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'There's strong demand for Dragon Age: Veilguard' says EA

"This is BioWare doing what it does best: immersive storytelling, memorable characters, and a gorgeous world," says the president of EA entertainment, Laura Miele. "The Dragon Age community is buzzing, and the press reception has been really positive. The game looks great on console and PC alike, and we are already seeing strong demand on the largest platforms."



They say as they hurriedly add a breast slider, jiggle slider, buttocks slider, and remove the panties/stockings/bras on a number of companions outfits.


Can anyone post some specific images or information about why this game is getting so much hate?
I saw the previews and they were generally positive, even stating that the first trailer was not a good representation of the game - it actually has enough gritty/dark bits and a serious enough tone. The rest I think is people being upset about some gender customization options? Or are the companions all designed to push an agenda? Like help me see what the fuss is all about.
In a general sense, once you are making a big show of announcing that "demand is good" or whatever, you have already shown your hand that you are worried

If a game has strong demand, you don't need to say shit. You just keep selling copies and making money


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
The dragon gameplay shown today ran at like sub 30fps chop, and looked duller than a turn based crpg.

Anyone playing this is a retard.


Gold Member
  • "This comes after the huge success of Dragon Age: Inquisition, which still appears to be the best-selling BioWare game."
Well of course it's a huge success, the game is on sale all year long, all the time at 80% off. Even my grand, grand mother bought a copy because the price was so low, she doesn't even play video game. Of course people impulse buy the damn game, it's been on sale for so many years, we don't feel anything else but guilty for not buying it for less than a Big Mac.


Disagree, Hogwarts Legacy did nothing wrong, it triggered the Purple Hairs due to JK Rowling sticking up for women, this game is injecting identity politics into it front and center, 1 side of the coin is irrational the other is sane and normal

Howarth legacy has more identity politics in it than this gane does lmfao yet it did nothing wrong?


Is it just me, or has this game had a considerable downgrade compared to the previous gameplay we saw today?

I wasn't very interested before, and after today, even less so.


Does EA not see this Concord and Ubisoft shaped freight train barreling down the track toward this game? It's going to be the main course of the year's bomba feast.


Gameplay systems look solid, not a fan of the character designs, quite torn on the art style actually. Environment looks solid but others are meh. I'm leaning towards maybe waiting for a sale.


I don't even care about the whole woke stuff. The game just looks plain bad in every trailer and promotion video I saw. All the receptions on forum are lukewarm, and if you use Youtube dislike display plugin on Chrome, you can see that every one of its trailers have more dislike than likes.

May not be a historic flop like Concord, but it looks very similar to Andromeda level failure to me.
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Simps for Amouranth
Howarth legacy has more identity politics in it than this gane does lmfao yet it did nothing wrong?
Really? Genuinely curious about this, granted i only got about 10hrs into it but other than the token trans inn keeper (and we all know why she was put in there) i didn't see any identity politics as on the nose as a fucking tit removal scar


Writes a lot, says very little
I never really bought the whole Pre-Order BS a lot posted on here as this is a flawed way to tell how a game is doing generally, the biggest games of the year btw months before release rarely are the the top of the chart, but for EA to say "strong demand"

Nahhhh you don't get to slide JUST saying that, I need dem fucking receipts lol



Tbh unless Outlaws, Concord and Shadows I don't see it miserably failing like them 'cause in the end this one looks like to have appealing gameplay


Neo Member
Theyre obviously lying.

On the playstation channel the State of Play Dragon Age trailer is rn sitting at only 60k views. Even something super niche and practically unknown to todays gamers like Luncar Collection Trailer has more than 100k views.

Strong demand looks different. For example Wilds Trailer and Stellar Blade X Nier (despite that big companies still want to erase fanservice and sex from their games...) Trailer have above 300k views
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Oh God sone of these responses are embarassing
this hard on for games to fail is so weird to me
Yup, it's the new cool thing to do these days until all the devs are gone & we only get to play Zelda, Mario, GTA, CoD, Soccer, Fortnite & Forza the rest of our lives


Imagine your favourite food. lets say a grill cheese sandwich.

a small group of people INSIST that EVERY GRILL CHEESE SANDWICH must have Surströmming. They call you names if you dont have Surströmming on your sandwich, they call you a bigot. They insist that what makes a sandwich great is Surströmming.

This continues for years, until people start pushing back...guess what, not every sandwich must have Surströmming.

So you root for companies to have the spine to make Surströmmingless sandwiches, and cheer when companies that insisit that Surströmming is good, fail.

Or you just create a straight character without top scars like a normal well adjusted adult and ignore the "woke shit" that Bioware has been doing for a bazilliin games now....


Oh God sone of these responses are embarassing

Yup, it's the new cool thing to do these days until all the devs are gone & we only get to play Zelda, Mario, GTA, CoD, Soccer, Fortnite & Forza the rest of our lives

I will gladly play Mario, Zelda and indie games for the rest of my life while thinking of all the parasites that got fired from this industry. I honestly can't wait for this game to come out next month, because Bioware have been postponing their inevitable end for far too long. It is time for EA to do what EA does best with these studios. Only this time it's actually going to be well deserved.

Good riddance to the studio and to all the freaks working there.
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Or you just create a straight character without top scars like a normal well adjusted adult and ignore the "woke shit" that Bioware has been doing for a bazilliin games now....
It used to be more organic. Now it's tacked on. It didn't feel woke before.
Oh God sone of these responses are embarassing

Yup, it's the new cool thing to do these days until all the devs are gone & we only get to play Zelda, Mario, GTA, CoD, Soccer, Fortnite & Forza the rest of our lives

You contributed with an even more embarrassing thing to say right after. Congrats.

Just for the record, tell me one good game, only one, which angry fans made fail.


Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League begs to differ with you.

It "CAN" still sell, it doesn't mean it will.
Also despite WB desperately wanting it to be the case, SS isn't a particularly popular IP. The comics aren't strong sellers as far as I'm aware, the first movie made money but was panned by critics and audiences alike, and the second movie, while much better, bombed.
It's nowhere near the same league as something like Spiderman.
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