Xeno Trunks tho?Dupe phy trunks.
Xeno Trunks tho?Dupe phy trunks.
Nah. Bodybuilder trunks. I have xeno. Currently wanting agl ssg and agl golden so bad.Xeno Trunks tho?
I tried it once and said fuck it, especially since the Tourney is on as well - I'm not wasting energy on that that I can put towards getting sub-2500.Nah. Bodybuilder trunks. I have xeno. Currently wanting agl ssg and agl golden so bad.
Have anyone tried the hot level 12? Is it me or is it impossible to do a no item clear without a broly friend and some luck? I cleared it with the help of sa10 broly friend that came out during the first turn. My over in a flash team was literally game over in a flash against them.
Just remember, TUR is comingWelcome back to GSSR dupe city! Got another TEQ SSJ2 Goku. ;__;
Yeah, to get 80 wins with time to spare I end up spending approx. 10 Stones on Stamina refills, but I'm also Rank 235 so I have 125 Stamina.How are some of you spending so much time to get so many wins on the tournament? 80 wins? Bloody hell.
Are you just using stones to refresh stamina or something? I've been hoarding as many as I could so up to about 160 at the moment rather than using them on stamina refresh for the tournament.
There are people in my Friends list that are close to 300.Rank 235? Bloody hell, I thought I was doing well at 96
How are some of you spending so much time to get so many wins on the tournament? 80 wins? Bloody hell.
Are you just using stones to refresh stamina or something? I've been hoarding as many as I could so up to about 160 at the moment rather than using them on stamina refresh for the tournament.
You only need to worry about the last mission (12) because there's a no item or stones used achievement tied to it.like Snake says, gems isnt a problem for tournament. You will earn gems back over it if you are level 200+.
Time is the problem. Will need at least 20 hours over 5 days to get those 80 wins.
Sitting at 15mil now. Think I will go to 15.5 to be safe in top 10k.
Need to start doing the additional Future trunks event.
Any idea what enemies type are in those stages?
You only need to worry about the last mission (12) because there's a no item or stones used achievement tied to it.
Phy phy teq str
Bleh, never leave 30 wins for the last 24 hours...
How are some of you spending so much time to get so many wins on the tournament? 80 wins? Bloody hell.
Are you just using stones to refresh stamina or something? I've been hoarding as many as I could so up to about 160 at the moment rather than using them on stamina refresh for the tournament.
Because of him, I'm almost always able to activate Brolys super when they appear together.I feel bad for being upset about getting STR Android 17 last tournament. His higher card cost along with orb changing passive makes him great for the tournament.
That's an amateur maneuver, Kitty...Bleh, never leave 30 wins for the last 24 hours...
There are people in my Friends list that are close to 300.
I actually got him for my 80th win ticket just now. I was kinda bummed out, but I guess he's not so bad. :]I feel bad for being upset about getting STR Android 17 last tournament. His higher card cost along with orb changing passive makes him great for the tournament.
Woke up 15 minutes before closing time and saw I dropped to 959 from 400 something. I should've managed to sneak my way into top 1000 after a couple goes, but I wasn't expecting it to be this competitive! Usually I could be within that 500ish range and sleep for several hours and not move that much.
So I just installed this for the first time and was immediately greeted with 34 dragon stones in the mail on top of the 5 free ones they give you at the beginning. Is there a site with a guide or a list of recommended characters to have at the start? I spent all of them between the top two gatchas and unsure if I should reroll or not. I figure that if I were to reroll, I should get those 34 free stones in the mail again, right?
Characters I got were:
SR AGL Cell (first form)
SR TEQ Guldo
SR TEQ SSJ Goten (kid)
SSR STR SSJ Gohan (youth)
R STR Shisami
R STR Krillin
SR PHY Android #17 (future)
You can check out a current tier list here.
Right now is probably not a good time to roll. The best unit in the game (and will be for a couple months) should be releasing on Friday. Additionally, we should all be getting 77 free stones as part of an event Wednesday. If you were to reroll Friday, you could have a shot at Gogeta and start off with around 100 stones.
Played up until the end and finished approx. Rank #2000. Well withing my target of sub-2.5k.
Also we blitzed the Facebook event, so have 10 Stones and an SSR AGL Spirit Bomb Goku incoming tomorrow along with the chance for another 10 Stones in an added tier.
Just looked at the stats for Bardock. Makes sense.That Bardock is a good card so people are trying harder. It was the same for Kaioken PHY Goku.
Played up until the end and finished approx. Rank #2000. Well withing my target of sub-2.5k.
Also we blitzed the Facebook event, so have 10 Stones and an SSR AGL Spirit Bomb Goku incoming tomorrow along with the chance for another 10 Stones in an added tier.
You're cutting it close. The 10 wins are doable but I'm not sure about making it under 10k
When you wake up with 70 wins, 12k rank and 2 hours left in the tournament.
Bring broly friend with str ki leader. Add in Jaco and chiaotzu to stun the enemy to set up orbs for broly.Doing the last mission for future trunks is fucked
It seems like I'd need an sa10 friend Broly and incredible luck