That's how it'll be for us.
If Gogeta stats really are that low, I'm going to stop playing.
That's how it'll be for us.
If Gogeta stats really are that low, I'm going to stop playing.
Gogeta is SRS BSNS, brah.A nice way to start the new page lol.
But yeah, I don't even expect to get Gogeta. I'll probably do a single and a multi pull if the percentage isn't crap.
Gogeta rate was 12%
That was the JP rate for all SSRs during the Gogeta banner, not just for Gogeta, which Global hasn't hit yet, ever, from what I recall.
I highly highly doubt a rate BOOST during Gogeta's banner.
I pray that you will get four dupe agl buu.Finally awakened my AGL Buu and noticed I had 4 extra awakening medals. All that wasted stamina because I wasn't paying attention.
I pray that you will get four dupe agl buu.
So I did a single on the STR banner for fun with over 30 stones in my bank anyways. Hercule goes to globe and 2 spacepods, I'm like ok.... He goes SSJ and Rainbow text, I start getting excited, SSJ2..... then SSJ3!
At this point I'm super hyped thinking I got an SSR, which I did in the end...... SSR Awakened 2nd form Cell STR.......
All my hopes and dreams dead in one moment.
So I did a single on the STR banner for fun with over 30 stones in my bank anyways. Hercule goes to globe and 2 spacepods, I'm like ok.... He goes SSJ and Rainbow text, I start getting excited, SSJ2..... then SSJ3!
At this point I'm super hyped thinking I got an SSR, which I did in the end...... SSR Awakened 2nd form Cell STR.......
All my hopes and dreams dead in one moment.
Yikes, I did the same and got a SSJ2 + scouter break animation...then I got Max Power Roshi, awakened.
I think I should stop doing these heart-wrenching pulls. They seem to be designed for maximum despair lol.
This looks like something from Reddit.
This looks like something from Reddit.
Did a single pull because I need the units, Rainbowtext, SSJ2, got PHY SR Extreme Naise.
So... yeah.
Got my tenth AGI Whis. So that's done.
So there's this thing called playpass/webplay. It's basically auto win, auto farm. Click to win Web interface. Might be useful for rerollers. $1.5 a day.
Supposedly it's been available for months. I'm pretty surprised people can keep secrets on the Internet.
Decided the chars on the PHY banner looked pretty attractive so I took the plunge.
4 space pods and SS Goku, Rainbow release, bye gaiz...
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnn these dudes pump faking
Count me as lucky with all the Shit luck I had recently on the past few banners missing on ssj3 vegeta and ssj3 goku agl/str while my friend whom is a f2p dokkan player gets vegeta and goku. So I take plunge and say Fuck it I don't need the Dragon stones for world tournament I don't have a team that can get me a shit ton of wins quick anyway. Pull a str multi summon and get a few decent z fighters with str Sr goku awakened and tien and etc.
Low and behold pull ur beerus str and ur Android 17 which would pair nice with my ur Android int 18. Then 5 stones left, Fuck it!!!! Yolo pull on dokkan fes banner for villains.....boom!!!!! Legendary super saiyan broly. Patience, patience. Lol
Let me tell you about that time when I Yolo pulled with 5 stones left.Count me as lucky with all the Shit luck I had recently on the past few banners missing on ssj3 vegeta and ssj3 goku agl/str while my friend whom is a f2p dokkan player gets vegeta and goku. So I take plunge and say Fuck it I don't need the Dragon stones for world tournament I don't have a team that can get me a shit ton of wins quick anyway. Pull a str multi summon and get a few decent z fighters with str Sr goku awakened and tien and etc.
Low and behold pull ur beerus str and ur Android 17 which would pair nice with my ur Android int 18. Then 5 stones left, Fuck it!!!! Yolo pull on dokkan fes banner for villains.....boom!!!!! Legendary super saiyan broly. Patience, patience. Lol
I did a single pull on the STR banner since that's the only type I don't have a natural SSR yet.
Got SSR TEQ Vegito.
Certainly not a bad pull, but I've already got UR Super Saiyan Goku, UR Super Buu and UR SSJ3 Vegeta for my TEQ needs, so another SSR TEQ wasn't really what I wanted right now...
Where are people getting pull/drop rates for!? Do they get published? Or is reddit just guesstimating?
I hadn't even looked at his skills but you're right, might swap Super Buu out of my main team for him ready for the World Tournament and replace SSJ3 Vegeta as leader.SSR Vegito is really high tier though. That +50% attack on leader skill + passive is amazing.
There's a guy on Reddit who does thousands of rolls on PCs. He compiles all of the data and gives your odds of pulling the banner characters as well as the general SSRS rate. He also gives you the longest dry spell without pulling a certain character, and he does this for just about every new summon. Really useful information.Certainly not a bad pull, but I've already got UR Super Saiyan Goku, UR Super Buu and UR SSJ3 Vegeta for my TEQ needs, so another SSR TEQ wasn't really what I wanted right now...
Where are people getting pull/drop rates for!? Do they get published? Or is reddit just guesstimating?
One pull on the Dokkan Fest and I got
are these guys good
Has anyone tried nuking broly with phy vegeta ssb nuke leader and weight of hope phy goku? I know phy is weak to str but I only have that one nuking character and trying to get medals on event. Would like to see if I could get some friends to try nuking him. Not sure if it would even be effective with phy nuke combo.
One pull on the Dokkan Fest and I got
are these guys good
Terrible. You should sell your cell to baba. Keep the int whis.One pull on the Dokkan Fest and I got
are these guys good