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DOTA 2 |OT9| League of Ancients (6.84)

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You are doing something very, very wrong if you can't splitpush as lycan. The entire point of that sort of Lycan build is to force the other team to respond in such a way that they are at a disadvantage elsewhere on the map. If one person TPs to defend a tower against a lycan with treads vlads necrobook you use howl, activate ult and fucking kill them. You can count the number of heroes who can deal with a Lycan with that sort of farm around 15 minutes on one hand. Even if they TP in two heroes you can still get a kill and make it out most of the time.

That is literally it. If they don't respond, you kill the tower. If they respond with one TP you kill the hero then kill the tower. If they respond with 2 or more back off and let your team accomplish something else on the map.

Of course, this is what I usually do with Lycan.

However, the "Wolves need no armor"' achievement requires a 0/0/0 Kill/Death/Assist score. This does not work in practice.

You never fight with your team ever. You never fight without your team ever. Wolves need no armour.

You end the game with 0-0-0 and the highest building damage ever conceived by man.


Bull on a Donut
He used to not have that range. Did he suddenly "gain his identity" over the course of a patch now?

he never had extra range?

tweaking numbers on stuff like shapeshift and metamorphosis isn't the same as outright gutting a hero's identity via outright removal. I.E. troll bash getting an internal cooldown or doing 0 damage =/= remove bash. Sniper getting his absurd range buffed to even more absurd levels in an effort to make him viable isn't changing his identity at all, hell it enhances it.

berserker's rage gives a lot of extra fat in the same way that shapeshift did, I'd rather see the health and base armor go over the bash.


What achievement? Maybe don't take the video so literally.

Yes, I took the video literally and it does not work. What you said makes a lot more sense. In fact, I realize that this is what I usually do with Lycan. With some good success (60% winrate in 55 games, less than 2 KDA on average).


he never had extra range?

tweaking numbers on stuff like shapeshift and metamorphosis isn't the same as outright gutting a heroes identity via outright removal. I.E. troll bash getting an internal cooldown or doing 0 damage =/= remove bash. Sniper getting his absurd range buffed to even more absurd levels in an effort to make him viable isn't changing his identity at all, hell it enhances it.

No, it just wasn't that great of range before. I still don't see how bash is part of troll's "identity" and is even remotely fair for this jack of all trades hero to have.

By this logic, I know some hero "identities" that completely changed.

Phantom Lancer losing Doppelwalk, and being completely reworked.
Bloodseeker being completely reworked.

Now granted they still serve the same purpose they used to before the rework, their skills were changed quite a bit. If Troll's bash was removed, the hero would still serve the same purpose he is intended to, he just wouldn't be able to do everything, the kitchen sink, and bash you.


Bull on a Donut
No, it just wasn't that great of range before. I still don't see how bash is part of troll's "identity" and is even remotely fair for this jack of all trades hero to have.

By this logic, I know some hero "identities" that completely changed.

Phantom Lancer losing Doppelwalk, and being completely reworked.
Bloodseeker being completely reworked.

Now granted they still serve the same purpose they used to before the rework, their skills were changed quite a bit. If Troll's bash was removed, the hero would still serve the same purpose he is intended to, he just wouldn't be able to do everything, the kitchen sink, and bash you.

the entire point of remaking a hero is to change or alter their identity for one reason or another, usually because they aren't that fun or popular for the vast majority of people, or their skillset isn't very unique. You can't equate completely remaking a hero to nerfing troll warlord, well I guess you technically can, but it's a pretty awful comparison.

Troll is too strong right now, sure. But I think there are much much much better ways of nerfing him than removing the bash outright--bashing + attack speed has pretty much been at the core of the hero since his inception in dota 1. Stuff like being ultra tanky, having great stats, fast MS, low mana costs, global/team-wide ulti, these are all fair game to me that you can adjust without taking away from Jah'rakal.


the entire point of remaking a hero is to change or alter their identity for one reason or another, usually because they aren't that fun or popular for the vast majority of people, or their skillset isn't very unique. You can't equate completely remaking a hero to nerfing troll warlord, well I guess you technically can, but it's a pretty awful comparison.

