A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
You don't need to do any of that it's just asking you if you want to start over or not. I'm not sure which button you need to press to say no
You can transfer it to another device, and then transfer it back.
I'm 90% sure I was able to just transfer back after creating yet another account on the device, and then deleting it, but the surefire way is just transfer it to another device and back.
You don't need to do any of that it's just asking you if you want to start over or not. I'm not sure which button you need to press to say no
If I want to do a device transfer code from one iPhone on to another iPhone to get my Japanese account back ,then does that mean I have to create a new Japanese AppleID account on that other iPhone to sign in using my current Japanese AppleID that I made on my iPhone ?
From either of those two possible options, then I would just have to download the game on the second iphone, then use the transfer code to get my account on it , then create a new transfer code, delete the dokkan battle app and use the new transfer code to get the account back on my iPhone ?
Did my GSSR pull from the Japanese WT wins and... got Pikkon.
Single Apple ID can work on multiple phones. Just sign out of the secondary phone when finished downloading the game.
At least it wasn't a dupe I suppose.Ah yes, that familiar sense of, "I put so much time and effort into this for THAT." That sense of annoyance, anger, bitterness and disdain that makes you not want to play upset with it and yet....yet you feel that siren call to return, to come back and try again, because you can not stay away.
I think I described a relationship.
if you participated, you'll have 30(?) or more days to claim your rewards. Shouldn't be a problem.Thank you for helping me out, thaOwner.
One last stupid question if anyone knows. Since I deleted the game from my iPhone and have yet to get my Japanese account back until possibly later tonight when I can use somebody's iPhone to do the device transfer code, does this mean I'll be screwed out of receiving my World Tournament rewards that came out this morning?
if you participated, you'll have 30(?) or more days to claim your rewards. Shouldn't be a problem.
Did four pulls, three on the new one, one on the old one, got PHY SS2 Goku, Int Metal Coora, STR Uub, another Majin Vegeta and oh yeah, some twerp called AGI Gotenks.
WTF you got 4 SSRs from 4 single pulls? Or did you do 4 multis?
I didn't see the Majin Vegeta lol
Gotenks, huh. It's a little tempting because I have Golden Freeza but that probability is so low. ;_;
Did one 50 stone pull and got nothing. RIP me.
Gotenks, huh. It's a little tempting because I have Golden Freeza but that probability is so low. ;_;
I got five of them now. All waiting....together....for that beautiful moment of ascension...oh yes, it shall be........devastating.
So long as they have the same nameQuestion: can you still increase a character's SA after Dokkan Awakening?
Did my 30 stone pull on the new JP banner. Got SSR TEQ Whis and a bunch of SR/R dupes. This game![]()
With SA that high I imagine he would have zero issues nuking even INTs in WTs.
I can't remember the last time we had 30 stone pulls, been a while.
It would have been six but I was so angry to see him as a dupe in the last WT from a gold ticket I babaed it, then a few days later, nuke'em all details came out. Oh well. And from what I heard he shouldn't have a probably nuking INT's overall even fairly low due to the low health. So yeah at that level it will do nicely.
You mean for global? Cause the JPN version seems to get them every single banner lol.
Edit: I'm mad salty I couldn't get SSJ2 Great Saiyaman or SSJ2 Trunks.
That often?! For GLB it's maybe every four months or so. Usually some extra special occasion.
That SSJ2 Great Sayiaman card is nice, green is a good color on Gohan.
Rates for summons! It's pretty good.
Tried again with my last 50 gems, got nothing.
Watch me do a single pull and get Gotenks like I did with Golden Freeza...
Does anyone know the best way to get Supreme and Elder Kai medals? I'm farming Training in the Clouds and Snake way to get some since Baba shop is stupidly expensive.
I'll at least get one during the tournament but its annoying how I have like 3 SSRs that need the medals and are awaiting to be awakened.
Well that sucks but I'll have to make do. Just awaken the SSRs that I actually wanna use. I'm also just gonna single pull to get the SSR I want and save any leftover stones for the events.
Though Multis are fun since there is a chance you can get more than 1 SSR.
Also been curious about this for a while. What rank are you guys atm?
I'm still 167 since this event hasn't been keeping me engaged and the rewards aren't that great. I really should farm Tree of Might Fruits though.
Outside of like 5 people in this thread, I probably have the highest rank.
As much as I want Gotenks I can hold off knowing there's a free AGL nuker in Spirit Bomb Goku coming. He's definitely not as good as Gotenks, but he can get the job done. Also if the tournament pool updates Gotenks may be a part of it.
Exactly my thoughts.As much as I want Gotenks I can hold off knowing there's a free AGL nuker in Spirit Bomb Goku coming. He's definitely not as good as Gotenks, but he can get the job done. Also if the tournament pool updates Gotenks may be a part of it.
Exactly my thoughts.
But congrats on that pull, Savitar!
Thanks, crazy thing is I never expected to get him. I was actually trying to get Vegito, so when Gotenks popped up it was kinda unexpected at best. My biggest problem is while cool to have I already have the before mentioned SSGSS Goku who is at SA 9 and after a few random battles appears to do more damage overall than Gotenks especially during SA's so he's sorta redundant for me right now.
Now if I had that AGI Golden Frizea it would be a different story. As time goes on and if get characters like Gogeta and my line up changes it can flip however in use. Basically, it's a keeper for future use.
Nowhere near as good as Savitar's pulls, but 3 for 3 is okay in my book especially as they're not dupes!
That last pull with Gotenks got me all pumped up! Looks like my AGI Golden Frieza has a new buddy. :3
EDIT: And Crimson, I haven't seen SSJ3 in ages since earlier this year. The first pull was the "Bye guys" anim then the last two were just SSJ2.
I swear donkey you have devils luck in this game. All those SSRs in each multi. Happy for you though.
I wonder if SSJ3 now missing from a majority of our summon has a special meaning. Maybe SSJ3 now means more than 1 SSR?
If you don't mind me asking, how did you get the 200 stones for the 4 multi? Was it all purchased and how did you purchase them? I treat myself to a multi summon biweekly and get the 93 stone option and then pray.
Also in any of those 4 pulls, did you get SSJ3 Goku in the summon animation? I have only gotten SSJ3 animation since before the last tournament with a random SSR that I can't remember.
Nowhere near as good as Savitar's pulls, but 3 for 3 is okay in my book especially as they're not dupes!
That last pull with Gotenks got me all pumped up! Looks like my AGI Golden Frieza has a new buddy. :3
EDIT: And Crimson, I haven't seen SSJ3 in ages since earlier this year. The first pull was the "Bye guys" anim then the last two were just SSJ2.