About that, does Vegeta end when the day changes over in game tonight (8pm eastern for me) too?!
According to the date in the News item, yes.
We should be getting the two INT Super Strikes.
Oh man, I low-balled how many rounds I needed to get to Beers tier. I'll still come out ahead, but it'll take 4 more wins, not 2 like I thought. Unless I get a bonus team in there.
Still, I'm all for it. Might even push me into the 10-20k rank if no one else plays much tonight (doubtful)
Damn, I forgot about those. Since i'm on a rerolled Gogeta, I don't have Android 16 farmed yet, and he's basically necessary for LR Goku. So, I guess that's my life for a while.
The good thing about the WT grind is that it allowed me to level up the rest of the 10 TEQ Gokus from that previous tournament.
I also have a missing Android 16, he just wouldn't drop last time lol Luckily it's only one.
Yeah not looking forward to the grind, hopefully it's not toooo bad to get my copies.
Done with my WT for now. 4 stones for 8 runs, but I got 7 stones back. That's good enough for me, plus it moved me into the next tier. I checked DBZ space and 10k is at about 9.5 million points, which is just short of double my score so... I won't even bother. Maybe if I had started earlier... eh, whatever. I'll check back in near the end of the night, might use a stone to see if I can secure a top 20k. Rewards aren't really all that different at this level, just the number of medals and SSR Guaranteed silver tickets
EDIT: Also of those 8 rounds, about 5 of the first rounds were all Zeni stage-1s. What the hell!
Shouldn't have left 24 wins left for the last 10 hours. :/
It seems so. You and I have had a horribly similar summon history, eh Dolan?Are you me?
Took all my Oolongs and like 8 stones shared with doing WT to refresh my friends list for good Gogetas but I made it. Hovering around 18k in WT so I'll get an SSR out of that too.
Don't bother imo. Unless you got all the Elder Kai's from treasure already. How many do you have?Didn't play yesterday and only dropped from 300ish rank to 800. Debating now if it's worth spending a stone or two to refill stamina and stay below 1k or to just call it quits. How much do I really want the extra elder Kai is what it boils down to.
Got him too80 wins for Majuub
Don't bother imo. Unless you got all the Elder Kai's from treasure already. How many do you have?
Probably. Honestly the Kai's in the shop will probably return. Seems like only characters change to something new. If so that would be an amazing way to SA10 characters. I got 3/10 Kai's I'm trying to get Piccolo since he has the guard passive. Then I might noted getting 12k fruits for KaiUub is the ultimate L.
None and I already got the four from Baba's shop.
Probably not worth it if I'm not gonna stay up until the end. I'll probably lose my spot while sleeping.
I'd say spend it before lame great apes poison the pool. ._.Not gonna lie, finished my 80 wins this morning, and I really don't wanna pull. Got nothing but dupes for the last 3 WT's, and Majuub feels likes he's just waiting behind my WT ticket.
Congrats! You can slide him and Janemba into most teams easily as blockers. Keep the two separated on different turns blocking and most content become easy.
I'd say spend it before lame great apes poison the pool. ._.
Welp. Another Android 13. Pretty sure if I kept all the ones the WT's been giving me, he'd be close to SA 10 already.
At least that's an easy 10k baba points.
Got to my 80 wins, and pulled my GSSR.
Dupe Fusion Android #13.
RIP me.
Are you me?
Hopefully you can pull Phy Broly?
This is us, guys. :S
Also, ended up at 871. Woop. King Vegeta time!
Pulled STR SS Gohan from the 20 stone banner. Now I have a team of Super Saiyans.
So before my horrific 80 wins pull I used all of my tickets in hopes to pull Xeno Trunks or one of the new PHYs to come out, or TEQ Bardock.
I got none of these and 2 were dupes but I wasn't disappointed because I finally got AGL SSG which I've wanted for a long time.
I did 4 pulls on the Phys banner to get some Phys characters and I pulled the same exact character 4 times in a row. COME ON.
Two Vegeta(wait, the planet, my son, or me?) Medals and 12 to go. I already grinded his drops a long time ago so I have a SA10 and 15 ready. I need two more android 16 I think.I take it it wasn't 4 times SSB Vegeta, then
edit: in the meantime, lucky number for my ONE Android 16 card I needed was 17 runs.