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Dragon Age II |OT| The Revenge of Shit Mountain


BioWare Austin
Seb Hanlon said:
The final implementation for auto-attack on console is actually a toggle in the options menu, if I recall correctly. You don't have to open the radial menu every time. This may not be present in the demo build, but don't worry, it's there in the final game.
Another response from the gameplay engineer on the official forums.
Snuggler said:
So, after all the controversy and stuff about this game, who is still planning on buying it day one?

Still undecided. Everything I've seen including the demo is just an average looking game that I would normally dismiss and move on. But it's BioWare and Dragon Age, so I just don't know.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
I'm a sucker for anything BioWare so I'm picking this up day 1, no probs. Signature Edition and all. For the PS3 even (plan on getting the PC version this christmas over Steam) and I was impressed by the demo.


Snuggler said:
So, after all the controversy and stuff about this game, who is still planning on buying it day one?

If I didn't already have so much to play, I would probably give in, but I'm in no rush so I'll just wait until I can find a deal on the PC version in a few months. I don't think I'll hate the game, but it's not exactly screaming out my name if you know what I mean. Despite all my concerns, I still want to play it just so I can form my own opinion about the final product (and cause I'll take anything Bioware dishes out).

I'm there day 1 Or whenever amazon.ca ships mine. I like the original DAO and I like RPG with multiple paths and choices. I'm disappointed by lot of changes to be honest but I haven't bought a console game since Dead Rising 2 so I need something new to play. At least there seems to be a lot of replay value.


Snuggler said:
So, after all the controversy and stuff about this game, who is still planning on buying it day one?

If I didn't already have so much to play, I would probably give in, but I'm in no rush so I'll just wait until I can find a deal on the PC version in a few months. I don't think I'll hate the game, but it's not exactly screaming out my name if you know what I mean. Despite all my concerns, I still want to play it just so I can form my own opinion about the final product (and cause I'll take anything Bioware dishes out).

Sig Edition (360) will be here on Tuesday.

Come at me bro.


Snuggler said:
So, after all the controversy and stuff about this game, who is still planning on buying it day one?

If I didn't already have so much to play, I would probably give in, but I'm in no rush so I'll just wait until I can find a deal on the PC version in a few months. I don't think I'll hate the game, but it's not exactly screaming out my name if you know what I mean. Despite all my concerns, I still want to play it just so I can form my own opinion about the final product (and cause I'll take anything Bioware dishes out).

I am because I think there's to much negativity around the game and because of that I also think that the preception is going to change more positive in the next couple weeks after launch exactly what happened with dragon age origins.


oh my god i just entered the
. but they said it wouldn't be ba....wait, what..

Speculator said:
Another response from the gameplay engineer on the official forums.




We will dig around again, but honestly.. I dont believe its there.

As for the radial menu, it doesn't seem to work either.


We have another video uploading atm. It goes a bit deeper, tries some other things... But auto-attack still doesnt seem to be in the 360 version. This is a final retail build of the game, so I really dont know whats up.


Subete no aware
Snuggler said:
So, after all the controversy and stuff about this game, who is still planning on buying it day one?

The only reason I'm picking it up is because of this pre-order special edition thing. Although I suppose I'd do better by just waiting for the CE a year later since I'm just going to play Yakuza 4 anyway, but what the heck.
I hate to ask this, but who's downloaded both the PS3 and Xbox demos? Did you notice a considerable difference not in textures or anything, but in the cut-scene jittering and the little save / load pauses between menus? I'm loathe to switch to Xbox since I have a PS3 save of DA:O but it really doesn't look like there's much being brought over anyway. I really want save imports to be a big deal, but I'm not convinced this time.


LaserBuddha said:
If, in defiance of all plausibility, DA2 turns out to be great, then I will be the first one in line joyfully eating my words, because that will be a great day for me. But that's not going to happen.

You really don't know that though, I bet you more so that it will be alot better than preception is now because preception is incredibly clouded to the negative on the game until it's released that's not gonna change.
Wolves Evolve said:
I hate to ask this, but who's downloaded both the PS3 and Xbox demos? Did you notice a considerable difference not in textures or anything, but in the cut-scene jittering and the little save / load pauses between menus? I'm loathe to switch to Xbox since I have a PS3 save of DA:O but it really doesn't look like there's much being brought over anyway. I really want save imports to be a big deal, but I'm not convinced this time.

I've downloaded both demos and didn't really notice that much of a difference. It's seems like both console versions are close to being the same. It honestly just boils down to what system you want to play DA2 on.


gdt5016 said:
For whatever reason, I liked the non auto attack in the demo (I guess I feel more "in the fight" instead of hovering around issuing orders). And I'll be playing the game like that for sure.

But still, no reason to remove an option.

