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Dragon Age: Inquisition |OT2| Leave the damn Hinterlands!


I beat it on nightmare a couple of hours ago and boy, this was a lot harder than the main game and JoH. I was level 27 when playing the DLC and it's true that a lot of the DLC is just huge waves of enemies that take enormous amounts of damage before even making a dent in them, that's seriously what took the majority of my time when trying to beat it. Don't expect a lot of companion dialogue/learning new things about your companions other than maybe a couple of quips that reinforce what's just been said (I brought Solas, Cass, and Varric). My recommendation is to definitely bring a couple of warriors. I played as a mage and they were my party the entire time even through the final boss and I had a tough time beating it a couple times because I didn't have that brute force. Overall it was a pretty interesting DLC but definitely more combat heavy than say something like Citadel DLC from ME3. On the plus side David Hayter voices one of your temp companions and I stg when I first heard him speak I was like.....this voice sounds super familiar prior to realizing it was him.
I beat it on nightmare a couple of hours ago and boy, this was a lot harder than the main game and JoH. I was level 27 when playing the DLC and it's true that a lot of the DLC is just huge waves of enemies that take enormous amounts of damage before even making a dent in them, that's seriously what took the majority of my time when trying to beat it.
Goddamn, and I thought the difficulty spike in Jaws of Hakkon was hard...


I finished the game a few days ago and created a summary of my playthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP5zImhVu40

What do you think of it? It would be nice to get some feedback, as it took quite a while.

It contains some gameplay of different scenic locations, fighting, dialogues and many cutscenes throughout the game (in a more or less chronological order). Major story spoiler warning (also contains endgame cutscenes)

If you would like to post your gameplay, have a look at this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1043932


not me
BioWare's PAX panel will have a "worldwide reveal of new Dragon Age: Inquisition content." That sounds like a lot of fanfare for an MP DLC. Considering Descent was developed by Austin, I'm going to set myself up for disappointment and expect the last (meaty pls) Edmonton DLC is going to be announced. :p


not me
So, I just bought the DLC, and was wondering if it's advised to play it with a post-campaign save or earlier?

I've heard a few people say it's better to play it later, mostly for combat reasons (difficult fights, better to have more tools at your disposal).


I think I'll do that then, although that means I'll miss a certain character's dialogue.

You really miss nothing, I brought said character in my pre-end save expecting a bit (but nothing happened worth mentioning so now I have to play it again with my post-end save). None of them talk at all tbh except for a couple throwaway comments.
I was hoping we'd get dlc similar to Dragon Age: Origins.

Yup, I'm really hoping the next DLC is similar to Awakening for DA:Origins. I'd actually like for it to deal with what's going on with the Wardens at Weisshaupt, and how Hawke(or whoever survived events of the fade) fits into it. Maybe show Blackwall going through the
(assuming you had him go down that route), as well as have whoever was chosen show up as Divine.


You really miss nothing, I brought said character in my pre-end save expecting a bit (but nothing happened worth mentioning so now I have to play it again with my post-end save). None of them talk at all tbh except for a couple throwaway comments.

Thanks for the heads up. Good to know I won't be missing on anything.
BioWare's PAX panel will have a "worldwide reveal of new Dragon Age: Inquisition content." That sounds like a lot of fanfare for an MP DLC. Considering Descent was developed by Austin, I'm going to set myself up for disappointment and expect the last (meaty pls) Edmonton DLC is going to be announced. :p

I think that would make sense, although it seems kind of soon to announce some other piece of DLC when they just came out with the Descent.

I just have to imagine that whatever post game DLC/ pseudo-expack type thing they do as the last story based Inquisition DLC has got to come out by November or so. You look back at all of BioWare's recent games going back to even DA:Origins and with the exception of ME2, everything comes out at least within one year post launch, if not sooner than that.

  • -DA: Origins: Release November 2009; Last DLC (Witch Hunt) released September 2010 ( That still irks me considering they originally said there would be 2 years of DLC)
  • -Mass Effect 2: Released January 2010, Last DLC (Arrival) released March 2011
  • -DA2: Released March 2011; Last DLC (Felicia Day with Elf Ears) released October 2011 (Although they cancelled the Exalted March expack there)
  • - ME3: Released March 2012; Last DLC (Citadel) released March 2013
Even a game like ME3 where they presumably had to divert some resources to fix the ending with all that hubub, they had the last DLC come out within a year of release. Would just seem sort of strange for BioWare to announce the last DLC at PAX unless its coming out fairly soon. Unless its something in size more like Awakening, I just can't see why they'd announce a normal sized DLC, even if its post game, several months before its release. Especially since they just released DLC.

