Nice team!
For me, I won't be going with Gogeta (leading with Broly), so I can fit another +Ki link in there. The way I figure, I want as many +Ki passives as possible, so I have a better chance of firing off Broly's super. Of course that will change when Majin Vegeta gets his rebirth. When he does, it's Gogeta all of the time, with my other "Over in a Flash" characters.
Speaking of Broly, I wonder if he will ever receive another Awakening. With all of the other "Attack All" characters in the game (Majin Vegeta, Xeno Trunks, etc.), he isn't as special as he once was. He's still extremely powerful, of course, with a nice STR leader ability. He just doesn't link exceptionally well with other characters. Considering he's a Dokkan Fest-only character, I'm sure they'll eventually do something to make him more viable for more teams (and not just tournaments). All they really need to do is extend his links a bit and he'll find a lot more use.
Anyway, best of luck to you in the tournament! I need to wait until the end of the month for my chance. I can't wait for those SSR tickets.