dota confirmed sexist game
whats wrong with being sexy?
dota confirmed sexist game
whats wrong with being sexy?
His buffs are no joke. Even more so if the idiots on your team don't know how to execute the Delta Split when he throws his ult at you.
Thoughts on blade mail so far? I see lots of bitching on reddit but i have not seen it in a game yet
Thoughts on blade mail so far? I see lots of bitching on reddit but i have not seen it in a game yet
played 2 games tonight in ranked and no one is buying tome or using scan. also, hurrah 3.2k mmr, now to 3.5.
played 2 games tonight in ranked and no one is buying tome or using scan. also, hurrah 3.2k mmr, now to 3.5.
that means free tomes for u dude
What a shock.but i think reddit is whining harder about it than they should be.
windrunner with bloodthorn is fucking disgusting....DISGUSTING. i hope they nerf that shit to the ground. 2 shotting 6 slotted tinys, gtfo.
Bloodthorn makes QoP fun again, its a big investment. But it helps her a lot late game.
windrunner with bloodthorn is fucking disgusting....DISGUSTING. i hope they nerf that shit to the ground. 2 shotting 6 slotted tinys, gtfo.
I was wondering about Hurricane Pike rush Silencer earlier today actually.
I want to build Pike on Drow or Luna if I can get away with it...
Your hero is Lycan, bokr.
I'd have tried it on the former by now if my arms weren't garbage.I want to build Pike on Drow or Luna if I can get away with it...
Thoughts on position 3 or 4 aghs bloodcyka??
i just wanna see the cooldown go up, 13s cd/4.5s duration is just too much uptime for how good the item is now
if you fuck up ur blademail timing, u should get punished hard
I'm sure this will be figured out in the coming weeks/months since the patch has only been out a few days, but I'm wanting to get some opinions in here on it. Is using the scan immediately when cooldown is up greedy? You probably don't want to do that in the late game, but early-mid game, I could see the mid or offlaner having to do that.
True, just make sure to tell your teammates it doesn't work on the Rosh Pit.Situational. Imagine you have an Ursa opponent, you use scan for crap while you could have waited a bit more and caught him smoked going Roshan.