Ursa isn't a pubstomp hero at all lol, or maybe in lower brackets, but the hero does jackshit
He needs :
some instant disable (abyssal + hex for instance)
to do shit
Like geez he's just garbage, WK is a better ursa
Make beastmaster's axes pure, or apply his auto attack damage or part of it I don't know, it falls off hard really fast. Make his roar actually instant (like a hex) and then he's good
If Diddy can get nerfed, so can Troll.
.Leastmaster is gross if you use the boar, it does so much work for basically no cost
you can sit in lane and harass and get exp while you stack camps with boar, then just axe a few camps at once and boom, you have blink or aghs or necrobook or however you want to build him
plus, 40% ms / 40 attack speed slow that goes through immunity for 15 mana is nutso
....he'll get a slight buff and suddenly be everywhere in pro games, perch
Beastmaster is not gonna get buffed in 6.84.
yeah, I think he's in a good spot. I doubt he gets changed.
He's not underpowered at all. Just unpopular in pubs but some heroes just are like that.
People always say this when referring to taking on difficult right clickers but at the same time they forget about the downside of it: The amplified magic damage. This can be dangerous if something like a Skywrath or Lion is in the house. I wouldn't say it's really "easy-to-use". Plus 1600 gold is a lot of money for a support potentially.
It absolutely is a good solution, but isn't an end-all, be-all.
Sniper I'll give you, but Troll is very hard to handle on pretty much any hero in the game. He's a natural BKB buyer, and probably will get a BKB eventually, no matter what you do. Also his bashes go through BKB!
raise mirana's starting base dmg pls
Most right clicker carries are gonna have a bkb at some point so thats moot. Theres a plethora of items to avoid getting in a perma bash from troll, he also has no escape and has avg hp.
Most broken shit I've ever seen3 thing I want in this game.
Burrowstrike range is the same at all levels.
CM movement speed buff. (NEVER EVER), but she's a pretty good hero so it might be too much.
Caustic Finale reworked (No UAM, wtf is this shit seriously)
Make Burrow strike apply caustic finale.3 thing I want in this game.
Burrowstrike range is the same at all levels.
CM movement speed buff. (NEVER EVER), but she's a pretty good hero so it might be too much.
Caustic Finale reworked (No UAM, wtf is this shit seriously)
Make Burrow strike apply caustic finale.
No thank you!Make Sand storm apply caustic finale.
6.84 is gonna break Windrunner u herd it here 1st
I'm still going to stick by making Shackleshot targetable on trees.
No, I was thinking it could only latch to units.Does that mean I can shackleshot two trees together?
6.84 is gonna break Windrunner u herd it here 1st
sand king is ultra op he dont need no buffs
Just a PSA: mumblegaf is now banned from standing in for scrims (for teams that they aren't a part of).
I don't want this to turn into RD2L where people turn scrims into their friend/5-stack stomping grounds. I'm guilty of standing in for a team in a scrim as well (which I regret), so this applies to me and anyone from mumblegaf. Just play with your team in scrims, if you need one stand in, get a 3kish player and go. Your team isn't going to benefit at all from getting 4-5k ringers that won't be there on game day.
Starting to get better. I'm liking the melee support disabler type. I am enjoying Earthshaker, Tiny, Centaur Warrunner and Tusk. Any other heroes like these?
Starting to get better. I'm liking the melee support disabler type. I am enjoying Earthshaker, Tiny, Centaur Warrunner and Tusk. Any other heroes like these?
Cross-posting for visiblity:
Thank god, I still won't be scrimming certain teams though.
like who?
Starting to get better. I'm liking the melee support disabler type. I am enjoying Earthshaker, Tiny, Centaur Warrunner and Tusk. Any other heroes like these?
I didnt realize there was a patch imminent. Usually reddit is freaking out about one coming and thats how i figure it out.
Bye bye troll. I hated playing against you but i loved playing as you.
Hearth stone is free2try, unless you dedicate your life to it (and if you are, stop being cheap and just lay down some cash)My paladin-murlock deck is shit. God fuck this pay2win bullshit, it's not even pay2win, it's grind2pay.
Hearth stone is free2try, unless you dedicate your life to it (and if you are, stop being cheap and just lay down some cash)
Paladin murlock is pretty good, but you need both Avenge and all the Murlocks for it to work. Do you got those Shira?
list of the Murlocs required for both achievements, and how you can obtain them.
Bluegill Warrior
Normal: Complete the tutorial.
Golden: Reach level 53 & 54 with the Paladin class.
Grimscale Oracle
Normal: Complete the tutorial.
Golden: Reach level 53 & 54 with the Warlock class.
Murloc Raider
Normal: Complete the tutorial.
Golden: Reach level 51 & 52 with the Priest class.
Murloc Tidehunter
Normal: Complete the tutorial.
Golden: Reach level 53 & 54 with the Rogue class.
Coldlight Oracle
Normal: Expert Card Packs or by Crafting for 100 Arcane Dust.
Golden: Expert Card Packs or by Crafting for 800 Arcane Dust.
Coldlight Seer
Normal: Expert Card Packs or by Crafting for 100 Arcane Dust.
Golden: Expert Card Packs or by Crafting for 800 Arcane Dust.
Murloc Tidecaller
Normal: Expert Card Packs or by Crafting for 100 Arcane Dust.
Golden: Expert Card Packs or by Crafting for 800 Arcane Dust.
Murloc Warleader
Normal: Expert Card Packs or by Crafting for 400 Arcane Dust.
Golden: Expert Card Packs or by Crafting for 1600 Arcane Dust.
Have you tried a face Hunter deck shira? Those are very competitive and cheap to make.
Do you have any dust yet to spare?