haha man, pa is just so broken. its not even fun to play dota anymore. every game has a pa.
Ehhhh, I don't think so. I've barely seen her at all in my games, but even so, she definitely isn't broken right now. If anything she could use a buff.
haha man, pa is just so broken. its not even fun to play dota anymore. every game has a pa.
Ehhhh, I don't think so. I've barely seen her at all in my games, but even so, she definitely isn't broken right now. If anything she could use a buff.
ya maybe cause i am in trench 3.4 mmr...every game a pa. shes just so annoying. massive crits with dagger is the biggest bullshit ive seen in a while. she kills with that shit.
just have someone make silver edge. Or pick heroes that can burst her down with nukes.
wallet = dead
That GTX 1080 whew
Let me know when it's affordable. I'm still happy on my GTX 770.
The 1070 GTX is $370 for a card that is faster than today's $800-$1000+ cards. Big upgrade for those on a budget.Let me know when it's affordable. I'm still happy on my GTX 770.
The 1070 GTX is $370 for a card that is faster than today's $800-$1000+ cards. Big upgrade for those on a budget.
looks like ill be getting a 1070
my 7870 has served me well
(who is unederpowered IMO, I mean one of his "Tips" says that he likes to distract people from targets that are more of a threat. That's basically saying he's useless).
Didnt realize Battlefield 1 takes place during ww1. I might actually buy it now.
Humanity is trash. My secret? Mute everyone, and everyone will love you. They're all dumb idiots who don't need no communication from me anyway.
That's what I'm sayin'HBM2 or fuckoff, piecemeal exact upgrades only limited by anti-trust from AMD.
Mei is fantastic, Genji surprisingly not garbage in some cases, Musicman great. Junkrat broken demoman, but after some maps learning Pharah is growing on me a lot.
What and why the fuck are the reddit talking about taking fnatic spot at manila and TI invites?
Lol since getting a Macbook I've had to put everything on lowest except for the animated portraits which I'm too used to.i wish i had money to play dota in nice settings
what is this
pointless drama zzz
all members are already registered on the team. doesn't matter if they are a sub or not.
Yes in order to swap Primary and Substitute slots, both the Primary and Substitute players must agree to the swap.
pointless drama zzz
all members are already registered on the team. doesn't matter if they are a sub or not.
A guy that only picks NP, barely farms, and just waits to use ult to steal kills?what is this
A guy that only picks NP, barely farms, and just waits to use ult to steal kills?
1208 rampages.
mei is so good
like wyvern crossed with tusk
It's really disappointing that Roadhog doesn't have a "Fresh Meat" voice line. Come on guys, that one was obvious.
What and why the fuck are the reddit talking about taking fnatic spot at manila and TI invites?
When the vodka is just right
TRACERRRRRRRRRXmcree and roadhog da best everyone else sucks ass
So I know not many people keep up with Ability Draft in this thread, but my friend has found the most hilarious bug/broken build.
Take Astral Spirit and either Aftershocks, Static Field, or both for even more hilarity. Take Astral, go immediately to Rosh pit, let Rosh start killing you, as soon as you are about to die, throw out Astral Spirit and die while it's out. If you do this right, you only have the return ability, and that counts as a spell for Aftershocks and Static Field. You can just run up and keep mashing the button to kill anyone.