Plus Troll is actually fun to play. The whole concept of switching melee/ranged makes the laning stage and fights a lot of fun.


the entire point of remaking a hero is to change or alter their identity for one reason or another, usually because they aren't that fun or popular for the vast majority of people, or their skillset isn't very unique. You can't equate completely remaking a hero to nerfing troll warlord.

Are those two heroes identities really altered very much? The way they play obviously is, but they effectively do the same thing, just in a more efficient or different manner. Bloodseeker still ruptures people, regains health from last hitting, sees low health people. Phantom Lancer still makes a billion goddamn illuisons and is still a slippery fucker to catch. These are the same identities these heroes had before.

It absolutely is comparable to remaking a hero, I seriously doubt it will happen, but if the froggy wanted to, he could theoretically remake troll from scratch to nerf him.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
does troll really have an identity? he's too good at everything at the moment to have an identity as far as i'm concerned. an identity is formed out of having interesting strengths and interesting weaknesses. troll really has neither.


Bull on a Donut
Hey bokr, how would you amend Troll at this point? Or is he okay as is in your opinion?

I'd go about it one of two ways:

1) He no longer gets +100 HP and +3 armor from melee form. He already has great stat gains, he builds tanky, he has a built in miss chance, and he moves fast. He doesn't need this extra survivability, and it would be an enormous nerf to his laning.

2) His ulti no longer affects allies. Add in an aghs that does this (but this isn't really necessary). So he's still the same fun old troll, but he no longer 100% guarantees the late game at the draft screen, and doesn't have insane team utility to go with his already insane base kit.

Anyhow, I don't mean to be overly antagonistic towards you, hylian. A hero's identity varies from person to person, and to me, when I first started playing dota1 8 some years ago and picked up troll, I immediately identified with his attack speed and bash. That is the hero to me. This might be different to you or someone else, and so removing bash is a fair suggestion, just not one that I agree with.

does troll really have an identity? he's too good at everything at the moment to have an identity as far as i'm concerned. an identity is formed out of having interesting strengths and interesting weaknesses. troll really has neither.

Troll has interesting strengths, but not interesting weaknesses, you're right. He needs weaknesses. In my opinion that should be awful base survivability, because he should derive his survivability from his item build, miss chance, and racecar speed. That's just my opinion anyhow.


I'd go about it one of two ways:
1) He no longer gets +100 HP and +3 armor from melee form. He already has great stat gains, he builds tanky, he has a built in miss chance, and he moves fast. He doesn't need this extra survivability, and it would be an enormous nerf to his laning.

2) His ulti no longer affects allies. Add in an aghs that does this (but this isn't really necessary). So he's still the same fun old troll, but he no longer 100% guarantees the late game at the draft screen, and doesn't have insane team utility to go with his already insane base kit.

You say my idea is "changing his identity", yet you suggest this, which is definitely his identity in the first place? You have a huge double standard here.

I would have no problem though with not having the ult be global though.


You say my idea is "changing his identity", yet you suggest this, which is definitely his identity in the first place? You have a huge double standard here.

I would have no problem though with not having the ult be global though.

To me, this is akin to Doom's ulti no longer affecting passives until you get aghs.


Bull on a Donut
You say my idea is "changing his identity", yet you suggest this, which is definitely his identity in the first place? You have a huge double standard here.

I would have no problem though with not having the ult be global though.

I'm speaking as a dota1 player here hylian, this is just something you won't understand, because the troll you know is strictly from dota 2. Troll will always be the fast attacking berserker bashlord from dota1 to me, and the global ultimate was not a part of it, nor was buffing allies in any way, shape, or form. This is why the ultimate is my ideal for a nerf.

hey bokr whats your favorite color

hey steve, it's blue
I'd go about it one of two ways:

1) He no longer gets +100 HP and +3 armor from melee form. He already has great stat gains, he builds tanky, he has a built in miss chance, and he moves fast. He doesn't need this extra survivability, and it would be an enormous nerf to his laning.

2) His ulti no longer affects allies. Add in an aghs that does this (but this isn't really necessary). So he's still the same fun old troll, but he no longer 100% guarantees the late game at the draft screen, and doesn't have insane team utility to go with his already insane base kit.

