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Dragon Age Veilguard is a soft reboot - only three choices from previous game (Inquisition) carry over


Gold Member

Only three of your DA Inqusition choices influence Dragon Age Veilguard’s world state, and skips over all things DA Origins and DA 2., Bioware says in an IGN interview.

“Our philosophy when it comes to integrating past player choices and world states is wherever possible we want to avoid contradicting what has happened before. We never want to invalidate your choices,” Epler told IGN. “For Dragon Age: The Veilguard, among many reasons why we moved to Northern Thedas is it becomes a little bit more of a clean slate for us. There's not as many decisions you have made up to this point that have an impact on what's happening in Northern Thedas. And we don't have to speak directly to things like who is the Divine? Because again, that's happening in the South.”

Instead of simulating choices from all three previous games when you start Rook’s adventure, Veilguard only asks you who you romanced in Inquisition – the choices are still race and gender locked – whether you promised to save or stop Solas, and whether you disbanded the Inquisition or handed it over to the Chantry. You’ll make these choices at the start of Veilguard in the Adventurer’s Past section.

“There's never a sense of, ‘Oh, that decision doesn't exist.’ But maybe we don't touch on it in this particular title. Much like Inquisition didn't touch on every decision from Origins, much like DA2 didn't touch on every decision from Origins, it's kind of in that same vein of we're not going to contradict it. We just may not always reference it directly.”

The choice upset some fans, who wondered how Veilguard could effectively handle decisions such as who drank from the Well of Sorrow and other topics, such as Morrigan’s child, when those are tied to choices other than those in the Adventurer’s Past. Epler didn’t touch on those kinds of questions, but he did say the team worked with the goal of never contradicting the player’s choice.


well that’s another massive disappointment from this game, one of the coolest parts of Inquisition IMO was how much it took into account from Origins & 2

I swear I spent hours in Dragon Age Keep customizing many different world states to then try out in Inquisition


The first two games have no purple colors (clearly the best color possible), full of misogyny and male gaze, plus toxic masculinity.

The new game for modern audiences is brave to discard the remnants of the patriarchy and forge forward full steam ahead!



One of the problems is when you try to carry the narrative over multiple games. It simply took too much time between the titles. Most people barely remember Inquisiton at this point.
I enjoyed the games back in the day, but everything I've seen so far looks like pure disappointment.


“Our philosophy when it comes to integrating past player choices and world states is wherever possible we want to avoid contradicting what has happened before. We never want to invalidate your choices,” Epler told IGN. “For Dragon Age: The Veilguard, among many reasons why we moved to Northern Thedas is it becomes a little bit more of a clean slate for us.
Tell me you don't care about my choices without telling me you don't care about my choices.

Anyway - in true Bioware fashion this will impact 10 seconds of dialogue half way through the game.
I didn’t even play anything after Origin. So am fine with this.

Kinda feeling this game might have good writing from Bioware of the past mixed with some annoying, modern characters. Thats the worst I can tolerate.


Oh. Not gonna lie, that's unfortunate. That's like what makes BioWare...well BioWare and why I loved ME and DA. Felt my choices had impact and it felt like a unique experience to me.

I will say, I get it...think of ALL the things they'd have to account for.


They didn't even have to account for every choice, but simply tie it do DA:O choices by saying: "This is the OG, this is where we are picking up, go play it or go fuck yourself". That would have generated incredible goodwill among fans.
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