she's been buffed SIX straight times (including every ability and base damage) and is still straight garbage lol
joke hero
The problem is LC requires too much to be effective. You need to get a Blink\SB\SE or you can't gank early, and even then you need teamates to co-ordinate with you because you hit like a wet noodle. Then you need Armor Items, Treads, and Damage items simultaneously--oh and BKB. LC's steroid is built into her ult and requires you to be snowballing for it to actually make a difference. If she gets CC'd she is literally going to get nuked into oblivion. What they need to do is change one of her abilities to give her some more mobility so you aren't required to build SE\Blink. That frees up an item slow that can be used for something else.
I put LC in the same category as Gyro and Luna. Too item-dependent throughout the entire game.