Congrats!Broly awakened. Time to just rest until the tourney. Going to grind my first 80 wins on this one
Yeah, I've been taking it easy too, I need to rest before tournament hell. First time with a Broly though, so I'm looking forward to it.
Congrats!Broly awakened. Time to just rest until the tourney. Going to grind my first 80 wins on this one
Oy, RNG can be a cruel mistress. Decided to do the 40 stone discount pull for the God banner, and I got 2 banner SSR'S! - but they are the two shitty SSB Vegetas (Agi and Str)
Man their links are some next-level garbage. Was really hoping for a SSG Goku. Oh well
Isn't SSB (STR) Vegeta getting a rebirth?Oy, RNG can be a cruel mistress. Decided to do the 40 stone discount pull for the God banner, and I got 2 banner SSR'S! - but they are the two shitty SSB Vegetas (Agi and Str)
Man their links are some next-level garbage. Was really hoping for a SSG Goku. Oh well
I did it with a double Gogeta lead and the AGL Kid Trunks to guard/disable Rampage on the turn Broly attacked (and a few other AGL characters to block, in case he did an Attack-All). I just alternated turns, so AGL Trunks, and the other AGL characters, were active on the turn Broly attacked, and then used my double Gogeta (on the other turn) to deal damage. If the turns don't sync up well, just use a Ghost Usher to fix things.Havent looked at this in a while, is it possible to beat Z-Hard Brolly without units that bypass Ravage?
Yeah, the 28th, IIRC. It was listed in the First Anniversary news post.Is the new WT this week? Normally we get a weeks notice at least and nothing has popped up about it.
Day 01, post-1 Yr Anniversary events: "Where's all my Daily Login Bonuses??!?" login bonuses.... Come back!
Well we were supposed to get one stone and a few other things from the 80 million downloads thing. Like it was supposed to start with this login, hopefully compensation is in order
And the missions that were added are way harder than those awakening medals are worth. Why aren't they the same difficulty as the earlier Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo ones? Not that it matters to me - I have none of those characters and aren't planning to pull on that junk banner.Hm, new summon banner for TUR characters, but no discount pull.
Think I'll hold my stones for Super Vegito.
Isn't SSB (STR) Vegeta getting a rebirth?
Welp, was thinking about awakening Gohan but I can't even make a dent on the first new Majin mission lol
Guess i'll just try to get Vegeta's medals.
Is the STR Vegeta also farmable or just Whis?
Yeah, the 28th, IIRC. It was listed in the First Anniversary news post.
All of my newly minted Gogeta friends are using some scrubtastic villain leaders.
Hey if you see him use my AGI Frizea.
He's like villain protection extraordinary!
Trying to get those Gohan medals seems really not worth it, especially considering how weak the villain card are compared to the heroes.
No. Might be getting one when ROF comes back to jp in a few days. Other than that we'll have to wait for a potential dokkan festIsn't SSB (STR) Vegeta getting a rebirth?
Sorry, it seems I was mistaken.I don't know - where would I investigate this?
Sorry, it seems I was mistaken.![]()
They will be anyway.Curses! May all your pulls be yamchas!
Playing through the Heroes Extermination event and just noticed that I really don't have a lot of good villains lol. It's pretty much just patch work at this moment trying to get through the missions. I probably wont be able to beat the last four stages with my team. the buu stage has candies what the hell? Aren't like ALL the characters that have a sweet tooth Supers, not Extremes?
Don't do it.I'm so tempted on pulling the Limit Break banner >.<
+1Don't do it.
I just want to point out to people here because it's only futile here, but beyond futile on Reddit that Japan had their rates down to 5% until right before Super Vegito. Global doesn't fucking hate you.Big news: the rates for ALL current banners have CHANGED sometime in the last 24 hours.
~5% across the board, probably after maintenance.
I strongly suggest avoiding any pulls. Wait for more details.