hopefully its like the golden wrench in that people break it, get banned from steam, and then hired by valve
You craft a charm by recycling 10 items. It has a large list of potental items, one of which is a VIP ticket to TI5.
A bit like the old Golden Wrench thing from TF2, except you will also have to win 3 games for the chance.
can i still talk about hats
hey pop gaf whats the opinion on tove lo
cause im really close to putting some on a summer jams playlist
DV what do you think about that i-League Dusa set?
I reckon it's pretty great. Dusa is a bit dull though.
I just checked it, it's pretty gross
Only cosmetic medusa needs is a bow
on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is magic by rude and 10 is talking body
where is jealous tobear
also shut up and dance is like an 8 just fyi
it's 'you're so fucking beautiful and everyone wants your sex'/10
Nothing more fascinating than their usage of gifs.I find PopGAF lingo strangely fascinating
1v1 me in Hearthstone (ง̀-́are we finally settlings disputes with 1v1 mids?
I don't have dota at work
And I wouldn't participate in a 1v1 anyway
I don't have dota at work
And I wouldn't participate in a 1v1 anyway
This is a great conversation and all but can all you plebs that are sub-4k plz not post anymore thx ur triggering some of the master race 4k players that peruse this forum and sometimes grace us with their knowledge
hearthstone is for fatties
inb4 everybody calling undying OP shit
I went to Popgaf thread today. Of course Toe was the last post there.
And I learned that Kelly Clarkson is fat now wtf!?!?
WR doesn't need buffs. you guys are getting to reddit levels of silly.
I don't have dota at work
And I wouldn't participate in a 1v1 anyway
Ariana Grand is bland as hell.
Shit talking is an art, fist fighting is for babiesThis is a poor response. Someone who shit talks so much should always be up for a fight