Things are going well with my rerolled Gogeta account. Did another 50-stone Janemba pull, got SSR STR Goten. Never had that card before. Leader skill +5% atk for ever ki sphere, and passive changes all PHY to Rainbow orbs, and helps with Broly by disabling rampage. Beast of a card, good pull as I rebuild the roster.
These are the characters I have:
I can post more if you need, but would any of these guys be able to defeat Broly, Cell, Buu, or Gogeta?
What's the process for rerolling? I'm debating doing the same since I really want that Gogeta having used him in my friends list a lot now. I've managed to pick up about half of the other characters from the banner but the main one continues to elude me, and now I've not really got many more stones left to collect and probably won't squeeze in another multipull.
Re-rolling is essentially deleting the game, re-installing, doing your first set of pull(s) for a specific character (or characters), and repeating the process until you get what you want. If you get something you're not sure if you want to settle on or not, issue a transfer passcode and keep it safe in case you want to return to it later (it should also be done for your primary account, if you want to go back to it if you fail at your re-rolls). You'll need a second device to use the transfer passcode on (since it can't be used on the same device that issued it), but you can always use an emulator if you need to. Then you issue another transfer passcode, and use that one on your primary device.What's the process for rerolling? I'm debating doing the same since I really want that Gogeta having used him in my friends list a lot now. I've managed to pick up about half of the other characters from the banner but the main one continues to elude me, and now I've not really got many more stones left to collect and probably won't squeeze in another multipull.
Yeah, definitely work on Broly as quickly as possible. Gogeta might be out of your league right now, but you could probably handle TEQ Cell, if you want to do the stun strategy (with INT Turles and any other stun characters you have).These are the characters I have:
I can post more if you need, but would any of these guys be able to defeat Broly, Cell, Buu, or Gogeta?
I'll pray for you.0 for two![]()
Since we got FP Frieza earlier than scheduled, people on Reddit are expecting Ult Gohan to be the next event, but I don't know if that's about a month from now, or a month after the WT ends, because that's at the end of July. Sometime in August is probably a fair guess.
After that for JP it was the Heroes event with new levels and medals to rebirth INT Gohan and INT Trunks, then new story chapters with Baba Treasure/gems, then GT story, then Villains for Majin Vegeta and PHY Buu, then SSJ3 Vegeta festival.
Ah excellent thanks.
I'm actually a bit surprised how many Gogeta's I'm seeing on my friends list, I knew a fair amount of people would end up with him but it's more than I remember Broly receiving when he first came out. What was the drop rate on him again?
About 0.45%.
I think when Broly debuted he was at 0.25-0.3%, and people saved/bought/spent proportionally way more stones for Gogeta.
I'm copying this:
but instead of the Future trunks I'm using Turles. Stupid FP pull won't give me a goddamn trunks! I did 20 of em, and nada.
Been less than a week since I rerolled and my rank is over 100. Thank you triple xp.
That's making me really nervous about Super Vegito then. I only have 32 stones atm. Damn...
He does rates for JP banners too.
It looks like Super Vegito is about the same rate as Super Gogeta in Global. At least that banner includes PHY Broly (and Gogeta) so it's not split up like Gogeta and Janemba.
Indeed there is.There's gonna be a PHY Broly?
Playing around with some damage calculators, SA 10 Gogeta does a lot of damage.
STR Goku - Great Brilliance is kind of overrated as a nuker despite the monstrous +15% per orb bonus. Without exploiting type bonus, even at SA 10, it NEVER out-nukes SA 10 Gogeta assuming both use a full 23-ki orb board and nuke leads. Against PHY, Goku needs SA 4+ to out-damage Gogeta, so it's really only good when nuking PHY, and it definitely needs its SA raised through the free TEQ Gokus to be useful.
On a separate note, post-Dokkan INT Vegito is basically identical to TEQ Cell in nuke output. Both cards get +12% per orb as passive, but Vegito's 145% 12-ki bonus makes up for the missing 400 in base damage compared to Cell. The damage output is functionally the same. Cell has slightly higher potential if you can activate more villain links.