I think more people would be open to the non-auto attack mode if it provided more option to mix up your attacks. Typically in action games or arpgs you're given something like a light/strong attack mechanic or the ability to integrate your skills into your basic attack combo or string them together in some fashion.

Everything I've seen of the combat in this game seems to be that you just have a 4-5 hit combo for your basic attack and that's it. Skills just cancel you out of your combo and aren't strung together in any meaningful way. I'm assuming they did it though because they wanted to get rid of the accuracy and evasion stats and allow for live action dodging because I see no other benefit to that system with the way they have it set up.

Edit: I say this but now that I think about it, can enemies dodge your attacks and can you dodge anything other than large object (i.e. boulders) like arrows? I don't recall those things happening in the demo.

Snuggler said:
So, after all the controversy and stuff about this game, who is still planning on buying it day one?

After I found out it wasn't a direct continuation of the story in Origins, my interest for getting it day 1 dropped significantly. I play a lot of RPGs so I've got plenty to play atm and knowing that Bioware will release a GOTY/Ultimate edition for the same price w/ all the DLC probably by the end of the year, I don't see much rush in getting the game.

I'm still interested in the world and characters but everything else about the game isn't really telling me this is a "must have now" game.

Speculator said:
Another response from the gameplay engineer on the official forums.
Already been mentioned. It's not in the game as of now and will likely come as a patch. Whether its day 0/1 or later down the road is unknown.
Zeal said:
oh my god i just entered
the fade
. but they said it wouldn't be ba....wait, what..




Ultimoo said:
I can't believe you're defending a developer taking out options instead of adding them. It's like if they only allowed you to play Dragon Age II in standard definition with no option of playing it high definition even though it's perfectly capable of being played in high definition. And they justify it by saying "DEAL WITH IT, IT'S OUR VISION, YOU'LL ENJOY IT MORE IN STANDARD DEFINITION." Yeah that's cool, why not include HD when you totally can though? That's basically what you're telling me.

Fair enough. I just don't think it's that big a deal though. I played through the demo just fine with no auto-attack. Not that you're not allowed to have a preference. Maybe it was dumb for BioWare not to put it in, but if that's what you're going to let keep you from enjoying what's probably a very good game, I think that's a little sad honestly :/


Neo Member
lastplayed said:
Still undecided. Everything I've seen including the demo is just an average looking game that I would normally dismiss and move on. But it's BioWare and Dragon Age, so I just don't know.
That's kinda my viewpoint too. I feel the things Bioware does best (storytelling, characters, etc) won't be affected by the things being criticized in this thread.

As someone planning on playing the pc version, I feel the new combat speed greatly improves the feel of the game without compromising the tactical options too much.

Having played the DA2 console demo and a bit of DA:O there I don't think either one works particularly well.


Snuggler said:
So, after all the controversy and stuff about this game, who is still planning on buying it day one?

If I didn't already have so much to play, I would probably give in, but I'm in no rush so I'll just wait until I can find a deal on the PC version in a few months. I don't think I'll hate the game, but it's not exactly screaming out my name if you know what I mean. Despite all my concerns, I still want to play it just so I can form my own opinion about the final product (and cause I'll take anything Bioware dishes out).

Day one. I even pre-ordered before Jan. 11th to get that special package they put out. I have the utmost faith in BioWare :)
gdt5016 said:
Sig Edition (360) will be here on Tuesday.

Come at me bro.

I hope to be there day one. Sig 360 preordered. But, I really hate my job some times. See, where I live all trials begine on Tuesday. On March 8 I've got to cover a trial about this guy who helped hide a dead body after the person was murdered. Guy is toast, because the murderer is going to testify against him. Happens every god damn time there's a game I actually wan't to buy day 1. It wouldn't be too bad if it weren't for the fact the trial is a good 45 minutes away. Eight hours in court plus the two hours to write the story and the two hour round trip means no games for me next week.


Snuggler said:
So, after all the controversy and stuff about this game, who is still planning on buying it day one?

i'm predownloading it right now through impulse. i really hope it surprises everyone and its actually good. we'll see in a few days.
In search of auto-attack, part 3


I know, it may be redundant at this point, but we tried quite a few more things to get auto-attack to work. We didn't have any luck. If you guys have any pointers from watching this, let us know. That said, Im feeling fairly confident it isn't in the 360 version of the game. Like others have said, maybe it will be added in a patch. Weird that some of the Devs seem to think it is there..

As for the graphics, I agree, some parts look bad. The demo was one of those parts that looked really bad. That said, some environments look really nice. Some of the art, textures and lighting look really beautiful. Believe me, Im surprised Im saying that. Most things I saw before the game came out had me severely disappointing.


