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Dragon Age II |OT| The Revenge of Shit Mountain

The Int3rsect said:
I don't understand the 9 AM PST embargoes. I prefer the 9 PM PST the day before. :p

It really is annoying isn't it? I miss the days when games were always reviewed before they came out. You know, when the reviews might actually be useful.


hiryu said:
Welcome to most reviews. Repeats of PR spiel from a typed up bullet-point list.
I actually haven't read reviews regularly in years, and this level of writing is why I stopped.


antonz said:
just an Nvidia flaw. my ATI card runs DX11 perfectly.
That's because ATI helped Bioware with DX11 renderer in DA2. So you may say that it's really ATI's fault that their renderer works like shit on NV's hardware.


The_Darkest_Red said:
It really is annoying isn't it? I miss the days when games were always reviewed before they came out. You know, when the reviews might actually be useful.
The best part is how they also put up a bunch of PRE-ORDER EXCLUSIVE content along with the release day review embargo. Of course, EA found an even worse way to screw over their fans with the Signature Edtion.
epmode said:
The best part is how they also put up a bunch of PRE-ORDER EXCLUSIVE content along with the release day review embargo. Of course, EA found an even worse way to screw over their fans with the Signature Edtion.
I've bought quite a few CE bioware games but unless someone guarantees to include all future dlc for free I don't think I'm going to do it anymore. I'll just wait for the GOTY edition

Hari Seldon

dr_rus said:
That's because ATI helped Bioware with DX11 renderer in DA2. So you may say that it's really ATI's fault that their renderer works like shit on NV's hardware.

Or Bioware's fault for hiring retards who can't program for PC graphics without having the vendors come in and write their code.
epmode said:
The best part is how they also put up a bunch of PRE-ORDER EXCLUSIVE content along with the release day review embargo. Of course, EA found an even worse way to screw over their fans with the Signature Edtion.

Exactly. I understand the "reviews are meaningless" attitude is cool with some people but I appreciate a few well written opinions of a game before I decide whether or not to drop 60 bucks on it.

The whole pre-order plus embargo thing has gotten way out of hand.

REV 09

epmode said:
Maybe it grabs them a few extra sales. Everything about this release is slimy.
Bulletstorm's embargo was the same as this. You could always not buy it the morning of release if you're that concerned.
The_Darkest_Red said:
It really is annoying isn't it? I miss the days when games were always reviewed before they came out. You know, when the reviews might actually be useful.

All will be well if the game exceeds our standards, which will probably not happen.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I didn't realize publishers could put up embargoes that would actually be respected past the game's release date.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
On-topic, does anything from Awakenings/Witch Hunt carry over to DA2?

//Off-Topic - If this was a TWIMTBP title, Nvidia would be getting fucking slaughtered in the media.


Dance In My Blood said:
I didn't realize publishers could put up embargoes that would actually be respected past the game's release date.
They (intentionally) sent out review copies only a couple of days ago, during the week of GDC and leading up to PAX East. Few in the press have had any time to put into it.


how many caves have you been in in real life? as an experienced caveman, many caves share similar attributes with one another

bioware isn't the type of developed to let this go unnoticed, if you take a glance on their budget reports, you'll find thousands of dollars each fiscal year is developed to "researching"

do you think this invovles sitting on the computer? maybe for bethestda, but not bioware

bioware takes video gaming seriously

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
K.Jack said:
//Off-Topic - If this was a TWIMTBP title, Nvidia would be getting fucking slaughtered in the media.
Nvidia haters are just mad that they don't have Nvidia. Buy the time I pick up this game next month I expect everything shall be smoothed over (and the game will be down to 40$ on Steam).
K.Jack said:
//Off-Topic - If this was a TWIMTBP title, Nvidia would be getting fucking slaughtered in the media.
And they would be right to roast them and Bioware for it if that was the case. I am an nvidia fanboy but this kind of shit is unacceptable no matter who does it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Stallion Free said:
Nvidia haters are just mad that they don't have Nvidia. Buy the time I pick up this game next month I expect everything shall be smoothed over (and the game will be down to 40$ on Steam).
This is what EA/Bioware want. You think you're getting a deal, but really you are just going to give them $8 of pure profit for The Exiled Prince.
bigdaddygamebot said:
Is it bad that this cluster-fuck is starting to eat into my desire to purchase any Bioware game (like Mass Effect 3)?
It is. There will be DLC stupidity going on with Mass Effect 3, because it happens with EVERY game that is published by EA. But the team that is working on ME3 is more competent at what they do and is likely to produce a much better product than DA2 will ever be.


Whoa, the Demo certainly isn't making me want to buy this game. Combat is still a boring, repetitive experience. Voice acting sterile as hell, the loading between every scene transition whether it be a cutscene or a speech bubble - Even when moving the camera is a major turn-off and jeez, what a fantastic location they picked to show off their game ... A barren wasteland where you hear "Oh another wave" every 5. second and then more repetitive combat.
Lostconfused said:
It is. There will be DLC stupidity going on with Mass Effect 3, because it happens with EVERY game that is published by EA. But the team that is working on ME3 is more competent at what they do and is likely to produce a much better product than DA2 will ever be.

So it's the wait and see game.