Thanks guys, I've opted for rerolling for sure now since I have another device I can backup my other account on anyway. Decided to go the route of using an emulator to reroll so it should be fairly speedy, you're right though I should have done this a few days ago really. Unfortunately Bluestacks was giving me hassle (folder needed for automated reroll missing, game eventually becoming unable to launch even redownloaded with a cleared cache etc) so I've opted for Droid4x now. Hopefully this one works for me, if not I'll probably just reroll whenever the next monster of a card is released.
STR SS3 Goku was my bugbear-SSR - got him once and managed to get him to TUR with Max SA. Then proceeded to get him again TWICE in the last 2 WTs. He became Baba points.So SSJ3 Goku STR has a twice lower drop rate than Gogeta and I got him two times but no Gogeta. RNG is horrible :""")
STR SS3 Goku was my bugbear-SSR - got him once and managed to get him to TUR with Max SA. Then proceeded to get him again TWICE in the last 2 WTs. He became Baba points.
So SSJ3 Goku STR has a twice lower drop rate than Gogeta and I got him two times but no Gogeta. RNG is horrible :""")
Reread my post; I'd already gotten him to TUR with max SA. There was literally no use for him anymore...I think it's better to use him for training. Gets your special atk higher
You may get the AGI SSJ3 Goku in the future and raise his SA thoReread my post; I'd already gotten him to TUR with max SA. There was literally no use for him anymore...
This is why I'm focusing on getting my Broly team ready as quickly as possible. I just pulled him a few days ago and have enough medals to Dokkan him. I just need to get my Ki support (+2 Ki to STR/All) ready, and I'll be set!This upcoming tournament gonna be difficult.
Lots of people will be grinding hard.
Are we friends yet? I'll have my Broly up for the tournament, if you want to make use of him. I have my Dokkan'd Gogeta up now. Feel free to send me a request if you want!I'll be grinding hard to get the GSSR ticket and possibly stay around 5-10k range. No Broly, but got my Gogeta team ready and my player rank ready.
Alrighty, just checking.Yeah, I'm Poco. The guy with the Gogeta with super rank 7.
Yep, exactly why I'm choosing to lead with him myself (well, aside from helping out people on my Friend List who don't have him). Not just that, by running with Gogeta as leader you're losing one spot in your roster where you can put another Ki support for Broly.Using Broly lead(instead of Gogeta) is actually better for point gain, as you should only use your other member to block and do nonlethal dmg to enemy and shoot Broly SA as much as possible.
At least till Majin Vegeta is out, people with both GoBro should use Broly lead instead of Gogeta.
Nah man, I wouldn't bother for that on only a chance to up it. I'd sell him for Baba points, and use Kais to level his SA up (but I don't have him yet, so not bothered.)You may get the AGI SSJ3 Goku in the future and raise his SA tho.
Feel like feeding my old Kai to him too but Feeding another element unit like FF Frieza seems better as i already have Gogeta as the STR hard hitter.
This upcoming tournament gonna be difficult.
Lots of people will be grinding hard.
I am not ashamed to say my friendlist is 99% Awakened Gogetas. I will eventually weed out the ones with low super attack levels to make room for other characters.
Just need 1 more attack all unit to make Tournaments a total breeze. Right now there is Broly, Majin Vegeta and Xeno Trunks in JP + a friend unit of any of those 3. So in total you can make sure you super in either rotation especially in the prelims where your 2nd rotation is forced to come out when fighting the 2nd opponent. Most people only have 1 or maybe 2 units though.
If you don't want to bother with rerolling, you can have one of these accounts I got while rerolling for shits and giggles.
I grind faster than my friend that has broly. He's not a necessity
So he's not actually grinding? Or by you are faster, you mean he reaches 80 on last few hours and is efficient.He concerned about wasting stam and stones when I really don't care. I almost always get a Broly friend and always super.
That may change now with Gogeta though