Personally I would love it if BioWare had some standalone DLC where you play as the Warden doing that whole Cure the Calling quest. That sounds so great and interesting storywise and yet it seems BioWare probably won't ever do anything with it or they'll relegate it to some codex entry or as some passing remark from some NPC in the next game/DLC.


I beat it on nightmare a couple of hours ago and boy, this was a lot harder than the main game and JoH. I was level 27 when playing the DLC and it's true that a lot of the DLC is just huge waves of enemies that take enormous amounts of damage before even making a dent in them, that's seriously what took the majority of my time when trying to beat it.
What if all of your team generates their own guard? I'm just over halfway on my Champion (To the Death is way underrated, as in if you want the best lol/wft damage, spam this on bosses) with Cole, Sera, and Dorian. Dorian creating temp helpful mobs has been a huge boost too. I'm using a lot of wpns and armor from JoH too, but I'm on another playthrough and only lvl 24.


What if all of your team generates their own guard? I'm just over halfway on my Champion (To the Death is way underrated, as in if you want the best lol/wft damage, spam this on bosses) with Cole, Sera, and Dorian. Dorian creating temp helpful mobs has been a huge boost too. I'm using a lot of wpns and armor from JoH too, but I'm on another playthrough and only lvl 24.

Yeah I was playing a KE Mage who maintains a barrier on each swing but my team was also Cass, Solas, and Varric. Varric died almost immediately, Solas helped with barriers/revive and having Cass use her focus ability where she builds guard on the entire party helped. Surprisingly, Cass died for me (she literally never died in any other part of the game) because she kept running right into the boss and it kept whacking her. I don't know if my game glitched out or what, but (final boss spoilers)
the "lyrium node" thing that you're supposed to hit as the arms whack you "teleported" outside of the Guardian somehow.
I'm playing again now on my post-game save with Dorian, Bull, and Cass so I can go through it faster. Unfortunately, a lot of the enemies in this DLC are immune to physical attacks so Bull's Reaver abilities, which are usually so great for taking enemies down quickly, only do 1 HP of damage. Ridiculous lol.
So, I'm ready to kill someone right now. Origin did some strange cloud save thing to me and now it seems all my save files are gone. They might be in the cloud somewhere but the client stops working when it finishes syncing cloud data (-.-)

I was really enjoying my playthrough too, this is nuts. If someone has ever had a similar problem and can help I would truly appreciate it, and also the Restore Save functionality in Origin doesn't work, or rather it seems to think my last local save was no save at all since it doesn't let me load anything.


not me
So, I'm ready to kill someone right now. Origin did some strange cloud save thing to me and now it seems all my save files are gone. They might be in the cloud somewhere but the client stops working when it finishes syncing cloud data (-.-)

I was really enjoying my playthrough too, this is nuts. If someone has ever had a similar problem and can help I would truly appreciate it, and also the Restore Save functionality in Origin doesn't work, or rather it seems to think my last local save was no save at all since it doesn't let me load anything.

Seem to be some things you can try in this thread.

1. Check if you have some save files in My documents\ Bioware\Dragon Age Inquisition\Save
If you have them get to step 2
2. Enter the game and hit LOAD--- it will say something with corupt file ..... bla bla bla
3. Choose SWITCH CHARACTERS and then your character----- after that the saves related to this character will come up

Go to: C:\Users\Your Username Here\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age Inquisition
Make a copy of the folder "Save", just incase you need to keep that data
Right click on the folder "Save"
Select "Restore Previous Versions"

also a few other tidbits in there related to the Restore Save function. Should also probably uncheck cloud saving, lol.


Grabbed both DLCs. Figured they're worth it if both me and my fiancé will be playing them. Seems like the perfect fit between now and Metal Gear's release.

Tried a little bit of both, and I like 'em so far. Find it kind of hilarious that I'm searching out metal gears with snake, basically.
I've been upgrading my computer over the past few weeks, and I finally got my big purchase: my video card. A GTX 970. I'm able to max the game out (without AA) at this resolution and it is GORGEOUS. A huge leap over medium-high.



not me
Dragon Age Twitter posted a "Know Your Qunari lore" like they did the for the Darkspawn before the Descent. If anyone was unsure whether that survey for the last DLC was fake or not, this pretty much confirms it in my eyes.


not me
I like what they've done with the DLC because it's added a bit of flavor to the other Inquisitor races. The vanilla game was pretty human/elf special dialogue heavy. The Descent added some cool dwarf PC lines and now they'll have the chance to do the same with this final DLC for Qunari PCs.
I like what they've done with the DLC because it's added a bit of flavor to the other Inquisitor races. The vanilla game was pretty human/elf special dialogue heavy. The Descent added some cool dwarf PC lines and now they'll have the chance to do the same with this final DLC for Qunari PCs.