Snuggler said:
So, after all the controversy and stuff about this game, who is still planning on buying it day one?

I preordered the deluxe version of the first one, but after this whole debacle, I'm getting it rented.

Playing through Awakening right now and hoo boy its bad.


Snuggler said:
So, after all the controversy and stuff about this game, who is still planning on buying it day one?
I'm still getting it day 1, only because I loved the first one so much.


Wolves Evolve said:
I hate to ask this, but who's downloaded both the PS3 and Xbox demos? Did you notice a considerable difference not in textures or anything, but in the cut-scene jittering and the little save / load pauses between menus? I'm loathe to switch to Xbox since I have a PS3 save of DA:O but it really doesn't look like there's much being brought over anyway. I really want save imports to be a big deal, but I'm not convinced this time.
I might be crazy, but I swear there is something different about the PS3's IQ. The entire image is just less detailed. I feel like it is sub-HD. No one else has really commented on it so take it as a grain of salt. The framerate seems unlocked on the PS3 version as well, as it often spikes well above and below 30 fps throughout the demo.


Unlimited Capacity
ChuckNoLuck said:
I new to NeoGAF, but I will bet anyone all the money I have that he (the OP) will buy it the day it comes out.

EL, don't buy it day 1. I'll bet against him and we can split dat' money.


played the demo, really didnt like it.

graphics looked ugly, conversations where dumbed down (first one had much more options to choose from), combat still too chaotic for me.

everytime i play dragon age, I think of ff12 and how much better i feel it dealt with combat from this perspective.

I did not like the first game that much more, but it felt more like bg (which was a good thing) than the second one. Definitely not buyin this. If i hunger for a new western rpg, i'll consider two worlds 2 first.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
DevelopmentArrested said:
4 hours in. So addictive. Feels a bit streamlined (one town, faster combat) but Im enjoying the story and theres tons of side quests

A review copy, I presume?
So I got my answer on whether or not you can make a tactic for your tank (or other squadmates) to drink a potion at specific health levels...you can't. The reason being apparently that potions are on a global timer PER THE ENTIRE SQUAD. So the tank drinks a potion and no one else can until the timer resets. I can understand cooldowns per player, but per the entire squad? That just seems dumb.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Kinspiracy said:
So I got my answer on whether or not you can make a tactic for your tank (or other squadmates) to drink a potion at specific health levels...you can't. The reason being apparently that potions are on a global timer PER THE ENTIRE SQUAD. So the tank drinks a potion and no one else can until the timer resets. I can understand cooldowns per player, but per the entire squad? That just seems dumb.

Kind of bizarre. Usually there will be some sort of basic sense of logic behind game mechanics...
I deleted the demo, so I can't go in and see if I drink a pot if it then restricts me from switching to another player and drinking again.


Actually I take it back. I love the court sessions and the banter between Oghren and Anders.

*runs down this long bridge to a boss fight where nothing happens*

Anders: "oooh the suspense is killing me"

And other assorted goodies make me like it a great deal.
I want to note that some peoples voices and accents in this game make absolutely no freaking sense. At all. I mean, what the hell.

sponk said:
played the demo, really didnt like it.

graphics looked ugly, conversations where dumbed down (first one had much more options to choose from), combat still too chaotic for me.

everytime i play dragon age, I think of ff12 and how much better i feel it dealt with combat from this perspective.

I did not like the first game that much more, but it felt more like bg (which was a good thing) than the second one. Definitely not buyin this. If i hunger for a new western rpg, i'll consider two worlds 2 first.

Thats how I felt, but having the final game and exploring different environments does show the game in a way better light. It really looks nice at times. But yeah, the demo was meh and looked like crap.

Im still disappointed that there aren't finishing moves though. It makes the mashing A that much more... Mashy.

The game certainly improves on some aspects of the first game..while others are watered down.

Also, as I mentioned earlier, the character editor is disappointing. If you make your own custom appearance you cannot recreate default Hawke. His facial hair for one thing is not one of the options. I really dont get that.


Prodigal Son
Kinspiracy said:
So I got my answer on whether or not you can make a tactic for your tank (or other squadmates) to drink a potion at specific health levels...you can't. The reason being apparently that potions are on a global timer PER THE ENTIRE SQUAD. So the tank drinks a potion and no one else can until the timer resets. I can understand cooldowns per player, but per the entire squad? That just seems dumb.
So that's why my team refused to drink potions in the demo. Why the hell is there no visible cooldown?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Thnikkaman said:
So that's why my team refused to drink potions in the demo. Why the hell is there no visible cooldown?

Yeah, I didn't realize what was going on, thought I may have just been locked in a combat animation or something, because it is completely unintuitive for drinking a potion to be a party-based cooldown and not a personal one. And there's no indicator.
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