Anyhow, I don't mean to be overly antagonistic towards you, hylian. A hero's identity varies from person to person, and to me, when I first started playing dota1 8 some years ago and picked up troll, I immediately identified with his attack speed and bash. That is the hero to me. This might be different to you or someone else, and so removing bash is a fair suggestion, just not one that I agree with.

Troll has interesting strengths, but not interesting weaknesses, you're right. He needs weaknesses. In my opinion that should be awful base survivability, because he should derive his survivability from his item build, miss chance, and racecar speed. That's just my opinion anyhow.
Sounds good to me.


What if they made his ult kinda Mask of Madness like? Take extra damage when its active? I get that it would fuck your supports, but right now its just absurd.


nor was buffing allies in any way, shape, or form. This is why the ultimate is my ideal for a nerf.

Fervor was an aura and Rampage was his old ult that only effected him(plus increased movement speed). Than they got swapped and fervor was a troll only ability and Rampage was replaced with the Battle Trance we have now. Troll was always able to increase the attack speed of his allies but not to the same extent as today, Beastmasters aura was actually better than old Fervor.


You are doing something very, very wrong if you can't splitpush as lycan. The entire point of that sort of Lycan build is to force the other team to respond in such a way that they are at a disadvantage elsewhere on the map. If one person TPs to defend a tower against a lycan with treads vlads necrobook you use howl, activate ult and fucking kill them. You can count the number of heroes who can deal with a Lycan with that sort of farm around 15 minutes on one hand. Even if they TP in two heroes you can still get a kill and make it out most of the time.
Not allowed, you have to go 0/0/0, so you have to run every time.


Low Tier
ITT: dota 2 babies not understanding that troll is the bash hero. Always and forever.

How does icefrog keep a hero pool as large as dota's viable and interesting? Each hero has to be a unique piece, if two heroes do similar feats the game becomes homogeneous much like how LoL is in its current incarnation.

A majority of you will probably not remember this, but there was a time when Viper and Razor didn't have identifies, they both had a frenzy steroid, razor had a passive eye of the storm and chain lightning, and viper was shadow strike and frenzy. Both of these heroes were just 'meh'.

Or when Skeleton King and Sven both had base storm bolt, and tweaks were made so that each was unique.

The point I'm making is that dota 2 heroes have character because of their uniqueness, which is usually attributed to their skill sets and how they mesh into drafts and teamfights. Removing hero identity is something the frog will never do.

Troll is the bashing, melee asshole that wins 1v1s. Revoke his extra hp and base armor from melee, increase cd of ulti to 40, and scale the aoe of blinding axes, and the hero will be fine.


Bull on a Donut
And sorry, I misspoke when I said remaking a hero is to change or alter their identity. Icefrog usually preserves their identity as a hero, he just refocuses it or makes the base kit more unique. For example, PL's identity to me has always been the mass illusion, confusion hero. His playstyle was altered to be more unique (rather than a second rate TB or Naga), but his core identity was kept intact.


ITT: dota 2 babies not understanding that troll is the bash hero. Always and forever.

How does icefrog keep a hero pool as large as dota's viable and interesting? Each hero has to be a unique piece, if two heroes do similar feats the game becomes homogeneous much like how LoL is in its current incarnation.

A majority of you will probably not remember this, but there was a time when Viper and Razor didn't have identifies, they both had a frenzy steroid, razor had a passive eye of the storm and chain lightning, and viper was shadow strike and frenzy. Both of these heroes were just 'meh'.

Or when Skeleton King and Sven both had base storm bolt, and tweaks were made so that each was unique.

The point I'm making is that dota 2 heroes have character because of their uniqueness, which is usually attributed to their skill sets and how they mesh into drafts and teamfights. Removing hero identity is something the frog will never do.

Troll is the bashing, melee asshole that wins 1v1s. Revoke his extra hp and base armor from melee, increase cd of ulti to 40, and scale the aoe of blinding axes, and the hero will be fine.

I think you can't have the 0 cast point on whirly


ITT: dota 2 babies not understanding that troll is the bash hero. Always and forever.

How does icefrog keep a hero pool as large as dota's viable and interesting? Each hero has to be a unique piece, if two heroes do similar feats the game becomes homogeneous much like how LoL is in its current incarnation.

