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Well yes you have to adapt your draft according to the enemy. Don't go triple melee safelane if the enemy has an axe, that's obvious

well the difference between axe and say, phoenix, is that i don't think anyone in the history of the universe has thought 'oh shit they got a phoenix we better not pick x'

that's why i kind of resent heroes like axe, or all of the illusion generating heroes
Well for your example against phoenix you may prefer picking heroes with instant disables (rubick, lion), and you want to avoid melee carries (although ursa fucks phoenix pretty good, but he's a shit hero otherwise)

Heroes don't all have to be counterpicked but it can make life much easier against certain heroes


It's okay it's okay the big wheel of Dota will soon turn and all tier 1 heroes will be shit again, like Axe, Sniper and company. Except Batrider. It seems Batrider will be picked even if he takes 2 heroes slots, since I started playing like 2 years ago this guy is always one of the top picked heroes.
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