Dragon Age II definitely won't tank but it certainly won't be getting my money or my time. I hope that Mass Effect 3 is able to steer clear of all this nonsense.


DaBuddaDa said:
They (intentionally) sent out review copies only a couple of days ago, during the week of GDC and leading up to PAX East. Few in the press have had any time to put into it.

Gamespot's had their copy for at least 12 days. That's more than enough to review a game.

It's also not the game's fault that GDC happened last week. Most good sites don't have to send their reviewers to cover these anyway.


Massa said:
Gamespot's had their copy for at least 12 days. That's more than enough to review a game.

It's also not the game's fault that GDC happened last week. Most good sites don't have to send their reviewers to cover these anyway.
Yeah yeah yeah, great, I'm just explaining the reason why there are very few reviews out 12 hours after the embargo lifted.


i just heard male hawkes voice

are we sure they didn't get alister's VA to do him? he sounds almost exactly the same

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Dance In My Blood said:
This is what EA/Bioware want. You think you're getting a deal, but really you are just going to give them $8 of pure profit for The Exiled Prince.
There was no Signature Edition on Steam so I would have had to pay the 7$ no matter what. I would rather pay 40$ + 7$ instead of 60$ + 7$. Dead Space 2 took one month to drop to that price.

JoeBoy101 said:
? Not sure what that acronym is.


I signed up for Gamefly and am trying to get Dragon Age 2 sent, i should have signed up prior to its release but i was still debating buying it. I'll probably get the GOTY edition with all the dlc and might even have a good pc by the time it hits. If it weren't for them withholding the pre-order only dlc from people buying it day 1, i'd probably be at kmart now buying the game.

Captain N

Junior Member
I have Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age 1 on the PS3. Will anything be unlocked / carried over from those games? If its nothing too major I might just get the 360 version.


hiryu said:
Can we get a seperate OT for the PC version. I'm sick of reading consolites bitching about the graphics and no auto-attack.
Please do this because frankly im tired of sifting through 80 pages of "graphics fucking suck on my pc" posts


Neo Member
Captain N said:
I have Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age 1 on the PS3. Will anything be unlocked / carried over from those games? If its nothing too major I might just get the 360 version.

Saves carry over from DA:O for world state stuff. The Blood Dragon Armor also carries over but I think that just has to be tied to your Bioware account to get it across all platforms.

Bioware has a page dedicated to all the stuff tied in with pre-order/retailer exclusive/social networking spam:

Of course this doesn't yet include stuff from the facebook game.


So.... I had a playthrough of Origins done and ready to import into DA2. I did everything, all DLC, etc.

Today, my lovely PS3 slim (which I've had since October) died like a bitch, taking my saves with it. I'm swaping it friday, funnily enough the same day Dragon Age 2 comes out. But now I'm thinking I should go through Origins + DLC again before hand. fml.

Can anyone (without spoilers for Dragon Age 2) tell me the choices you can make at the beginning of Dragon Age 2? if you don't have a save. That way, If they are just the major ones, I might not bother going through DA1 again.


Trick_GSF said:
So.... I had a playthrough of Origins done and ready to import into DA2. I did everything, all DLC, etc.

Today, my lovely PS3 slim (which I've had since October) died like a bitch, taking my saves with it. I'm swaping it friday, funnily enough the same day Dragon Age 2 comes out. But now I'm thinking I should go through Origins + DLC again before hand. fml.

Can anyone (without spoilers for Dragon Age 2) tell me the choices you can make at the beginning of Dragon Age 2? if you don't have a save. That way, If they are just the major ones, I might not bother going through DA1 again.
Sorry to hear that.

Cloud-saving can't come soon enough.
Trickster said:
It was supposed to be in the game from the get go, but they managed to fuck it up, so it's not in the console versions right away, they're probably gonna implement it with a patch though.

What about the people that have played the game and says it's a piece of shit with copy pasted assests everywhere? a lot of people have also watched people stream the game, thereby gaining a good knowledge of how the game is.

Please no. Just no.


REV 09 said:
Bulletstorm's embargo was the same as this.
I should have specified. EA's slime isn't isolated to this release; They like to ruin everything these days.
You could always not buy it the morning of release if you're that concerned.
I'm not buying it, period. This release is the perfect storm of everything wrong with Bioware and megapublishers in general.
Mr_Zombie said:
I think it's quite the opposite - it's PC people that bitch about graphics being downgraded in this game; DA2 is graphically and technically (framerate) superior to the console version of DA:O.

Yep, it's the PC gamers bitching and moaning. As a console player, the 360 version is light years ahead of the mess we got with Origins. No auto-attack is a minor annoyance that assuredly will get patched. Otherwise no complaints yet, but I'm just two hours into it so I haven't really done much. Another big salute to Amazon's release day delivery.
REV 09 said:
Bulletstorm's embargo was the same as this. You could always not buy it the morning of release if you're that concerned.

Also coincidentally an EA game. I'm betting they did research and found that they lose sales with early reviews, but lose none by embargoing them until the game is out. We also have EA to thank for the fact that a game with no online component comes with an Online Pass. Not to mention all the "extra" content being disseminated across many different pre-order specials. It's mainly for this reason that I typically wait a year and buy EA games for 15-20 dollars new.
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