A majority of you will probably not remember this, but there was a time when Viper and Razor didn't have identifies, they both had a frenzy steroid, razor had a passive eye of the storm and chain lightning, and viper was shadow strike and frenzy. Both of these heroes were just 'meh'.

Or when Skeleton King and Sven both had base storm bolt, and tweaks were made so that each was unique.

The point I'm making is that dota 2 heroes have character because of their uniqueness, which is usually attributed to their skill sets and how they mesh into drafts and teamfights. Removing hero identity is something the frog will never do.

Troll is the bashing, melee asshole that wins 1v1s. Revoke his extra hp and base armor from melee, increase cd of ulti to 40, and scale the aoe of blinding axes, and the hero will be fine.

There's more than one "bash hero" in the game now. I don't know who got in the game first, but in today's Dota, we see lots of "bash heroes". Faceless Void, Slardar, and Spirit Breaker all 3 come to mind. Now probably Slardar to a lesser degree as he's more utilized for his ultimate and Crush (if he's picked at all, kappa).

To say that Troll is identified because he can bash just isn't right. He's a berserker and can reach the attack speed ceiling in the game pretty quickly, and not just temporarily like Ursa or Windrunner, I mean quite often, his ultimate's cooldown isn't very long, and he has Fervor too. He also can switch to melee and ranged form at any time, with no delay. No hero in the game does that other than Troll. The closest thing is Lone Druid, which has a few second transformation.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
It's just not really clear what ice frog actually wants troll to be. If he's supposed to be the amazing 1v1 man fighter, why does his ult also turn any lineup into an amazing push and team fight draft? It's like he wants troll to be jack of all trades, but forgot the second line of that aphorism.
What if they made his ult kinda Mask of Madness like? Take extra damage when its active? I get that it would fuck your supports, but right now its just absurd.

I don't really like a button to just slam that would mess your team up that hard from across the map. If they really wanted to keep the whole team buffing angle from troll, make it a temp aura/buff where some of the buff is given in an aura around him and the rest is given to troll himself, like assault cuirass does for it's attack speed where allies get some of the attack speed from the hyper stone but not all of it.

And sorry, I misspoke when I said remaking a hero is to change or alter their identity. Icefrog usually preserves their identity as a hero, he just refocuses it or makes the base kit more unique. For example, PL's identity to me has always been the mass illusion, confusion hero. His playstyle was altered to be more unique (rather than a second rate TB or Naga), but his core identity was kept intact.

Melee Basher stacking in ranged form in Dota 1. He'll never be the same, RIP.


Maybe Troll's ult could take the attack speed from his teammates and give it to Troll. He keeps the bash, but his ult makes his teammates at a disadvantage by applying a debuff to them.
Aghs would fix the debuff, but not apply any buff to teammates.

Anbokr's suggestion looks more like Sven's ult: without aghs, Troll is the only buffed hero ; with aghs, all the team is buffed. Then, at least, like Sven, the ult should be made an aura... and affect creeps as well.




Low Tier
Ok I'm gonna say this once. Hylian you never even played dota 1; you can't even begin to comprehend what hero identity means to the game, let alone try to define it and argue for the sake of your awful balance suggestion. Troll will be fine with a few number tweaks or some slicing of the melee form, the concept of the hero is engaging and fun to play. Don't be so salty because Call of Champions has shit hero design compared to Dota


Ok I'm gonna say this once. Hylian you never even played dota 1; you can't even begin to comprehend what hero identity means to the game, let alone try to define it and argue for the sake of your awful balance suggestion. Troll will be fine with a few number tweaks or some slicing of the melee form, the concept of the hero is engaging and fun to play. Don't be so salty because Call of Champions has shit hero design compared to Dota

You know I really hate it when you try to pull this bullshit of "I'm old in Dota years, fuck you, your opinion is worthless." You pull this all the time. And people wonder why Dota communities get a reputation for being elitist.


I escape Dota 2 to escape loss. I do not have anymore room in my home to store Ls. But the Ls keep coming. I cannot escape. No matter the game, they find me. I am not destined to win at any game.

A guy in Smash changed his name to "U TRASH" after he beat me...
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