I haven't played much of Descent yet but so far it's doing a good job of scratching that long dungeon itch. The high ceilings and vertical nature of the mines are a welcome change of environment. The game has done a good job of showing equal parts of Thedas. I'm happy about this DLC rumor because the base game was a bit too Qunari lite.


The rumor is out there about the DLC taking place throughout Thedas, it would be cool to integrate a defense of sieges on our keeps.

I see a lot of Vermire-type of situations arising from this.


True, the Wardens pulled that off 400 years ago themselves so...

edit: Major The Descent spoiler but:
If lyrium is used for magic and lyrium is the blood of a titan, would that make all magic blood magic?
The rumor is out there about the DLC taking place throughout Thedas, it would be cool to integrate a defense of sieges on our keeps.

Sounds cool. I'm just worried this last DLC is going to be too big for just being a DLC.

Like, its taking place all across Thedas and dealing with a Qunari invasion and all the Solas/post game stuff? That all just seems like a ton of stuff to deal with in a DLC. The only way I could see this working is if its indeed some Awakening style proper expansion or even a standalone type expansion like Wolfenstein The Old Blood. Just having it be something like a regular size Legacy or Witch Hunt style DLC would seem way to small for the stuff that's being rumored.


So how's the DLC? Apart from the Emporium, I've not bought any DLC and I think I'm almost finished?
Winter Palace/Celene stuff all done. I got all 3 to work together btw. That felt damned good.

And I'm conflicted over starting a new game right away with new character/decisions/etc (and waiting til the 'final' dlc is out before I buy them all) or just buying the DLC and doing them first right away.

So yeah, how's the DLC?


So how's the DLC? Apart from the Emporium, I've not bought any DLC and I think I'm almost finished?
Winter Palace/Celene stuff all done. I got all 3 to work together btw. That felt damned good.

And I'm conflicted over starting a new game right away with new character/decisions/etc (and waiting til the 'final' dlc is out before I buy them all) or just buying the DLC and doing them first right away.

So yeah, how's the DLC?

Good; but different. Descent more challenge focused than quest/exploration based. Hakkon still isn't easy per say, but it's more open with more (and better) sidequests.

Posting this here in case anyone missed it! Really interesting image and their stream tomorrow should be pretty cool.

Via the Dragon Age Twitter:


My body is ready for 7:30pm est.


So how's the DLC? Apart from the Emporium, I've not bought any DLC and I think I'm almost finished?
Winter Palace/Celene stuff all done. I got all 3 to work together btw. That felt damned good.

And I'm conflicted over starting a new game right away with new character/decisions/etc (and waiting til the 'final' dlc is out before I buy them all) or just buying the DLC and doing them first right away.

So yeah, how's the DLC?

I'm enjoying both pieces of DLC so far. They've been a nice distraction between Batman and MGSV for me. They might be a bit highly priced for what you get, so if you're really tight fisted or sensitive to those sorts of things maybe you shouldn't.

Then again, if you're planning on playing the game again, you'll definitely get more play time out of the DLC. If you like the base game the way it is, the DLC is like that, basically. The Descent throws something pretty different from the normal area, but in the end you're still kind of playing the same game. Jaws is more open and has some interesting side quest whereas Descent is pretty focused. They kind of balance each other out, so I enjoyed going back and forth on the two.

Both of the DLCs are kind of hard, too, so keep that in mind.


not me
Summary: Two years later. Qunari invasion. Everyone using Eluvians. Everyone pissed at Inquisition. Solas. Sept 8.

So yep, that survey was legit.
Summary: Two years later. Qunari invasion. Everyone using Eluvians. Everyone pissed at Inquisition. Solas. Sept 8.

So yep, that survey was legit.
Can't see the trailer yet but it sounds interesting. Still wondering how they'll fit all this in a DLC without it feeling cramped.

Never doubt BioWare survey leaks.


That trailer was ridiculous I'm so excited! That was the most emotion I've heard come out of the Inquisitor's voice and I loved it. Also Solas, yeah, my Lavellan has some questions.
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