How are y'all so high up? I am struggling to get to the 50,000's... This is my first tournament and I've been loving it though, so I don't mind it too much.
Are y'all using dragon stones to restore stamina? I can only do 2-3 full matchers per day. How do you have enough Dragon Stones to use without running out of them? Do all of y'all buy them I assume?
Yeah we use stones to refill stamina. My stamina is high enough that I can do two full tournaments per refill. Because of my high stamina, and the fact that the tournament itself gives out about 30 stones from missions, I haven't run out of stones or gone below where I started. Once your stamina is high enough the question isn't if you have enough stones but if you have enough patience to play the game a lot.
It really depends on how much stamina you have. It costs 60 stamina per win (assuming you don't lose any rounds), so that can be your biggest limiting factor. A lot of plays using the 3x experience events (I think there was a weekend a while back) to get to rank 220, when you get 120 stamina, meaning that you can get 2 wins per dragon stone. At that point, you can spend 40 stones to power straight through to the 80 wins(not including the stamina refill you get from recharging during the night and rank ups), and you get 34 stones total back from rewards. If you don't push through for your 80 wins in the first day or so, then you'll still make a profit on stones if you're shooting for 80 wins. I think you'll need something like 15 stones going in to be able to refill and keep going using only reward stones.
The hardest part is just the time it takes... I'm still frustrated that I couldn't get Broly to drop, people have been able to get <10 minute wins because they can just nuke the enemy team right off the bat. With a UR team that doesn't have Broly, it takes me 15-25 minutes per win.
brb stealing my mom's accountBroly is not a problem this time around since everyone and their mom has broly.
I'm just in for the 2x GSSR tickets. I don't really want Beerus at all.I'm not bothering with this WT. The next one has a prize of two SSR (for top 10k), so I'm resting up so I can go all-out next time. It's nice not having to worry about it.
...I probably should do a few matches for the Dragons Stones, though...
I was tempted to go for the SSR tickets too, but it's such a grind without Broly. I can't even use Broly friends, since I lack a good +Ki leader.I'm just in for the 2x GSSR tickets. I don't really want Beerus at all.
I can't wait for the Majin Vegeta rebirth event, I actually have him.I think with how fierce the competition is that the GSSR ticket should be given to top 10k at this point but Beerus should stick to top 5k.
You aren't gonna hit top 5k with 80 wins this tournament unless you have been getting supers every single round with Broly or have a really strong team that can launch endless supers.
Until I see the SSR % go up for summons, I'm not going to summon at all... except for Gogeta. I'm dropping all my stones for him.I have no urge to summon in the next dokkan fest... Somehow this banner (ssg and bardock) and the Gods banner seems better to me.
I am currently at 61 one wins ranked around 1500. My 128 Stam helped a lot with my rank. I have extra 10 Stam after two rounds of tournament. So I get to do an extra preliminary round everytime I refilled.
Going to aim for 70 later today.
I'm just in for the 2x GSSR tickets. I don't really want Beerus at all.
I'm not sure if I should bother with World Tournament. Three free SSRs sounds so good, but I'm only at 8 wins right now because of finals. I'm sure I could grind out 80 wins, but I don't want to be stuck on my phone all day.
I'm not sure if I should bother with World Tournament. Three free SSRs sounds so good, but I'm only at 8 wins right now because of finals. I'm sure I could grind out 80 wins, but I don't want to be stuck on my phone all day.
4 SSRs next Tourney, since there are two up for grabs in the rank rewards pool next time.I'm not sure if I should bother with World Tournament. Three free SSRs sounds so good, but I'm only at 8 wins right now because of finals. I'm sure I could grind out 80 wins, but I don't want to be stuck on my phone all day.
4 SSRs next Tourney, since there are two up for grabs in the rank rewards pool next time.
You guys must have done a hell of a grind to get to 80 without having Broly's D:
I'm at 20, and keep looking at my un-Dokkaned Broly while thinking of how much easier this could all be...
Give it up this tournament. If you tried and failed, you would be super miserable. I am pretty sure you will fail.I'm not sure if I should bother with World Tournament. Three free SSRs sounds so good, but I'm only at 8 wins right now because of finals. I'm sure I could grind out 80 wins, but I don't want to be stuck on my phone all day.
Best be getting on your knees then.Gonna be gutted if it happens during the four day weekend at the end of May. Will be part of a 4 day charity event in spanning the UK and France and definitely won't have time to grind it out.
At 75 Wins with 2547 points. Don't think I'll need more than 85 wins to stay under 5000. Here is hoping.
oh today's the last day? Not gonna make it to 80 wins, but I'll still get an SSR from silver tickets
I thought there was another day or two left
This is very surprising. At 40 wins and halfway there but under 10k rankingwise. I thought it would be more of a struggle to hit top 5k but at my rate, I'll hit it before 70 wins.
These things are grueling. I'm sure it's a combination of burnout and AGL Beerus being just not that great of a card.
I'm probably not even going to make it < 20k rank before the end.
I'm not sure if anyone is really doing it for Beerus so much as everyone wants those sweet sweet SSR gold summons.
Oh sure, it's ultimately for gold SSR tickets, but a better WT card would spur more interest and activity. PHY Kaioken Goku was a pretty great card.
Oh sure, it's ultimately for gold SSR tickets, but a better WT card would spur more interest and activity. PHY Kaioken Goku was a pretty great card.
I'm doing it for Beerus, getting 2 dupes is just a bonus.
So I got this game last week and have been pushing through content. Not really doing WT stuff since I'm still too weak for it to matter so I'm prepping for the next events.
Got a TEQ SSGSS Goku that I'm going to UR tonight once the Training in the Clouds resets for the 10th time. Looking to add some friends to my friendlist in prep for the AGI SSJ3 Goku Dokkan Event coming up.
FriendCode: 1668363315 If you have a TEQ Nuker or if you need my SSGSS for your own Nukin purposes look me up!